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I wish I could send my sweetie-pies to school

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My oldest, who went to ps in Kg and 1st is the only one who consistently does NOT want to go to ps. She was bored to tears. My middle went in preschool, so she thinks it is all fun and games.


What made want to homeschool was:

The fact that 'lunch' consisted of a breadstick, salad and milk on some days. Not even a good sized salad! She would constantly come home hungry.

The teacher said that she zones out all of the time... She was bored!

There was a gun brought to school by a 3rd grader.


'Nuff said

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Wow, do I hear you. I have taken to telling him, "If you went to building school you would already have been there for 2 hours!" and "If you went to building school, you still wouldn't be home yet, *and* you'd have work to do at home after dinner!" I'm pretty sure he thinks I am teasing him.


The only thing that stops me sending him as an "I-told-you-so" some days is the fact that if he has to be out the door by 6 to catch the bus, I've got to get him up and out. :D

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for just one week, so that they could see that they really do have it better at home. They really do. They have no clue. Sometimes, they act like "education" is something that I made up on my own just to torment them.



Are you sure you haven't been a fly on our homeschool wall before? :lol: This sounds, exactly, word for word, like something I've said to my hubby after one of "those" days.

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My son wouldn't make it as far as school. If he had to get up at six and go out into the cold dark to catch the bus, that would be it for him. :D


:lol::lol: This is my son. Seriously, though, one of my daughters would gut through it for a time just to prove "something" to me (like her dad :glare: )

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My mom sent my little siblings to school this year, and they hated all of the schoolwork and everything they had to do. Then they asked to come back home, they wanted to be homeschooled again!


Maybe sending your kids to school for just one week may show them how good they've got it! I know I got it good!:lol:

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One day just for fun, try this:


Wake them at 5:45 am

Demand they shower, brush hair/teeth, and dress.

Give them 10 minutes to eat breakfast

Have them make a sack lunch

At 7:15am have them sit in a chair, upright, in front of the window for 45 minutes (this is the bus ride to school) :lol:

Make them stand in line for 10 minutes outside the room you usually school

Go through your usual school routine, requiring hand raising, specific time for bathroom breaks, sitting upright at a desk, no talking, no interrupting, etc.

Give them 18 minutes for lunch, yup, the sack lunch they made in the morning.

Give them a 15 minute recess outside.

Back to the desk for more school, like above

At 3:00pm back to the chairs in front of the window for 45 minutes.


Well you get the idea!!


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One day just for fun, try this:


Wake them at 5:45 am

Demand they shower, brush hair/teeth, and dress.

Give them 10 minutes to eat breakfast

Have them make a sack lunch

At 7:15am have them sit in a chair, upright, in front of the window for 45 minutes (this is the bus ride to school) :lol:

Make them stand in line for 10 minutes outside the room you usually school

Go through your usual school routine, requiring hand raising, specific time for bathroom breaks, sitting upright at a desk, no talking, no interrupting, etc.

Give them 18 minutes for lunch, yup, the sack lunch they made in the morning.

Give them a 15 minute recess outside.

Back to the desk for more school, like above

At 3:00pm back to the chairs in front of the window for 45 minutes.


Well you get the idea!!


I'm printing this and hanging it up above our desk as a warning ;)
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one day just for fun, try this:


Wake them at 5:45 am

demand they shower, brush hair/teeth, and dress.

Give them 10 minutes to eat breakfast

have them make a sack lunch

at 7:15am have them sit in a chair, upright, in front of the window for 45 minutes (this is the bus ride to school) :lol:

Make them stand in line for 10 minutes outside the room you usually school

go through your usual school routine, requiring hand raising, specific time for bathroom breaks, sitting upright at a desk, no talking, no interrupting, etc.

Give them 18 minutes for lunch, yup, the sack lunch they made in the morning.

Give them a 15 minute recess outside.

Back to the desk for more school, like above

at 3:00pm back to the chairs in front of the window for 45 minutes.


Well you get the idea!!



great idea! :d

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I'm starting to wonder why more hsers DON'T put their kids in school for just one week. One week of crazy early hours... one week of all that school has to offer.


Is there anything saying you can't do that?


