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No Shampoo People!!

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Hmm...I'm not perhaps officially one of those folks, because I didn't work hard to come up with alternatives or anything, and I still use conditioner. I just stopped using shampoo about two years ago. I think I've used it twice; otherwise, I just use conditioner. It's been all good for me, though I really want to replace the conditioner with vinegar or some other natural alternative. (I just haven't tried it.)

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I haven't seen any updates as to how the experiment is going.


Well, I'm back to shampoo. I tried it for a little more than a month. Maybe it was 6 weeks. There was nothing wrong. I used baking soda for the washing part and apple cider vinegar for the conditioner part. I was tired of smelling like vinegar for one thing. The process took longer in the shower. And there wasn't significant change. My hair felt fine. But it felt fine before. It feels fine now. And somehow, the thought of putting acid on my hair to condition it doesn't seem right. (Vinegar is weak acetic acid.)


I just missed the nice smells of shampoo and conditioner. :) And if I was going all natural on my hair, why not the rest of me too?

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I go back and forth. I haven't found an easy way of getting the baking soda I need, and I get lazy about remembering to get it from the kitchen before I head to the shower.


I can tell you that I definitely prefer no poo. I've done it for several months at a time. My head itches more with shampoo, and my hair gets more oily, flat, and lifeless, too.


My routine is simple baking soda and water for shampoo and white vinegar and water for conditioner. I don't want to make it harder than it needs to be because I'm less likely to follow it then. I've found that apple cider vinegar is too heavy for my hair.

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Well I ended up no-shampooing by accident. We went away to a 200 year old cabin at a lake. I was supposed to go for 3 days, stayed for 5 and well hair washing just wasn't going to happen. I was surprised at how un-skevy I felt.


Then a month later we left on our cruise and I forgot my conditioner. Shampooing without conditioner doesn't work well for me, so I just rinsed, figuring I'd get conditioner when we stopped in port.


At the same time I took a detox class on the ship. It made me question choices on shampoos, body washes, lotions and things put onto your skin. Just rinsing seemed to doing fine, so I kept it up.


Now I only shampoo once a week and just rinse the rest of the week. I do use just a dab of conditioner on the ends of my hair every few days because I was getting small tangles in the shower and was worried about breakage and split ends.


I'm still amazed at how well it's working for me.


I will say that I don't use any gel or hair products. Maybe once a week, depending on where we are going, I may give it a quick spritz of hairspray, but I've been trying hard to move away from that as well.

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I wash my hair very occasionally, maybe once a month at most. I don't use conditioner. I rinse with water a couple times a week. It works out fine. My hair isn't excessively oily this way, and brushes easily. I have fine, thick, straight hair that used to tangle a lot when I shampooed daily, even with conditioner; it doesn't do that now.

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Right now I thoroughly massage my scalp with fingers while I rinse my hair with just warm/hot water. I also use a little conditioner on the ends. When it is dry, the hair near the root feels different (heavier?) if I run my fingers through it, but it doesn't look any different. I can skip a day or two between water washings without my hair looking bad, as long as I haven't put any products in.


I didn't go cold turkey with no shampoo though. I transitioned to this using baking soda and ACV at first. I stopped doing baking soda because I had trouble rinsing it out completely (probably more ACV would have helped), and because the day after using baking soda my scalp would itch a little.

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Well, since I don't know any of you ladies in person, then I dare say this out loud! I have met a few homeschoolers who look clean and all that, but who actually do not smell good. At all. Very possibly from their hair and I am now thinking perhaps they were going no shampoo??


I do believe we over-shampoo, but to smell bad on purpose? Of course, I have no idea if this is from no shampoo, but it seems plausible.

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Well the smell shouldn't be from not using shampoo.:001_huh: No poo is specific type of treatment for curly hair. It doesn't mean you're not washing your hair. When done correctly, you're still cleaning your hair on a regular basis, just not using shampoos which strip the moisture from curly hair. I haven't used shampoo for about 3 years. I don't use baking soda, but do use a vinegar rinse about 2x/week. On the other days I use conditioner, one that I use like a shampoo, the other is a deeper conditioning. I switch brands around, but I've always done that. My hair is in the best condition its ever been.

