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Monsters Inside Me

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isn't that the show on Animal Planet? I watch it and I freak out.


When I was in China, finalizing my adoption in Guang Zhao, I felt tremendous pain in my leg. Something had bitten me and honestly, it felt like I had been stabbed with a knife! I jumped and looked down but saw nothing.


That night I was awakened out of a sound sleep in SEVERE pain. I felt something moving inside my leg and the pain was UNBEARABLE. I didn't know what to do so I squeezed my leg as tight as I could, putting fingertip pressure on top of where it was wiggling inside. I applied so much pressure to ease the pain that I honestly thought I could break a bone. The pain finally went away.


I came home and told my doctor. As usual, this is what I got: :001_huh: I believe I've told a couple of doctors now. Same reaction. They have NO idea what to do with that.


So then the lovely show Monsters Inside Me comes on. I watch, look for symptoms (really, the entire situation FREAKS me out!), and wonder when the pest will ever show itself. Some of them take 30 years before they wreak havoc on a person!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I oftentimes wonder if my memory issues or other issues that pop up are related. I do nothing knowing that I'll get :001_huh: again.


So today I get a little freaked out. I swear I feel a bug crawling between my toes. What's REALLY weird is that my toes on my left foot are splaying. IF I remember right, and that's a HUGE IF, the issue in China was in my right leg. Today I'm telling you I kept rubbing my foot, swearing I felt a bug crawling in there. It was NOT a small bug. Eventually it went away. I have NO idea if the splaying is related. I mention splaying to two doctors, one a podiatrist. I get this again: :001_huh: But that feeling of the bug crawling........ the Guang Zhao incident just NEVER leaves my mind.



Edited by Denisemomof4
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I guess I would read to the end of the internet until I found some threads to give me a clue what was going on... Do you happen to have an Asian-born doctors in your area? If one of them grew up in Asia, esp. China/Taiwan/Hong Kong (thinking proximity to Guangzhou), perhaps they would know of pests that would give these symptoms. Like this. (Read down to disease vectors).



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I have read online until I turned blue in the face, I have had MRI's after my head injury, and an OSTEOPATH, Mariann? Really? How on earth could they help? I admit I was a TOTAL skeptic the first time you recommended this but MAN did he help!!! I guess I could face the jerk again. :glare: I will ignore his RUDE comments.

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I wonder if the CDC would have any information that may help. I think there is a phone number and email address on their website. They may be able to help you get in touch with a specialist in the field.


I wonder if Perry may know what specialty to research?




Good luck...I hope you don't mind if I start calling you Denisemomof4and.host.to.1......lol



Sorry, couldn't resist.



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I wonder if the CDC would have any information that may help. I think there is a phone number and email address on their website. They may be able to help you get in touch with a specialist in the field.


I wonder if Perry may know what specialty to research?




Good luck...I hope you don't mind if I start calling you Denisemomof4and.host.to.1......lol



Sorry, couldn't resist.





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I have read online until I turned blue in the face, I have had MRI's after my head injury, and an OSTEOPATH, Mariann? Really? How on earth could they help? I admit I was a TOTAL skeptic the first time you recommended this but MAN did he help!!! I guess I could face the jerk again. :glare: I will ignore his RUDE comments.


If he is skilled at OMT, and there is something in there that shouldn't be in there, and IF he is really skilled (ours is amazing), I might tolerate him for one more visit. Can't you find one that you like?:confused:

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I wonder if the CDC would have any information that may help. I think there is a phone number and email address on their website. They may be able to help you get in touch with a specialist in the field.


I wonder if Perry may know what specialty to research?




Good luck...I hope you don't mind if I start calling you Denisemomof4and.host.to.1......lol



Sorry, couldn't resist.




now that is JUST NOT RIGHT.



Host to 1 would be welcome. They multiply. :eek::svengo:

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Could you try to find an experienced and reputable naturopath? Especially one who might have some knowledge of tropical diseases & parasites.


I Googled the show because I'd never heard of it. Sometimes ignorance is a good thing... :eek::ack2::svengo::svengo::svengo:


I did the same thing. That was a mistake. :eek:


I also followed Nakia's link. :willy_nilly:


Someone should really take this thing away from me. Right now. :tongue_smilie:

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I have read online until I turned blue in the face, I have had MRI's after my head injury, .


So, when you had the head injury, did they do an MRI on your foot and leg? I'd want someone exploring me there, since that's where some of your indicators are.


Also, have you had bloodwork done? Extensive panels? I'd definitely ask for as complete of one as you can. Any clue might be the start of revealing the cause.


Will keep you in our prayers. :grouphug:

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isn't that the show on Animal Planet? I watch it and I freak out.


When I was in China, finalizing my adoption in Guang Zhao, I felt tremendous pain in my leg. Something had bitten me and honestly, it felt like I had been stabbed with a knife! I jumped and looked down but saw nothing.


That night I was awakened out of a sound sleep in SEVERE pain. I felt something moving inside my leg and the pain was UNBEARABLE. I didn't know what to do so I squeezed my leg as tight as I could, putting fingertip pressure on top of where it was wiggling inside. I applied so much pressure to ease the pain that I honestly thought I could break a bone. The pain finally went away.


