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Newborn pics of my niece! P.S. I took them! :)

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I just did my first ever newborn pics, and I am so excited that my step-sister has given me permission to share them here!


Here is the link and the password is lindsay (all lower case). http://www.nakiaensleyphotography.com/Other/Grace/13123150_fMsif#951675407_qNNhh


I am so in love with her!!! She is such a gorgeous baby!!

Edited by Nakia
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Thank you! She is so sweet and tiny! Only 6lb 12 oz at birth. :D


Gorgeous, Nakia!! The light is so mellow and soft. Love it, and love her. :)


Thanks! My mom has a huge bay window in her living room, so we just opened the blinds and put her right in front of it. And I used my beloved 50mm lens. :001_smile:

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Thanks again everyone. I feel like stalking pregnant women so I can take pictures of their newborns, but I think that would be frowned upon. :lol:


I was telling my husband that I wish I had known how to take pictures when my babies were little. I'm glad I'm getting really good pictures of my girls now, but there is just something about those days of a brand new baby. I miss those little yawns, and the smells, and the softness. Oh, man, now my uterus is aching. But my husband had the big V, so it will have to ache on. I will just spend lots of time loving on Grace.

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So beautiful! I love the curled up full body picture on page 3!


That's one of my favorites. She is actually using the black and white version of that one for her birth announcements!


Aww, very nicely done! There is nothing quite like a newborn baby!


No, there's nothing like it. I came *this close* to getting a full-blown case of baby fever.

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Oh those little fresh, still peeling, newborn feet are so sweet. And I love the ones with her on the purple and white blanket with her eyes open. She is just darling.


That blanket belongs to my oldest daughter. It was so sweet to see Grace lying on it.

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