Edited by elegantlion
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I use conditioner-only and have for ... 5 years maybe? I wash with conditioner, then add a bit for leave-in. But this is because of curly, curly, curly hair, not because of some objection to the existence of shampoo or to paying for it. ;)


And Nadia, I know of the type of home schoolers you mention. And I *promise* I don't stink. ;) My hair is clean -- just not shampooed. ;)

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My husband is of 100% Egyptian descent, so his hair is very curly. I have somewhat reddish-brown curly Irish hair, and our girls are all curly-curly! Think dark brown spirulini noodles, and you have their hair. :D


Shampoo is deadly to curly hair. Shampoo strips the oils our hair needs to survive. Usually, we just rinse with clean, warm water, and that is enough to clean our hair without stripping it. But if we are sweaty or have been cooking lots of garlic :D we will WASH our hair with CONDITIONER. This is from a book entitled Curly Girl:


1. Wet hair thoroughly.

2. Apply ample conditioner and work all throughout hair and scalp.

3. Rinse thoroughly, until hair is beautifully smooth and clean.

4. Apply a small amount of conditioner to the ends, if needed, and leave this in.

5. Gently towel dry hair -- as if it's an angora sweater. Don't be rough with it.


This seems to give us all healthy, shiny, curly, vibrant, sweet-smelling hair with much less breakage and frizz than when we used curl-killer shampoo.


Earlier this year we did go-no-poo for several months with baking soda and apple cider vinegar. At first our hair was wonderfully soft and smelled like lavender (I added a few drops of lavender oil to the vinegar rinse). The girls did not exactly LIKE the underlying strong vinegar smell, and I also tired of it. Who wants to smell like a salad all day?


In the end, though, our hair dried out too much. Maybe we were doing something wrong? I know we go through a ton of conditioner. Wish I had a better handle on how to go-no-poo effectively for very curly hair. :bigear:

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Well the smell shouldn't be from not using shampoo.:001_huh: No poo is specific type of treatment for curly hair. It doesn't mean you're not washing your hair. When done correctly, you're still cleaning your hair on a regular basis, just not using shampoos which strip the moisture from curly hair. I haven't used shampoo for about 3 years. I don't use baking soda, but do use a vinegar rinse about 2x/week. On the other days I use conditioner, one that I use like a shampoo, the other is a deeper conditioning. I switch brands around, but I've always done that. My hair is in the best condition its ever been.

I agree with this. I do clean my hair too. just not with shampoo.

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Well the smell shouldn't be from not using shampoo.:001_huh: No poo is specific type of treatment for curly hair. It doesn't mean you're not washing your hair. When done correctly, you're still cleaning your hair on a regular basis, just not using shampoos which strip the moisture from curly hair. I haven't used shampoo for about 3 years. I don't use baking soda, but do use a vinegar rinse about 2x/week. On the other days I use conditioner, one that I use like a shampoo, the other is a deeper conditioning. I switch brands around, but I've always done that. My hair is in the best condition its ever been.


Oh, El, YOU have the solution! You have curly-curly hair, right? We all do here, too.


What do you do? Let's see if I have it:


1. No shampoo.

2. No baking soda.

3. Vinegar rinse 2x/week.

4. Conditioner other days -- one like a shampoo, another like a deep conditioner.

5. Switch conditioners.


Did I get it right? :bigear: Maybe it was the baking soda that was drying us out?

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Still no-poo here!


I wash my hair every other day with baking soda and finish with conditioner. (I used AC vinegar for weeks, but the smell never went away and it made me nauseous). Then I put in some Tousle-Me-Softly mousse and let it air-dry.


