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Dh is on his annual rant against our temperatures

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Where could we move to avoid the 100 degree temps in summer (for him) but still not have a super long winter (for me). He'd actually love it to be even cooler, mid 70's all summer would be great! But long winters would kill me. My feet have been cold this summer, inside of course. The length of our winters is good! We're central NC btw.


Oh, and it would need to have computer jobs! He writes software.


So tell me, where can we move to have the "perfect" weather, according to us. :)

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Well, the winters are long but it almost never snows in the Pacific Northwest - you could always make a move to Seattle. We're south of Seattle, and it's a blistering 68 degrees right now. It's been a very mild summer.


You have to like rain though. Like, really really like it.

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There's the CA coast. Weather stays roughly in the 70s year-round.


Of course, I now pay a couple hundred less a month for our house payment than I paid for rent over 15 years ago there...


Silicon Valley!!! warm, dry days; cool evenings with sea breezes; some rain in "winter" ... but yes, not cheap!



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NC isn't out...just move to Western NC. It's been in the high 80's, with just one or two days over 90...but hardly any humidity. Plus it does cool down in the evenings, to low 70's...so just enough to enjoy it!


We just moved here in May, so can't speak for winters, but from what I have heard, "normally" it is very mild here, and hardly any snow....except last winter, but it was particulary bad almost everywhere on the East Coast.


We are LOVING this summer...coming from Florida, and prior to that Charleston SC...where you didn't leave the house unless you were headed to water in the summer.

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Newport Beach, CA.


We just moved from there to Chicago last December and it had almost perfect weather, 70's-80's all summer during the day and in winter it is 60's during the day 50's at night. Once in a blue moon we had a night that dipped to 48. We had several days in January that it was high 70's. No humidity, very few bugs, clean, clean, clean. It is not cheap to live but you don't have high heating or cooling bills either. It would be my vote for cooler summers/mild winters.

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Coastal southern California. My DH is in software too. We are a little hotter than you would like, but rarely over 85 where we are a couple miles from the coast (the farther back from the coast you go = cheaper!). Not the cheapest place to live though.

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The northwest marine zone or if you prefer, Belgium (same climate), Ireland, and some other places. ANother area that doesn't get too hot and doesn't snow either are the islands in Florida, at least on the Atlantic side. Our summers typically are in the low 90s and high 80s. But the humidity is lower and it just never gets to be in the mid to high 90's due to the ocean influence.

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I live in Missouri, moved here from Texas. The weather here is very erratic. We get tornadoes. We get ice storms. But we also have four seasons. The summers are hot, but they don't drag on and on and on. The winters are cold and the kids can build snowmen but the snow doesn't stick around for ages. The springs and falls are completely gorgeous. Fall is my favorite season, mostly because spring is evil and I can't breath. Yeah, this area is bad for allergy sufferers. Every year it feels like nature wants me dead and is a little closer to accomplishing it. :)

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Well, it's been upper 90's to 100's all week. The coolest day in the 7 day forecast is 91. So if heat is not for you...


Ha! I live in Oklahoma--have most of my life--so I'm used to the heat! :) It's 98 here today. It'd be nice to be a little cooler in the summer just so I could get out of doors more.


The northwest marine zone or if you prefer, Belgium (same climate), Ireland, and some other places. ANother area that doesn't get too hot and doesn't snow either are the islands in Florida, at least on the Atlantic side. Our summers typically are in the low 90s and high 80s. But the humidity is lower and it just never gets to be in the mid to high 90's due to the ocean influence.


Ireland=been there, done that for a few years. Didn't mind the constant rain, but 40s-60s year round along with the extremely short winter days is killer. My husband loved it. :001_rolleyes:


I live in Missouri, moved here from Texas. The weather here is very erratic. We get tornadoes. We get ice storms. But we also have four seasons. The summers are hot, but they don't drag on and on and on. The winters are cold and the kids can build snowmen but the snow doesn't stick around for ages. The springs and falls are completely gorgeous. Fall is my favorite season, mostly because spring is evil and I can't breath. Yeah, this area is bad for allergy sufferers. Every year it feels like nature wants me dead and is a little closer to accomplishing it. :)


My parents are in Missouri. We just visited them for a week and no one in my family had allergy or asthma problems for the week...yea! Just 'cause we have Oklahoma allergies from living here for so long. I love Missouri weather in the fall and spring...and summers usually, but my goodness, this year the humidity was brutal!!

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I used to live where you are and it is cooler here than it is there.;) I haven't seen a 100 degree day since we moved a year ago.


Believe it or not, even here in the Keys we never have 100 degree weather. Usually it's cooler here than in Miami. The costs are a problem though along with non-tourist or military jobs.

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IMO the best year round weather is in Hawaii, but the cost of living is too high for us and it's too far away to visit the relatives and travel, etc, so we don't move there.


Our area of PA (south central) is generally decent in the summer and winter certainly doesn't last forever. This year it's hot though. The weatherman on TV said the year with the most 90+ degree days was in 1966 when there were 60 of them! Afterward, each 11th year has been a minor peak. Counting off the years... '77, '88, '99, and voila, 2010. It seems it's supposed to stay hot this year (sigh). BUT, if you move next year, you'd have 10 additional years before it had another minor peak! It's amazing how much it coordinates with the 11 year sunspot cycle... I guess there probably is some truth to it affecting the weather.


We've lived in FL, RI, VA, NY and NC. To me, this area is the best of what we can afford. HI would still be tops for weather though.

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Newport Beach, CA.


We just moved from there to Chicago last December and it had almost perfect weather, 70's-80's all summer during the day and in winter it is 60's during the day 50's at night. Once in a blue moon we had a night that dipped to 48. We had several days in January that it was high 70's. No humidity, very few bugs, clean, clean, clean. It is not cheap to live but you don't have high heating or cooling bills either. It would be my vote for cooler summers/mild winters.


I grew up inland from you - Orange. You are making me homesick!

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There's the CA coast. Weather stays roughly in the 70s year-round.


Of course, I now pay a couple hundred less a month for our house payment than I paid for rent over 15 years ago there...

We used to live in Thousand Oaks, CA -- near Malibu. The summers were mild and in the upper 70's to 80's (NO humidity or heat -- compared to Texas) and we rarely ran the a/c. Often, we'd open up the windows at night to allow the ocean mist (June Gloom) cool us down. My yard had Chinese Hibiscus, Birds of Paradise, Bouganavilia, and Star Jasmine growing everywhere due to the lovely climate.


However, please note that the economy sucks big time in CA and you still will not find a decent home to live in under 250K. Not to mention the commute time to and from work really bites in LA traffic. Good luck. :D

Edited by tex-mex
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I'm thinking Seattle.


Seattle (or more likely Bellevue, WA) has Microsoft and a zillion other computer companies. Our temperature is around mid 30's in the winter (occasionally lower or higher) and mid to upper 70's in the summer (occasionally lower or higher but generally without humidity). Shhh. Don't tell anyone but it does not rain here at least as much as people say it does. It rains many days but it is intermittent and often more misty than a downpour.

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