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Coconutnt Oil: please educate me!

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sorry about that subject line! I can't seem to find a way to edit it. Arrgh! (New keyboard has a very different feel to it!)


I'd like to know any and every way you use coconut oil, why you use it, and what your opinion/evaluation of it is?


I'm interested in both topical uses (face and body) and cooking/ingested uses.


Finally, what brand do you prefer and why?


Thanks so much!!

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It can be rather expensive but it is a wonderful oil. Coconut oil is high in medium chain fatty acids, necessary for brain function and metabolic function, that can be directly absorbed without the production of bile salts. This makes it an excellent choice for those with gastro-intesinal problems. It is also a good source of capric acid which has huge anti-microbial activities. Studies of indigenous populations regularly exposed to bad water, typhoid, cholera, and yellow fever, shows that those who had a diet high in coconut oils, coconut milk, and coconut meat, had significantly lower rates of infection than their counterparts who eschewed coconuts due to either lack of culinary tradition or religious belief - some people groups have superstitions concerning coconuts, pineapples, etc.


It is a wonderful skin moisturizer and makes a tasty replacement for shortenings in baked goods. I use it as my shortening. It is quirky though....solid below 75 degrees and liquid above, so if you need it to be solid and it's hot outside, put it somewhere cool but try not to use the refrigerator because it will set up much harder than vegetable oil and may not be soft enough for your purposes.


It is also shown to improve metabolic function. When I am really doing what I need to do healthwise (currently being too busy and toooooo lazy), I take a teaspoon of organic extra virgin (Spectrum brand) twice per day...it has a slightly sweet flavor but if not melted, feels just a little slimy going down. Done regularly, I can really feel the difference in my energy levels and seems to be good for my digestive track and I am less likely to get anemic.


As for other uses....ahemmmmm....it's good for "tea" and discourage the proliferation of yeast so it's great for those gals who struggle with yeast infections. That was embarassing so it's all I will say on the subject, y'all can figure it out for yourselves.


I use Spectrum organic extra virgin for medicinal use. But, since it is expensive, I can't afford that for cooking. I use the Lua brand from Walmart/Meijer for cooking and I don't worry about that too much because coconuts are not one of the heavily pesticide sprayed crops.



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Thanks for all of the info!


It can be rather expensive but it is a wonderful oil. Coconut oil is high in medium chain fatty acids, necessary for brain function and metabolic function, that can be directly absorbed without the production of bile salts. This makes it an excellent choice for those with gastro-intesinal problems. It is also a good source of capric acid which has huge anti-microbial activities. Studies of indigenous populations regularly exposed to bad water, typhoid, cholera, and yellow fever, shows that those who had a diet high in coconut oils, coconut milk, and coconut meat, had significantly lower rates of infection than their counterparts who eschewed coconuts due to either lack of culinary tradition or religious belief - some people groups have superstitions concerning coconuts, pineapples, etc.


It is a wonderful skin moisturizer and makes a tasty replacement for shortenings in baked goods. I use it as my shortening. It is quirky though....solid below 75 degrees and liquid above, so if you need it to be solid and it's hot outside, put it somewhere cool but try not to use the refrigerator because it will set up much harder than vegetable oil and may not be soft enough for your purposes.


It is also shown to improve metabolic function. When I am really doing what I need to do healthwise (currently being too busy and toooooo lazy), I take a teaspoon of organic extra virgin (Spectrum brand) twice per day...it has a slightly sweet flavor but if not melted, feels just a little slimy going down. Done regularly, I can really feel the difference in my energy levels and seems to be good for my digestive track and I am less likely to get anemic.


As for other uses....ahemmmmm....it's good for "tea" and discourage the proliferation of yeast so it's great for those gals who struggle with yeast infections. That was embarassing so it's all I will say on the subject, y'all can figure it out for yourselves.


I use Spectrum organic extra virgin for medicinal use. But, since it is expensive, I can't afford that for cooking. I use the Lua brand from Walmart/Meijer for cooking and I don't worry about that too much because coconuts are not one of the heavily pesticide sprayed crops.



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Here's a good website with info:



We use it mainly for cooking, although I have used it topically. I use virgin coconut oil for baking and things where the coconut flavor isn't an issue. I use expeller pressed oil for cooking/sauteing when I don't want the coconut taste. I've been buying my coconut oil from Tropical Traditions for years - they quality and customer service has always been great. If you sign up for their emails, they often run sales, free shipping, etc.:



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I use it for stir-fry, frying eggs in it, shortening replacement.