I love this so much. My hair is fine and curly and easily becomes one big frizzball. Now that I removed the drying agents (not only from the chemicals in the shampoo, but I stopped using the hair dryer, too). Now I'm getting compliments. :001_smile:

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Oh, El, YOU have the solution! You have curly-curly hair, right? We all do here, too.


What do you do? Let's see if I have it:


1. No shampoo.

2. No baking soda.

3. Vinegar rinse 2x/week.

4. Conditioner other days -- one like a shampoo, another like a deep conditioner.

5. Switch conditioners.


Did I get it right? :bigear: Maybe it was the baking soda that was drying us out?


Vinegar can actually be drying for curly hair as well, which is why I use it less often. I've found a leave in conditioner to be very helpful as well. You almost have to experiment with brands, some are too greasy, some just heavy. The one I like best is from Garnier and it's a combination of gel & creme.


Rinsing is also extremely important, especially when you use a conditioner as a shampoo. Cool water is the best. That can be hard when the weather is getting cold. Toward the end of the shower, I try to turn the water as cool as I can stand and rinse well. It does make a difference. IIRC, the cool water makes the hair shaft close better.

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OK, interesting info. -And Abbey, I am happy to know we are not all a bunch of smelly hs'ers!!


I did begin a few years back to cut down on my shampooing to 1-2x a week. Not sure I'd want to do the vinegar etc.


I tried using Extra Virgin olive oil last week and while I loved the effect, then I did not cherish smelling like an Italian pasta-dish.... Woulc coconut oil work better here?

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How about herbal rinses like here ?


I'm thinking of making some up this weekend and using that with a squirt bottle of water and 1 tablespoon baking soda to see how it goes. I'm having so many rashes and itchy issues with shamppoos and conditioners that I may be forced to ditch them all. The older I get the worse chemical issues I'm having. I've just recently discovered Kiss my Face soap and that has helped some.

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I've tried no-poo several times and it just doesn't work for my hair. After 2 weeks, it was still very greasy and heavy. Next time I tried it for a month. I spent most of that time with it tied up because it was so very awful. It never 'adjusted' like everyone says it will.


So, I tried the baking soda wash and vinegar rinse. This time it was dried and frizzy and smelled bad. So I added essential oil to the vinegar rinse and then I had heavy, thick, dull, frizzy hair.


My hair is fine; straight on the very under layer and straight on the top/bang/fringe type area. The rest is lightly wavy. I like it to feel smooth and light. And, generally speaking, it is very shiny and bouncy.


I'm trying very hard to switch all my house-hold and personal care products to more natural products without all the added chemicals. Shampoo has been the hardest switch for me as I can't seem to find any without the chemicals that leave my hair shiny, light, smooth and bouncy.


UNTIL........today I received some samples I ordered from Salon Naturals. I tired their Curl Shampoo and Conditioner and WOW. The results are astounding! It smells heavenly and looks like I came right out of the salon. It feels exactly like it 'should' feel and best of all ALL NATURAL INGREDIENTS! And the price doesn't break the wallet, either. I think I've finally found what I've been looking for!!!


I'm going to try all of the samples I ordered and see which ones work the best on my hair, and then order the larger/regular size bottles.


Anyhow, I'm a no-poo drop-out. It just didn't work for me, but I'm still an All Natural girl and very happy about that. :001_smile::001_smile:



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i have long, fine hair & have been going "no poo" for several months now. i still do wash it every blue moon with regular shampoo & conditioner, but it's maybe once a month?? (i'll use dr. bronner's diluted baby shampoo & their citrus conditioner). for no poo, i use about 1 tablespoon of baking soda in 1 cup of warm water. i stir it until dissolved. i pour it on my head and work it like i was lathering my hair. then rinse well. i then add about 1 tablespoon of ACV to warm water & pour that on my head...work through my hair. rinse well. final rinse is with cold water.


my hair smells a little like apple cide vinegar when it's wet, but when it's dry it never smells at all...(believe me, my family would let me know).


i'm very clean & my hair looks fine...no issues. we don't have hard water though, and i've read that if the water is hard it can offer different results. so far it's been great for me though.

