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Anyone blowing off school today?

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Wellllll. . . . . .


I'm not "technically" blowing it off, but we're having an impromptu day off.


We've schooled since mid-August with no break. My grandmother is in her last days, so we're looking at a trip to Indiana in the next week or two. My parents brought us a TON of new furniture, which means that we have rearranged every room in the house. And, finally- my house is awash in rubbermaid bins that are storing fall clothes.


SO. . . day off. Which is not MUCH of a day off, since we still have piano lessons/ballet/ my teaching piano to contend with. But right now, I'll take what I can get!

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Have to school this week..well all this month. We blew off too many days last month, because dh was off on vacation! :) It's so nice to take off whenever we want!! Love homeschooling!!!


Hope the migraine gets better soon! I know your pain!

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No, but boy do I want to. We spent the day yesterday volunteering for our local NFL team and I went home exhausted and covered in a layer of salt from sweating profusely. The only thing that's changed today is the salt is gone after a long, refreshing shower. :lol: Trust me when I say the kid is trying hard to trump up my exhaustion and make a play for a day off.

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I did Math, History, and Italian this morning.


Now, I am taking a loooooooong break. It is freezing here, rainy, and just blah.


I have been reading for the past couple of hours cuddled in an oversized sleeping bag on my bed.


Now, off to read some more :lol:


ETA: Oh, and did I mention the hot chocolate. Yummy :D

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I am taking off today, we have several dentist appointments scheduled and my oldest married daughter is stopping by for a visit.


When I need some time off, whether I am sick, behind on housework, have doctor/dental visits scheduled,unexpected guest showing up or just burned out and need a break, we go into our default mode schedule.


I keep a constant default schedule of school work for the kids so that they always have something to do that is independent of me. These are things they can do without needing my constant help or explanation. We use this schedule a lot over the summer months so that I can get my things done (gardening/greenhouse work, heavy house cleaning, weeding, farm work, ectera) without the concern that my kids are missing out or falling behind on studies.


At the beginning of every month I make up laminated sheets (all used with dry erase markers that easily wipe off to use over and over again) of schoolwork for them to do over the course of a year to keep them moving ahead in math, art appreciation studies, music/composer studies, famous & important documents (memorizing the bill of rights and preamble to the constitution), grammar and parts of speech memorization, geography, ectera.....


I also keep up a general book reading list, flashcard list, spiral math work pages (work already learned & taught with me but needing constant review to stay sharp), ectera that they can use on default days.


This gives them a good 3 to 4 hours a day of work that is independent of me and allows them to stay ahead of the game when I need a break or I have overextended myself with things to do around the farm. This has worked out great for my older children over the years when life was chaotic because I was pregnant and not feeling well, had a new nursing baby or sick child.


This also works great when I need to run errands, help my parents, ectera.. and my dh has the day off to watch the kids. This way he can easily keep the children up with their schoolwork while I am away and also get his own things done, because our default work is all self teaching. Otherwise he would be lost and not knowing where we were in our regular schooling and the day would be a loss for us.


I even made the work self checking by keeping the answer sheets in a tote box where an older child can check the work for the younger ones and the older children can also check their own work, quizes and tests.


I love doing this routine because it allows me the freedom to get things done or take a break when I need it, but keeps the children working ahead and not falling behind. It takes away all that "momma guilt" I used to have years ago when we fell behind because I couldn't get it all done and was feeling overwhelmed or burnt out. For our family it works well.:001_smile:

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My son's birthday was Saturday and my Mom was here from out of town. Because of all that, my day yesterday wasn't a usual day (church, groceries, school planning, church, finish up school planning). So this morning I had to get groceries during our morning school time.


We'll probably just get Bible Study and history done this afternoon. We do a 4-day school week so we have Friday that we can catch up a bit with their individual work.

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I'm wishing I had not read this. We had a crazy day yesterday, we've done part of a school day today. I really want to call off all the rest and watch Prince of Persia again right now. Let's see...doing some calculating...


I would have no issue if we had started school earlier in the year, right now we're only on week 3.

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I laughed when I saw this post because this was SOOOO us today. I woke up late...the kids got up really late...and of course it was raining and 40 some-odd degrees this morning....ugh, forget about it!


We usually start school at 9 ish....well, today it was 12 ish. We did a few subjects as it was working out terribly...and called it a day.


Oh well :blush:

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