I came home and told my doctor. As usual, this is what I got: :001_huh: I believe I've told a couple of doctors now. Same reaction. They have NO idea what to do with that.


So then the lovely show Monsters Inside Me comes on. I watch, look for symptoms (really, the entire situation FREAKS me out!), and wonder when the pest will ever show itself. Some of them take 30 years before they wreak havoc on a person!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I oftentimes wonder if my memory issues or other issues that pop up are related. I do nothing knowing that I'll get :001_huh: again.


So today I get a little freaked out. I swear I feel a bug crawling between my toes. What's REALLY weird is that my toes on my left foot are splaying. IF I remember right, and that's a HUGE IF, the issue in China was in my right leg. Today I'm telling you I kept rubbing my foot, swearing I felt a bug crawling in there. It was NOT a small bug. Eventually it went away. I have NO idea if the splaying is related. I mention splaying to two doctors, one a podiatrist. I get this again: :001_huh: But that feeling of the bug crawling........ the Guang Zhao incident just NEVER leaves my mind.




Get my @ss to an infectious disease specialist who has a buddy in neurology. (eg: skip right over all of the flower essence folk)


It sounds as if you were either bitten by something that has, over time, effected your central nervous system in some way or you got the short end of the stick and were zapped with something called neuralgia.


The American Society for Tropical Medicine and Hygiene can help you find a doctor in your area to determine if you have indeed been infected by a parasite. You may not have. It is entirely possible that that bite simply coincided with a subclinical neurological issue.


Creepy crawly feelings are also defined as "neuropathy", "neuropathic pain", and sometimes "restless legs", as all emanate from disturbed nerve endings (why they're disturbed is the million dollar question). I don't know what your definition of "splayed" is, but neuralgia can cause ones feet to move into interesting positions. Only a neurologist would be able to tell you the answer there. Ditto for memory issues. The neurologist, I mean.


Good luck,




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So, when you had the head injury, did they do an MRI on your foot and leg? I'd want someone exploring me there, since that's where some of your indicators are.


Also, have you had bloodwork done? Extensive panels? I'd definitely ask for as complete of one as you can. Any clue might be the start of revealing the cause.


Will keep you in our prayers. :grouphug:


oh, forgive me. I've had a head injury. ;) No, never had MRI's of the leg, HAVE had x-rays of the foot. No bloodwork or panels, but thanks for the suggestion!

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Get my @ss to an infectious disease specialist who has a buddy in neurology. (eg: skip right over all of the flower essence folk)


It sounds as if you were either bitten by something that has, over time, effected your central nervous system in some way or you got the short end of the stick and were zapped with something called neuralgia.


The American Society for Tropical Medicine and Hygiene can help you find a doctor in your area to determine if you have indeed been infected by a parasite. You may not have. It is entirely possible that that bite simply coincided with a subclinical neurological issue.


Creepy crawly feelings are also defined as "neuropathy", "neuropathic pain", and sometimes "restless legs", as all emanate from disturbed nerve endings (why they're disturbed is the million dollar question). I don't know what your definition of "splayed" is, but neuralgia can cause ones feet to move into interesting positions. Only a neurologist would be able to tell you the answer there. Ditto for memory issues. The neurologist, I mean.


Good luck,





Thanks, Asta! I was hoping you'd respond!!!:001_smile:


I've already made a few phone calls after you posted those links. Thanks SO much.


I truly don't think I had a neuralgia issue. I'm telling you that I know that I know that I know that bug was inside my leg. There was NO mistaking it!


I remember making calls awhile ago and got nowhere. I can't remember for the life of me who I called. But after reading in your links and my initial calls, I believe I'm finally going to get somewhere.



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When I was in the Amazon they were telling me about a researcher who woke up in the night once to find something perched over his eyeball. He started screaming and they found a spider on his eye that had injected some sort of natural anesthetic and was sucking the fluid out of his eyeball. It had totally drained his eyeball while he slept and he ended up losing sight in that eye.

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I feel super grooty even telling this story!

I came back from my honeymoon with a parasite in my R foot.

At the time I was a new grad RN in a bigger hospital - I had unbearable itching and red almost like trail marks from the thing moving inside my foot...I showed it to a Dr on the floor in desperation...he must have had a recent seminar on parasites b/c he figured it out right there! The residents were gathered around to "learn". I was horrified!

I wound up at my Dr's getting it burned out with liquid Nitrogen. Let me tell you it hurt!!! I still have a scar and a gross memory of my trip.

Keep trying until you find someone.

I'd call the biggest hospital in your area and ask for the name of a physician group in the area that handles potential parasite cases. You have a history of foreign travel. That should be enought to get you in the door.


Hope it works out fast!!



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When I was in the Amazon they were telling me about a researcher who woke up in the night once to find something perched over his eyeball. He started screaming and they found a spider on his eye that had injected some sort of natural anesthetic and was sucking the fluid out of his eyeball. It had totally drained his eyeball while he slept and he ended up losing sight in that eye.


Well that will make her feel better. :tongue_smilie: I, fwiw, have lost all desire to travel, ever again, anywhere.

