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I'm asking for your prayers again. PMS /premenapause/SAD will be the death of me.

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I am having a really bad day. The perfect storm of my PMS day, plus my seasonal affective disorder have combined to put me in the worst frame of mind. I spent 20 minutes in the shower planning to leave my husband and this entire life behind, but chose to re-enter the real world (as in exiting the shower) when I remembered that I have children. Every month, when this comes around, I want a new life, new husband, new everything. Then the reality sets in that no matter how new everything is, I am still the same old me. It is especially bad today because I am really feeling the energy deficit of the SAD.


No matter how much makeup I put on this morning, it is not hiding the ravages of sobbing in the shower. I am weepy and crabby. I just chewed out dd for wanting me to do math with her before I had my breakfast. I should be rejoicing that she wants to do math. I can't even compose a coherent paragraph.


Please pray that I will see the sunshine today, that I will be able to feel how good I have it, let this pity party go, and not say or do anything I will regret when I get back to a more normal frame of mind.

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I've struggled with PMS/hormonal changes too. Here's what's worked for me in case it may work for you too. You may have already tried these:

Calcium Vit D chews (last piece of the puzzle for me, took away all my symptoms)

Magnesium 250mg/day

Super B Complex Vitamin

Fish Oil

Zinc (for skin)


Please consider medication if you feel this badly (for you and your family), it can be life changing or at least take the edge off.

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It's Friday.


Skip math.


Give the kids some books to read, or papers to color, or legos to build.


Maybe park them in front of some TV. Documentaries are great. I think that Mythbusters and Dirty Jobs are educational. Dh and I watched an old episode of Dirty Jobs last night about mule logging. I might assign ds13 to research mule logging on the internet this afternoon. I can see that topic jumping into several subjects!




I'm 49. I completely understand. You'll feel better on Monday.


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Wow -- you showered??!!!! That's amazing! :hurray:


I have SAD am in my mid 40s...so, while I'm kidding, I'm not! :tongue_smilie: I call these my pause days. I have to pause my whole life and sit and cuddle for the day. The dog, the kids, etc. (When I cuddle, I don't run off with the mouth so much). I just don't do anything planned and I sit. I usually have 1 pause day a month. Used to fight it. I just can't anymore. Having a pause day doesn't seem to disrupt our family much. Just something to consider.


:grouphug: and a prayer for you!

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Calcium Vit D chews (last piece of the puzzle for me, took away all my symptoms)

Magnesium 250mg/day

Super B Complex Vitamin

Fish Oil

Zinc (for skin)



:grouphug: I was there in a big way this summer. Found out I needed progesterone (I'm almost 42)!!!! Read this book What Your Doctor May Not Tell you about Premenopause and do what it says. I had the saliva test and started on Emerita progesterone cream-it is reasonably priced, all natural, and may be bought over the counter. My levels didn't even show up low on my tests but I knew I had the symptoms of estrogen dominance so I trusted my gut and started it anyway. Changed my LIFE. Seriously.


Also take St. John's Wort, B complex, Fish oil (Carlson's The Very Best Fish Oil), and zinc, as mentioned above. And if you haven't, GET YOUR VITAMIN D levels checked. Mine were dismal. I realized I need a constant HIGH dose of D to function (I am in the Northeast.) Carlson D drops are great.


Go easy on yourself til you feel better.


ETA: It took a couple cycles on the pro cream to start feeling well again, but keep with it!

Edited by HappyGrace
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:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:I'm so sorry, Ellen!!! I think hormones can really make someone feel like they're going insane. I know last month was HORRIFIC for me. I had NO stress, everything was going well, but I had a VERY bad mood, then a VERY, VERY bad cycle and it all made sense. I fear when menopause actually sets in. I felt so unstable for a few days, crying, isolating myself, etc. It was SOOOOOOOOOOO not me!


Do you have a light box? SAD responds WELL to a light box. You can make one cheap by buying full spectrum light bulbs and rigging up something yourself. I'd bet even having a few lamps with the full spectrum bulbs would help. I recommend you do this and while you're drinking your coffee or tea in the morning, soak in the rays from these bulbs. I used to not believe in SAD but after my head injury when I went through a ton of testing, the dr. talked to me about it, said it was REAL, cited the Scandinavian studies, etc. I want to buy the bulbs because on rainy days I have NO ENERGY. Anyway, it would be worth a try!!!

:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Also, maybe some natural progesterone cream and/or herbs will help. You don't need to suffer through all of this! If you continue to do so, TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR!!!!!

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Oh, shucks. NOT a good way to feel.


Echoing the others... Vitamin D helps me A LOT. You can have your levels checked at the doctor and get a prescription for the high potency stuff to get you started. Or...




Carlson Labs, Ddrops, Vitamin D, 2000 IU, 11 ml



Natural Progesterone Cream may help, too. Some call it the Happy Cream. Hormones are such a balancing act.


It is so hard sometimes to control one's emotions. The fact is you have the husband who is right for you. He and your kids need you. They love you. You love them. The grass isn't always greener on the other side of the fence. (Though surely things will be better after menopause, right?!)


Hang in there. Hang on to God!


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I wanted to add two things that may be helpful to say to yourself during the worst of it-


1. Feeling like this is NOT who I am, and the things I am thinking right now are NOT reality-I am sick right now.

2. I WILL feel good again-this will pass.


I'm not talking about "positive thinking" per se, just a way to try to stop your thoughts from going into the downward spiral. I totally understand! :grouphug::grouphug: Praying for you!

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You know, my PMS was extra bad this month. I had not thought about the effect of less sunlight. Maybe that's why it was so intense.


I chewed out some guy at Sam's when I got bad service.


I was beside myself for 2 days, then I finally felt as if I was back in my right mind.


:grouphug: to you. I know it's hard. As my mom keeps saying, "This too shall pass."

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