I also use it as medicine. Foster boy had a yeasty diaper rash and it cleared it up in a couple of days. No visit to the doc for a script!


I put it on sunburn and the redness it gone the next day. My son uses it on his eczema. We use it on any cut or scrape instead of neosporin.

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I use the no poo (baking soda and apple cider vinegar rinse) for my hair. I use coconut oil for a leave in conditioner.


This is the one I use



except I get in through my food co-op because it's about $5.50 a jar cheaper there.


We use it as a skin moisturizer in the winter when our skin starts cracking. I occasionally use it when sauteeing something but I usually forget I have it and end up using butter.

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I've been using coconut oil on my hair for awhile now, and I love the results. It's smoother and less frizzy.


I've just (this last week) gotten up the courage to start using it on my face. So far, so good. I put it on in the evening after washing my face, and wash it off in the morning so that it doesn't attract dirt as I go throughout my day. It's just been a little less than a week, but I look less tired, because the skin under my eyes isn't dry anymore; it's plumped up a bit, I guess. And it hasn't made me break out, which I was worried about.

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It is a great hand moisturizer, but we mostly use it for baking. It is *wonderful* in whole wheat bread.




This is the one we buy. MUCH less expensive online and the amount and quality is excellent.

Yes, I used it in baking too, and the cookies turned out wonderful!

Interesting thread to read how other people use it. I've tried it on my hands, now I want to put it in my hair too.

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It's an amazing and wonderful oil. A book I would recommend is The Coconut Oil Miracle by Bruce Fife.


I use coconut oil in soups, chili, for frying, and I add a spoonful to my tea to help my thyroid. If you add to tea, try something fruity and herbal as it tastes terrible with black tea. Also, beware that the oil on top of the cup can burn you, so let the tea cool a bit and also stir well before drinking.


I buy different brands in bulk so I'm not much help there.

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Definitely go for organic over he standard Walmart fare. There's an actual coconut aroma and light taste.


It is strong and will change the flavor of baked goods so be aware (if you don't like the light taste of coconut).



I agree with this 100%! Good advice!! And, I am NOT a coconut fan by any means...but I actually love the light flavor of coconut in my baked goods...so if you don't like coconut, don't let that scare you away...try it first.



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I use this one primarily for skin and hair care but I have cooked with it and eaten it on crackers. I like it because it's in a glass jar and because it has a milder fragrance than most.


I use it as a face moisturizer (morning and night because I have very dry, sensitive skin) and as a leave-in conditioner for my hair.

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I agree with this 100%! Good advice!! And, I am NOT a coconut fan by any means...but I actually love the light flavor of coconut in my baked goods...so if you don't like coconut, don't let that scare you away...try it first.




I HATE coconut. I HATE everything about it, and was pleasantly surprised when I decided to jump in and use it for some light cooking and deodorant..I don't taste it at all when I'm cooking with it. I haven't tried baking,yet, as I know it will impart a different flavor, but so far in my cooking, it hasn't been an issue!

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We use it for everything, and I mean everything! I think it is miraculous, and of course take lots os mocking from my children about it. "Computer not working mom? Put some coconut oil on it!"


There is a line in Iron Man 2, when he pops the newly created element into his chest reactor thingie, and he starts glowing, sparking, and quickly ramping up in energy. IN the midst of this transformation he yells out "Tastes....like....coconut!". We totally lost it.

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There is a line in Iron Man 2, when he pops the newly created element into his chest reactor thingie, and he starts glowing, sparking, and quickly ramping up in energy. IN the midst of this transformation he yells out "Tastes....like....coconut!". We totally lost it.


:D Love it!

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I made deodorant with it. I love it. It works well, doesn't mess with my skin, and even covers up on days when I should've taken a shower first thing. I tested it for a few weeks against regular deodorant to make sure it worked and that'd I'd want to change over.


You can see a full write-up on my deodorant experiment here.


How cool! I'm going to try making my own deodorant with your instructions. Thanks!

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I was gone over the weekend and just came back to all the responses! Thanks so much!


I am really excited about trying this, as it is one of the positive things that I can add, as opposed to one of the many things I'm trying to take out of our cooking/eating line up. Sigh! Getting/being healthy is really hard work!


Thank for those who were brave enough to mention a "hot beverage" as well...this should be fun! :)


Have a blessed week, everyone!

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