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Shopping for children/families (charity) at Christmas

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i don't know about where you are, but in our previous community, the salvation army had a big christmas tree set up in zellers and you could take a tag from the tree (it would just say gender and age - "boy 11" or "girl 4"), buy a gift, and take it to the customer service desk - they attached the tag to the gift, set it aside, and the SA people would pick them up and put them into the 'christmas baskets' that were delivered to families in need. do you have a SA in your community? maybe you could check with them....


..also, check with any 'social services' type agencies - there are often different programs that 'sponsor' families for christmas and you might be able to find somewhere that you can help through them. (sometimes groups do this - a workplace group, class, etc... everyone gets involved and buys presents & christmas foods for a family)

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Check the mall. Our local mall has a Christmas giving tree every year. I used to take my older two kids every year. They'd each pick a tag, and we'd go shopping. Then one year, it disappeared from the food court. I found out last year that they moved it to a less prominent location at one of the very ends of the mall.

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Samaritan's Purse also has what they call "Operation Christmas Child". You fill up a shoe box with various gifts and send it to them (or find someplace that's sending a bunch - our Awana group does this). They distribute the gifts around the world. You can get a tracking number, too, and find out where the gift goes.



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Check the mall. Our local mall has a Christmas giving tree every year. I used to take my older two kids every year. They'd each pick a tag, and we'd go shopping. Then one year, it disappeared from the food court. I found out last year that they moved it to a less prominent location at one of the very ends of the mall.


Yes, they did move that tree and it totally tripped me up for a minute. I wonder why they moved it?? It seems like it would get more "business" in its old location.

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Our BJs always has a tree as well as the mall (both Salvation Army as far as I know). Our local paper also does a gift drive called "The Santa Fund" and have drop-boxes all over the community. Keep your eyes and ears open and I'm sure you'll find something.

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As you get closer to Christmas, call your local agency that handles foster care. There are many children who enter foster care around that time and the social workers are always looking for gifts for the children. Often children arrive past deadlines for the Angel Tree and other charitable organizations. I know as a former foster parent I really appreciated those last minute gifts for last minute kids.

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My kids and I are going to gather some things and bake cookies for our local homeless shelter. They are predicting the need to great this winter because of the economy.


ETA: Also, I know our church's food pantry is in great need of food items. They help our whole community and where I live, the need is great.

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