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Please pray I get a job SOONER rather than later.

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As some of you know, when we moved my oldest ds decided to stay in NC with his father so he could stay in his school. The situation was always less than ideal, but it is escalating. My ds is a good kid - good grades, not in any trouble at all, etc. The family situation there is about as dysfunctional as it can get. Recently, an older stepbrother has moved out and so now all the problems in the home are the fault of my ds. There is a tremendous amount of mental abuse going on, but so far no physical (except that he threw something at him and then jumped up in his face to scream/intinidate him.)


My father is willing to take him in, but his father isn't likely to allow it. He is a senior, so coming here is not really an option (though he says he wishes he would have come with us before!) If I go back, he can move in with me and there isn't much his father can do about it (no one has legal custody.)


We can't go back without a job and a place to live. The situation with my ds is getting worse and worse - the whole story would take a lot of time, but this is not a healthy situation for anyone. I am getting increasingly worried for his psychological well-being.


So, we just need to get a job.

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I'm praying for you, your son, and your whole family. :grouphug:


Couldn't he move in with you and go to ps local to you? I know it's his senior year, and it's not ideal to change schools now, but he'd be transferring from another ps, so all his credits would apply and he could just pick up the same subjects he has now. It sounds like that home situation is horrible. :confused:



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I'm praying for you' date=' your son, and your whole family. :grouphug:


Couldn't he move in with you and go to ps local to you? I know it's his senior year, and it's not ideal to change schools now, but he'd be transferring from another ps, so all his credits would apply and he could just pick up the same subjects he has now. It sounds like that home situation is horrible. :confused:




This is not an option for many reasons. He *needs* to graduate from the school he is in. Transferring now would make it so he probably would not get into college for various reasons.

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Praying for your family.


Can your DS go to court and get legally emancipated? That way he could go live with his grandfather and there would be nothing your ex could do about it.


I looked into and it would really take too long. Ds will be 18 in May and he plans to leave that day. We had been trying to have him tough it out by staying busy away from the house (extracurriculars, sports, working with my Dad, etc.) but now his Dad has said he cannot go anywhere without specific, express permission and he isn't giving permission. We *think* this was done to keep ds from my Dad.

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How old is your son?


If he's almost 18, he could move to your dad's as soon as he turns 18 - in fact, he might be able to move sooner depending on your state's laws.




He has 8 more months or so until he is 18. We are investigating the states laws. The sheriff dept. told my Dad one thing and a social worker in the county told me something slightly different. It really seems to boil down to how much trouble his Dad wants to make for everyone, the reasons ds tells the deputies he doesn't want to go home, and the deputy who would respond to the runaway call.


We'll be there in a few weeks and see what we can figure out.

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