~Julie, who is dead serious and wondering if this is a valid option


I suppose there's nothing saying that you can't do that. I personally don't want to because my kids have never been to school and thus are not on the school system's "radar" so to speak. They don't know my kids exist and I like it that way. Reeeally not meaning to sound paranoid right now. :glare: I know there's nothing they can DO to me, just don't want them bugging me to register and so on. :)


Also, with my luck, it'd backfire in a big way. They'd make lots of friends and find the work really easy and not have to put in as much effort. That's fun for a week. I don't know how long it would take them to worry that they are falling behind or to get bored or to get tired of the mean kids. Probably longer than a week. :)

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I hear you!! I think that my 6 year old thinks we do school just because I made it up. I keep telling her that kids either have to GO to school or DO school at home....it's not optional! One time she was giving me such a fuss that I told her that if kids don't go to school or do school at home, then the police will come and check into it!


Thankfully, she seems to have finally realized (for the time being) that we actually have to do school....every weekday.

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for just one week, so that they could see that they really do have it better at home. They really do. They have no clue. Sometimes, they act like "education" is something that I made up on my own just to torment them.


Sorry but when I read this I laughed and laughed and...... I remind mine on an occasion that they could be getting up at 6:30 so they could be dressed, breakfast eaten and out the door to walk the 1 1/2 mile to school, sit in a class room all day and come home in time to do homework, eat supper, bath and go to bed. I always point out that in order for them to be up consistently at 6:30 they would need to be in bed at least by 8. I also remind them that they wouldn't have to worry about jumping on the tramp. before school as of course there would not be time.

I have my speech down pretty good so it really takes no time at all.:lol: They are normally ready to stay at home and go to work.

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Just remember, once they've been there they might like it! Mine constantly want to go back because it was so easy, wah


All of mine have been to school for some part of their education. Two of them liked it. One of those two has chosen to pursue becoming elite in his sport instead of school; and, really, the two are not compatible as practice runs from 3:30 to 8 PM every week night leaving only late night for homework and not enough sleep for a growing adolescent to get his homework done and not be too tired to put forth his best effort at practice. My daughter, who hasn't gone to ps since first grade really wanted to go back earlier in the year, but is happy now with a very active social life in the afternoons. Imho, extrovert children are likely to be happy in a majority of (not terrible) public schools. That doesn't mean that they will get a great education there, but they very well might like it. My two who never want to go back to public school are introverts - I have to make them have any social life at all.

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I suppose there's nothing saying that you can't do that. I personally don't want to because my kids have never been to school and thus are not on the school system's "radar" so to speak. They don't know my kids exist and I like it that way. Reeeally not meaning to sound paranoid right now. :glare: I know there's nothing they can DO to me, just don't want them bugging me to register and so on. :)


Also, with my luck, it'd backfire in a big way. They'd make lots of friends and find the work really easy and not have to put in as much effort. That's fun for a week. I don't know how long it would take them to worry that they are falling behind or to get bored or to get tired of the mean kids. Probably longer than a week. :)

That worries me too :p


Here, besides the fact that my older two were both in ps for awhile, we have to file with the superintendant, so my kids are already on the radar.


I'm surprised there isn't some rule somewhere saying you cannot use the public schools as an object lesson for your children :lol: They might learn something:smilielol5:

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One day just for fun, try this:


Wake them at 5:45 am

Demand they shower, brush hair/teeth, and dress.

Give them 10 minutes to eat breakfast

Have them make a sack lunch

At 7:15am have them sit in a chair, upright, in front of the window for 45 minutes (this is the bus ride to school) :lol:

Make them stand in line for 10 minutes outside the room you usually school

Go through your usual school routine, requiring hand raising, specific time for bathroom breaks, sitting upright at a desk, no talking, no interrupting, etc.

Give them 18 minutes for lunch, yup, the sack lunch they made in the morning.

Give them a 15 minute recess outside.

Back to the desk for more school, like above

At 3:00pm back to the chairs in front of the window for 45 minutes.


Well you get the idea!!



That's pure genius!

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Just remember, once they've been there they might like it! Mine constantly want to go back because it was so easy, wah



That is my fear...my ds8 gets most upset about school when I "make" him answer a question. Since it's homeschool, and it's one-on-one, he can't hide behind a classmate if he doesn't know the answers. He's the only student I can call on, so if he doesn't know it, I make him look it up. There aren't any other kids in the room waving their hands in the air to answer the question.

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