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Going strong for 4 1/2 years of NO pooing!! :D


My hair feels great!!

You really need to give it at least min of 6 weeks to 2 months to notice the changes depending on your hair. I have fine curly hair. My hair is much more curlier now that I have not pood for this long. I get a lot of compliments on my curls now. I just do not use shampoo to clean my hair just conditioner to clean it.


Edited by Holly IN
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I'm very tempted. Two of my dds haven't used shampoo in a long time, but they have very, very thick coarse hair. Not like me. I can't remember ever smelling vinegar in their hair.


I'm worried about my hair hanging in clumps from the oil. But it would sure be nice to quit buying so much shampoo.

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It sounds like most of you that don't use shampoo have curly or coarse thick hair. What about people with finer straight hair?

I have fine, stick-straight hair, and I've been no-poo for 6.5 years now.


I went from regular s&c to water only, so it was quite a transition ;) - took about 6-8 weeks and at times it wasn't pretty :tongue_smilie:. But it dramatically slowed my oil production :thumbup:.


My daily routine is to do a scalp massage, followed by this hair massage technique, to help move oil off the scalp and down the hair shaft. Sometimes I spritz my hair with lavender water (5 drops lavender EO in ~28oz water) if it needs a pick-me-up. This routine is good enough that, now that I've transitioned, I can go indefinitely without a full wash (with no smell issues ;) - my dh is quick to mention if that is a problem).


For a wash, I saturate my hair under cold water, pour a vinegar rinse over it, massage the scalp a bit, and then let it soak for 3-5 min. Then I do the same hair massage technique as above, but under the spray. You need a good, strong spray for this to be really effective. Sometimes I just soak in the tub for 30 min or so, massaging my scalp and swishing my hair around, and that does an *awesome* job of getting it clean (plus it's relaxing :)). Sometimes I do a conditioner wash if I feel like it.


Going no-poo has decreased the time and money I need to spend on my hair, while improving it's condition - win-win :).

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So interesting. My dd has curly hair. She is a dancer and has to use lots of products on her hair to get it into the perfect bun. She is also a diver to three months of the year. The pool has chlorine. What is the advice for a kid like this... She is a golden blonde and has long curls, think Taylor Swift...

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Well, since I don't know any of you ladies in person, then I dare say this out loud! I have met a few homeschoolers who look clean and all that, but who actually do not smell good. At all. Very possibly from their hair and I am now thinking perhaps they were going no shampoo??


I do believe we over-shampoo, but to smell bad on purpose? Of course, I have no idea if this is from no shampoo, but it seems plausible.


I don't shampoo. I do shower daily, wear deodorant, and rinse my hair when it's gotten sweaty. Since I put it up and cover, it doesn't really get dirty very fast at all. Pretty sure I don't stink (except maybe at the end of a long shift at work when I've been sweating for hours!)


I have long, straight, fine, thick hair. It's much healthier now than it was when I washed it daily. It doesn't build up oil quickly like it used to and I don't have the dandruff problems I used to.

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I tried no-poo several times and just couldn't make it work. My hair never adjusted though I stuck it out for nearly eight weeks at one point. I don't have tight curls though; it's thick, coarse, and wavy. It looked fine w/ shampoo and conditioner but I thought it would be nice to go natural. I did like cleansing w/ baking soda but it was a PITA and I still needed to condition, so...


Anyway, I'm a no-poo drop-out.

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I'm a no-drop-out, too! I gave it a couple of months, I think. I did baking soda/acv rinse. Mostly, I didn't like that it still felt kind of dirty at the scalp. My brush was getting all this residue on it when I brushed and I felt like there was gunk on my scalp that was not getting off.


To be honest, I also don't like to sit in a bath or to fool with my hair too much. I really wanted it to work and wonderd (still do wonder) how it looks in real life on someone who's been off of shampoo for years... should I try again?


Btw, Katia, I looked at that link and ordered some samples too! Thanks!

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