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And now I shall WHINE.

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I NEVER do this, but I"m sitting by myself in my office (not home office--- work office!) and I'm wallowing in self-pity so I need to whine. Feel free to ignore.


1. Today I woke up and it was pouring. We need the rain, but it's that weird in-between season in New England when it's cool, but not cold enough for sweaters, but too cool for summer clothes. Agonized over what to wear. This takes time and causes me to skip breakfast because I've used up that time changing outfits like a ninny.


2. Couldn't find an umbrella, and I needed one because my Monday + Wednesday job involves a LOOONG walk from parking lot to my office (Educational Consultant/Professional Development Trainer) Finally found a tiny one. I do not have a tiny body. Might as well not have bothered.


3. Driving down side street, two blocks from home, in pouring rain. Cat darts in front of me, I swerve to miss cat, bang the side mirror of my Suburban on a TELEPHONE POLE and smash it. Car is fine, I"m fine, CAT IS FINE, but poof! Another repair bill and an inconvenience.


4. Get to work and get pulled into a meeting at 11:00 am. Meeting runs until 1:30. I'm starving. Cafeteria closes at 1:30. I just miss it. Settle for a Diet Coke and a bag of Sun Chips from the vending machines. Could go out and forage at a fast food place a mile or so away, but again, LOOONG walk to parking lot with crappy umbrella in the pouring rain makes me decide it's not worth it.


5. Mom (who lives with us, bless her!) calls me to ask "whether or not I've thought of anything for dinner." :001_huh: UMM, no....I've been in and out of meetings and conference calls all day here in my office an hour away from home. My growling, empty stomach renders me unable to think of anything BUT dinner, but no, I haven't actually planned anything out. However, she's standing in the kitchen, in front of the refrigerator and around the corner from the pantry, and I"m home trying to guess. ARGH! I shouldn't complain; I adore my mom and she's the reason we can homeschool while I work part time. I"m eternally grateful to her for that, but NO, I HAVE NO FLIPPING IDEA WHAT TO MAKE FOR DINNER AT THIS POINT IN TIME!!!! I will undoubtedly think of something on the way home.


6. Now I"ve got low blood sugar, I"m starving, stressed out about the side mirror, and still damp from this morning, with no prospects for dinner, and soon will be getting soaked again on my way to the car, which I'll drive home in traffic with no passenger-side rearview mirror. :svengo:


That is all I can think of at the moment. Thank you all for listening. You may continue on with your lovely, happy, fulfilling day now.



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No, no, no, in THAT kind of weather one needs a hot tea with a shot of honey whiskey, not a 'cold one' or a glass of wine!


Do you think that maybe your mom was calling to sort of hint that she would be willing to think of something or start something for you? Is she a former SAHM who might be lost without being needed to cook?

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When my bedraggled self finally made it home tonight:


My sainted husband met me at the back door with a Mike's and a big hug,

My sainted mother had a lasagna in the oven,

My sainted daughter was tossing together a salad,


And my sainted dogs were wagging and turning themselves inside out because it had been NINE WHOLE HOURS since they'd seen me last and gosh darn it, they adore me! (It was also THEIR supper time, and everyone else in the house had ignored them so I was truly their LAST. BEST. HOPE. so I"m not really taking it personally.)


So life is good again. Thanks for your sympathy, suggestions and commiseration! I truly appreciate them all!



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