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Contents of your Purse


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I have a large purse (not really a purse, more of a messenger bag) because I carry my things and my mother's things when we go out.

It has:


2-year mini calendar

Address Book

2 Epi-pens (in case the first doesn't do the trick)

Albuterol Inhaler

A sandwich bag with Benadryl, perscription Ibuprofen, bandaids of all sizes, hand sanatizer, perscription allergy meds, Tums. (I'm a little too prepared...)

Keys to the house w/borders card

Cell phone case

Cell phone

Eyeglass case with replacement glasses

Extra pair of socks

Extra shirt

Extra undershirt

Sanitary needs

Small cosmetic bag (ponytail holders, bobby pins, hair clips, nail clippers and file, etc)

Bottle of Water

Sunflower seeds

Small notepad

3 pens

2 highliters

1 pencil

1 eraser

Mythology book

Sword of Truth series book #3


We walk a lot so it doesn't hurt to be prepared :lol:

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Wallet with the normal stuff in it


Small fleet of Matchbox cars


Cellphone (it has both a still and video camera, so I no longer carry the camera all the time)

Car keys

House keys

Keys to my sister's beach condo (in case I suddenly find myself in Ft. Pierce:D)




Sharpie (for swim meets, and quite frankly, I need a sharpie more often than you would think)

Calendar (I cannot use the calendar on my phone. It drives DH nuts that I still have a paper calendar)


Hand sanitizer

Skittles (I don't know why I have these)

Hair clip

Pony tail holders


Team lists for my kids' soccer teams (with names and jersey numbers, 4 kids on 4 teams means I cannot remember the names and numbers of everyone they play with)

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The bottom of my purse is completely covered with the contents of a ziploc baggie of Life cereal that burst open. Sigh. The rest of the contents are pretty run-of-the-mill, aside from an IHOP gift card that I'm holding onto until I need a break from cooking. Just knowing it's there makes me feel calmer.:D

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I just put my credit card and drivers license in a pocket or carry them and stash them under the seat if I don't have a pocket.


I leave purses and wallets everywhere and always have had that problem. My son now has an epi pen. For a year I've been trying to get used to carrying a pack with those pens, benadryl, and the inhaler. I leave it everywhere too. That's a wreck from a lot of perspectives and I've had to replace multiple $$$ pens because I've left them in vehicles or other places not the proper temperatures like parks. I'm not generally air headed but in this area I'm clearly absolutely hopeless and can't wait until he's old enough to take the transporting of that stuff over on his own.

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I keep a minimalist purse (we call them handbags here and purses are wallets for women). I have a leather backpack type purse because I really prefer to have my hands free.


I have one savvy-cents.com wallet- absolutely love it


One mobile phone


One notepad and pen


one comb


one lipstick or lip gloss


one pair of glasses for reading fine print on tins in the supermarket!


I regularly clean out my purse to keep the minimum in there.

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I carry a big purse. You shall see why:




A bottle of benedryl (for my kids that like to have bizarre skin reactions to random things)

A bottle of various OTC pain revlievers

Usually my dd's inhaler

A DVD (that I put in there so I would remember to give it to a friend next time I see her)

A pair of socks

The Grapes of Wrath (reading material for those times I have to wait)


Feminine product

Dental Floss

Swiss Army style pocket knife


A small tape measure

DH's watch with the broken band (that I've been meaning to buy a replacement for)

Check book

Hair Pick

Oh and a dollar that I was hanging on to so I could enter it into www.wheresgeorge.com

Edited by Apryl H
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1 diaper



2 tubes Burt's Bees lip balm

oh, I *do* have some gum in there

2 suckers from the bank

small hairbrush (because dd often forgets)

store receipt

too many gum wrappers

a few loose coins

GermX (not a GermX freak, it's more of an 'emergency' item)

ha! a couple loose candy corn

1 bandaid



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I will probably win the award for the fewest things in my purse. It's like a large wallet on a shoulder strap.


Shopping list


cell phone

99 cents in change

various membership and discount cards- Sam's, Kroger, etc.

2 pens, 2 pencils

1 tampon

credit cards

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