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WHERE did I hide the snacks for the kids lunch for co-op.......tomorrow.....

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Yeah, I'm voting for 'someone found them and ate them'. And I wouldn't necessarily blame the kids first...


A few weeks ago, I tore everything out of my freezer TWICE looking for a bag of homemade pocket sandwiches I had JUST made a day or two before. I thought maybe I was goin' a little senile for a while.


Well, a few days later, I happened to mention it to dh. We was all, ':blush:, Um, I ate them'. I was like, 'ALL of them?! Okaaaaaaay....' Ha! At least I know they were good! :D


So, you know, you might want to check with you dh before you pull the house apart. And if he doesn't know, I'd start asking kids.

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Yeah, I'm voting for 'someone found them and ate them'. And I wouldn't necessarily blame the kids first...


A few weeks ago, I tore everything out of my freezer TWICE looking for a bag of homemade pocket sandwiches I had JUST made a day or two before. I thought maybe I was goin' a little senile for a while.


Well, a few days later, I happened to mention it to dh. We was all, ':blush:, Um, I ate them'. I was like, 'ALL of them?! Okaaaaaaay....' Ha! At least I know they were good! :D


So, you know, you might want to check with you dh before you pull the house apart. And if he doesn't know, I'd start asking kids.


They are all downstairs watching a movie -- I think that everyone who suggested the four of them (in any combination) may be on to something.

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All excellent suggestions -- all places where I would hide things, all places I have checked.:sneaky2:


I think I am going to give breathalyzer tests to each of them!


Hmm...have you found any mysterious wrappers, lol? They were probably clever enough to stuff them under some other garbage. :tongue_smilie:


Okay, do you have a place where you keep your teaching materials, a closet, a drawer, a box...somewhere you go, but they don't? I hide things there sometimes. I also put things in the buffet in our dining room. No one ever goes in there...well, except dd14. :glare: Oh, and sometimes in the cupboard, but the wrong one...I'll hide things behind the big platters, etc.


Good luck! :lol:

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I have looked everywhere -- at least I think I have -- I know that I thought to myself: 'Gee. :banghead: This IS a really good place to keep them from getting into these.'


well I had some very expensive, and tasty, treats for everyone's Christmas stockings two years back. I also had a movie for each person in the house. I also had a great hiding place but I never found them...... until the following Christmas. They were in with the Christmas decorations. I guess I missed a container that year? I don't know. But we found them last year. The chocolate had a white film all over it. :glare:


So if you don't find them soon, go check the Christmas decorations. Maybe they're there. ;)

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well I had some very expensive, and tasty, treats for everyone's Christmas stockings two years back. I also had a movie for each person in the house. I also had a great hiding place but I never found them...... until the following Christmas. They were in with the Christmas decorations. I guess I missed a container that year? I don't know. But we found them last year. The chocolate had a white film all over it. :glare:


So if you don't find them soon, go check the Christmas decorations. Maybe they're there. ;)



THAT is funny! I found gifts I had bought for the Treasure Box when I taught 4th grade (two years ago) -- I found the gifts last year right before we moved into the hotel.:D

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Did you ever find them?


No. :glare:


And, don't even ask about the alarm clock NOT going off till 7am -- and I was supposed to be 45 minutes away by 8:15.........but it did all work out, thankfully.


I am SO tired, I am not even going to ask them about the snacks. I was driving this morning, though, trying to remember what the heck I did with them!:tongue_smilie:

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No. :glare:


And, don't even ask about the alarm clock NOT going off till 7am -- and I was supposed to be 45 minutes away by 8:15.........but it did all work out, thankfully.


I am SO tired, I am not even going to ask them about the snacks. I was driving this morning, though, trying to remember what the heck I did with them!:tongue_smilie:


Gun safe? Behind the caustic bathroom cleaning chemicals? Liquor cabinet? Next to the furniture stripping bottles? With the secret stash of Harlequin Romance paperbacks? In the trash barrel under the plastic liner?


OH...your DH drywalled them into the wall!!! Too bad...

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Gun safe? Behind the caustic bathroom cleaning chemicals? Liquor cabinet? Next to the furniture stripping bottles? With the secret stash of Harlequin Romance paperbacks? In the trash barrel under the plastic liner?


OH...your DH drywalled them into the wall!!! Too bad...


:lol::lol::lol: Definite possibility.

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Um, Mariann...(wiping snack residue from my lips)...it was my turn for the Hummer and I found this 'stuff' in the back. I figured it was a gift..yeah, that's it. A gift.


You should be careful next time.


I used the AG to destroy the evidence. You might want to run the self-cleaning cycle before you make cookies.


Mer: Thanks! I thought I was losing my mind! I felt, well,

almost feeble.:crying:


I feel so much better now.......whew, left them in the hummer.


And, omh......can THAT AGA bake cookies! Amazing! In like 8 minutes........trays, and I mean trays of cookies! images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRVDeT6Pz67eFrwaPlFveJBNKkGLQ-dYD-uinyw_rMKPAvakek&t=1&usg=__hVv1QPajzlrDIzjsdD3QBu-xfy0=I have to get back to THe SHRED tomorrow.;)

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Can you leave a tray of cookies in the Hummer next time?






Good luck with the Shred.


I will leave TWO trays and I'll wrap them up real nice with a ribbon!


I hurt my right knee - REALLY hurt my right knee. I have NEVER had a knee injury before (I have run 35 miles a week), but I have one now. Today is Day Two of Rest..........I have to rest tomorrow too, and then I can try again on Sunday.


When I am not running around like a crazy woman with three kids, I have been sitting with ice on my knee. I cannot believe this happened. And, DRIVING is the WORST!!!!! Just moving my foot from the accelerator to the brake........OMH......I see stars. There may be some extra Hummer time in this for you ;).

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