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this forum is HUGE...

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Post questions and threads when you want to. And read the ones that interest you or relate to you after skimming titles. Some of the forums might not really apply to you. I tend to only go on this one and the K-8 curriculum for the most part. Mostly this one. You'll get the hang of it! Welcome. :)

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If it makes you feel any better, I've been on this board for a few years and I only have a little over a 100 posts. I just read what interests me, usually using the search option. Don't let the mega-posters worry you.;) I take everything here in small doses *when* I have time!


How can you do that? :tongue_smilie:


I'm addicted. I sometimes wake up and say to myself, "No WTM forum today - strictly school, laundry and filing."


My filing is really piling


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I am very grateful that this forum IS so large! When we made the decision in January to homeschool our youngest, I went searching and searching for an online community. I wanted one with boards that move *fast*, with lots of questions and answers, and discussions on a wide variety of topics. I am ever-so-thankful I followed a mention (not even a link, so I had to dig through google) on someone's blog about something they had read on the WTM forums.


As for the number of threads to deal with, I just hover my mouse over the listings on the forum to see if the thread might be something I'm interested in. No point in clicking on it if it has no relevance to me :) I don't reply that much, only when I feel I have something that adds to the discussion in a meaningful way. Plus replying takes a long time!

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