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When traveling in some backwater parts of Latin America I've seen children with distended bellies, a sure sign of a massive bolus of worms in the gut. It's heart-breaking and nauseating at the same time. I donated some money to a de-worming charity, but this thread makes me think I should do so again.

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A friend of mine traveled to Ethiopia to adopt her son and the airline lost her luggage. Due to that she had only one pair of socks. Apparently some sort of parasite invaded through a crack in her foot (from wearing the icky socks the whole time). The parasite (worm-like) crawled all the way up to her knee and it was really hard to get rid of. She could feel them moving in her leg. So, that kind of stuff does happen!


After reading this thread I am afraid to do anything but stand naked in a clean room. {{shudder}} And the fact that I am a Hive Mind Royal LARVAE is kind of squicking me out!

Edited by LaissezFaire
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Why, oh why didn't I heed the warnings not to look?


Well, to be honest, my warning was actually me trying to force myself to close the thread and get over to the K-8 board quickly...yet, here I still am :banghead: I even did click on the YouTube look, but as soon as I saw the guy's back and the duct tape, I started pounding on my keyboard to close the window :svengo:


Denise, honestly, I would start making calls and seeing doctors, and I would not stop until I had some answers. There has GOT to be a way to solve this for you. I'm so sorry you're going through it! I can't even imagine.

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When I was in the Amazon they were telling me about a researcher who woke up in the night once to find something perched over his eyeball. He started screaming and they found a spider on his eye that had injected some sort of natural anesthetic and was sucking the fluid out of his eyeball. It had totally drained his eyeball while he slept and he ended up losing sight in that eye.



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You need to see someone who has worked overseas with parasites and other issues typical for that area. Try for Dr. either born in China or medical missionaries who were there for a number of years.


My mil came back from SE Asia and ended up sick. Luckily, a dr. that she knew from when they lived there long term was still practicing in this area. He is one of the 3-4 doctors in the state who would have ever had experience with the tropical illness she had and knew what to do for her. Her normal Dr. would have been clueless.


my doctors have been clueless, and phone calls years ago got me nowhere. But feeling something crawling on the inside of my foot today, NOT the normal feeling of little heebie jeebies crawling on the skin, made me feel like I can't stop until I get answers now.


I'm the classic definition of taking care of everyone else and neglecting myself.

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Well that will make her feel better. :tongue_smilie: I, fwiw, have lost all desire to travel, ever again, anywhere.


I HATE TO TRAVEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't even want to go to China but had to because my dd had to get home. ;) On the way back, oldest ds was SO sick that he passed out in the bathroom on the plane. We had to break down the door to get him out! Then they cleared the the food prep area for ds to be tended to and given a shot.


On our layover in IL there was a HORRIFIC storm. We sat on the runway for HOURS with screaming, crying, Chinese babies. And a sick kid. The power went out. When we finally took off, the plane was VERY unsteady and I cried my heart out!


Anyway....................ds................... wonder if HE also had something happen? I need to convince him to come with me wherever I go.


Before our trip to China, our family had NEVER suffered from conjunctivitis. The day after our return, I had THE WORST case. It took two medications and double doses to clear it up.


My parents travelled to China (they travelled around the world) and after my mother's return she was SO sick that she passed out while on the phone talking to her doctor.


I've heard many similar stories after a trip to China.

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A friend of mine traveled to Ethiopia to adopt her son and the airline lost her luggage. Due to that she had only one pair of socks. Apparently some sort of parasite invaded through a crack in her foot (from wearing the icky socks the whole time). The parasite (worm-like) crawled all the way up to her knee and it was really hard to get rid of. She could feel them moving in her leg. So, that kind of stuff does happen!


After reading this thread I am afraid to do anything but stand naked in a clean room. {{shudder}} And the fact that I am a Hive Mind Royal LARVAE is kind of squicking me out!


can you give me more details? How long after the trip was it removed? How did she know it was in there?

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Can you actually see movement under the skin when this happens? Maybe you could video it, and then :svengo:.


Oh my.:scared:


I *see* nothing, which makes it even MORE frustrating. It's only been two times in six years, mind you, but I have many new symptoms which I figured were age related. I know. Stupid. :glare:

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Do you have any TCM (traditional chinese medicine) docs in your area?


it's funny............ a friend here pm'd me about this and I actually contacted one about acupuncture a couple of weeks back about issues unrelated, SO I THOUGHT, and now I'm thinking she may be more of a resource than I realized. She does TCM, is from China, and worked in Chinese hospitals.

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I shouldn't have opened this post! Note to self don't read about parasites at lunch time.


I was searching for more information on teaching Chinese language. My middle 2 are learning some Chinese at the moment, and we are wondering whether or not to continue it.


And as I finished reading this post - my daughter breaks out the Chinese left over Lo Mien an asks if it's still good - it looks a lot like that worm I had been envisioning inside you. (I imagined a worm cause I knew someone who had a worm come out her nose following a detox. Umm ya icky!) I told her not to eat it cause I am freaked out. LOL! :lol::001_huh:


Call that acupuncturist!!


And you need to detoxify your body and take some things to start killing those parasites. Icky!

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