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So is my camera broken or my mirror?

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When I look in the mirror, I look ok. I'm not beautiful by any stretch of the imagination but I don't make women and young children cry, either. But if I take a picture of myself or someone takes one of me, it looks horrible. My skin looks red in the photo but not when I look in the mirror. My hair, which is thin, looks even less in a photo. My face, which is round, looks even rounder and my double chin shows up in photos but not when I look at myself in the mirror. I mean, it's there, it just isn't so prominent. So is there a trick to having a good photo taken of someone who is as unphotogenic as I am? Unless, you can solve this dilemma, you will never ever see my photo posted on one of the "this is me" threads.

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The chin could be lighting, esp if there's a flash.

Same with the redness.

Lighting can both wreak havoc and flatter!


One thing I've learned about photos--

As I've looked thru my mom and my grandmother's things over the years, I have lamented the fact that there just aren't many photos of them. I am always shooing away the camera, but now I wonder if I should just let them take the d*mn picture, so that my grandkids can "see" me and know me!

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The chin could be lighting, esp if there's a flash.

Same with the redness.

Lighting can both wreak havoc and flatter!


One thing I've learned about photos--

As I've looked thru my mom and my grandmother's things over the years, I have lamented the fact that there just aren't many photos of them. I am always shooing away the camera, but now I wonder if I should just let them take the d*mn picture, so that my grandkids can "see" me and know me!


Hmm. So if I try to take a picture without a flash, it might look better? I'll try that.


And I do have photos for the family. Just not for the entire world to see on the internet, yet.;)

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Yes, I think some people are way more photogenic than others. I feel fine about my appearance, but I hate having my picture taken because I just don't take good pictures and it's not fun to see myself looking awful. When I was young, I had a friend who was a photographer and he wanted to take photos of me to use as advertising in his business. I wouldn't do it, not out of false modesty, but because I knew that the pictures would not turn out as he was hoping. Honestly, both my kids are the same way. They are absolutely adorable, but it is hard to get a good picture of them. The camera just doesn't capture them.


Now my sister is the exact opposite. That girl can be looking a total mess from not having taken a shower or done ANY grooming at all, but all she has to do is smile and the camera loves her. And all her kids are very photogenic as well.



Edited by LisaTheresa
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When I look in the mirror, I look ok. I'm not beautiful by any stretch of the imagination but I don't make women and young children cry, either. But if I take a picture of myself or someone takes one of me, it looks horrible. My skin looks red in the photo but not when I look in the mirror. My hair, which is thin, looks even less in a photo. My face, which is round, looks even rounder and my double chin shows up in photos but not when I look at myself in the mirror. I mean, it's there, it just isn't so prominent. So is there a trick to having a good photo taken of someone who is as unphotogenic as I am? Unless, you can solve this dilemma, you will never ever see my photo posted on one of the "this is me" threads.


I feel the EXACT same way!

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Soft, natural light is key. AND take the photos from above your eye level, not below. Does wonders for getting rid of unwanted chins. For instance, if you are holding the camera hold it above your head angled down towards you..or if someone else is taking it have them stand on a stool or chair and look down on you as you look up.

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Let me see if I can explain Corky's trick for the chin issue.

He says most people have a tendency to lift their chins up in order to lessen any appearance of a double chin, but it doesn't work. They just happen to be the only people in the picture with their noses in the air.

He always suggests, instead, to stretch your chin directly TOWARD the camera. It's a two dimensional image, so while it feels weird, it doesn't look weird in the photograph.

Be a turtle. Don't lift up or tip down. Stretch forward.


It's funny how many women approach him at different events we photograph and tell him they remember the turtle rule for their family photos now and are amazed at the difference. :)

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I feel the same way. I recommend a make-over and a professional photographer. That is the only way I willingly allow photos to be taken of me unless I am in a Halloween costume, have a grandbaby in my hand or I am drunk all of which also seem to make me look better. :tongue_smilie:


Being drunk definitely makes me look friendlier, I don't know about BETTER. :lol:

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I feel the same way. I recommend a make-over and a professional photographer. That is the only way I willingly allow photos to be taken of me unless I am in a Halloween costume, have a grandbaby in my hand or I am drunk all of which also seem to make me look better. :tongue_smilie:


It's the losing the insecurities thing. Either that or the lampshade on your head. ;):D

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Bah, I just let myself look ugly.

It makes the rest of you feel better in comparison :D


Seriously, people who already love/like me don't care that I don't look like a supermodel. People who don't know me and don't want to know me better because I'm not magazine beautiful, well that's their loss isn't it. :001_smile:

Edited by Hotdrink
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Bah, I just let myself look ugly.

It makes the rest of you feel better in comparison :D


Seriously, people who already love/like me don't care that I don't look like a supermodel. People who don't know me and don't want to know me better because I'm not magazine beautiful, well that's their loss isn't it. :001_smile:


Honestly, it isn't a "I'm so ugly thing" or a "I want to look like a supermodel" thing. It's the frustration of seeing one thing in the mirror and not having that translate into a picture. I do think that lighting is probably a huge factor. The other tips about head placement etc. will probably help too. Or so I am hoping.

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I once took a photography class and the instructor gave a tip: when being photographed, turn your feet (and thus your whole body) so you're facing 90 degrees away from the camera. Then turn your head, and your shoulders slightly less so, toward the camera. Something about that pose results in much more flattering photographs than the "look straight ahead" shots.


I imagine there are other tips but I don't know them. You're not likely to find a photo of me here anytime soon either.


ETA: Crissy's (beautiful) avatar seems to be a good example of this tip.


Linda ~ who also grows extra chins, extra pounds, and extra odd facial expressions when a camera is pointed her way.


I agree.


A great trick to minimize chins is to lift the back of your tongue to the roof of your mouth which will tighten your muscles (sounds odd and feels even worse, so you can't go around like this in real life, but it works for photos). I promise it will work wonders ;)

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Oh my goodness - this is just too funny because I was thinking the EXACT same thing yesterday as I was putting on my makeup. I only put on my concealer and thought - hmmm...my skin looks pretty good today - maybe I should just go without all the other makeup I normally wear. I decided to take a picture. BAD idea. I was shocked at how bad my skin looked (natural lighting and no flash) Yuck! I kept taking pictures and my kids were like - "what is up with you mom?" One kid said "I think you look better without any makeup" (bless her little people pleasing heart) but all the others said - "you look better with your makeup mom" and they were right. So I put the rest of my makeup on and then took another pic. aaahhhh.....much better. But still....I think I'm starting to look old :glare:

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I think pictures are also weird because we think of ourselves looking like what we see in the mirror which is actually the reverse of what everyone else sees. So pictures, even if they are good, look a little strange because they aren't the way we visualize ourselves.


Just a thought.


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I think pictures are also weird because we think of ourselves looking like what we see in the mirror which is actually the reverse of what everyone else sees. So pictures, even if they are good, look a little strange because they aren't the way we visualize ourselves.


Just a thought.



I hadn't thought of the mirror image thing. Interesting!

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Let me see if I can explain Corky's trick for the chin issue.

He says most people have a tendency to lift their chins up in order to lessen any appearance of a double chin, but it doesn't work. They just happen to be the only people in the picture with their noses in the air.

He always suggests, instead, to stretch your chin directly TOWARD the camera. It's a two dimensional image, so while it feels weird, it doesn't look weird in the photograph.

Be a turtle. Don't lift up or tip down. Stretch forward.


It's funny how many women approach him at different events we photograph and tell him they remember the turtle rule for their family photos now and are amazed at the difference. :)




I'm constantly telling people that!


Lift your head as if someone has a string attached to the crown of your skull (pull up from the mid-back), stick your neck out, and tilt ever so slightly to the side. Finally, don't sit there smiling! Sit with a completely natural expression, and then think of something funny - the resulting smile will be 'natural' and reach your eyes.


p.s. There are no 'non-photogenic' people, only lousy photographers

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