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To Keep the Cat or Not Keep the Cat... this is my question!

Do we keep the cat outside? Keep it inside? Get rid of it to someone else?  

  1. 1. Do we keep the cat outside? Keep it inside? Get rid of it to someone else?

    • Do we keep the cat outside?
    • Keep the cat inside?
    • Get rid of it to someone else?
    • Do you want the cat or have a better idea??

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Ok, So, I found just found a mama with 4 babies... caught them all... took the kitties to a lady that gives kitties away....took that mama to the vet... got her spayed... and now she's coming back to us tomorrow. (We JUST did this... I am NOT attached at this point)


Here's the deal: I have a dog (65lbs-from the humane society)

I have a cat....(ended up getting the cat 8 years ago, long story short.. because it was going to be sent to the humane society)


I didn't want to ever get another cat... I was counting down for when the time would come... that I would get a puppy. (or young dog) to go with my Brownie Dog :)


The cat's coming back... we have a field behind us, with a company that feeds cats. Do we try to "make it ours" by keeping it inside and SOMEHOW making sure my dog, first cat and this one get along?


Do I try to find another home for it? (We only have a million cats in our town... I'm sure someone wants another one)


Do I keep it.. but as an outside cat... only?? Like feed it... try to love on it... and keep it's vaccines up to date?


It's not the money at this point.. I've blown most of the money needed to make it "ours"... as I've spent almost $200! So...


What do I do?


PS, my children have told the inevitable lies... you know... "We'll help, we'll feed it, we'll change the litterbox" Don't worry! I know it'll be all me...pretty much!

Edited by NayfiesMama
Cat escaped over where it was being cared for...during recovery....
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I was counting down for when the time would come... that I would get a puppy. (or young dog) to go with my Brownie Dog :)

Yeah,, another dog. Just not yet.;)

Edited by gingerh
I'm sorry, that was supposed to show it was your quote, not something I made up
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I would keep her. She'll be safer inside. Assuming the other cat is indoors (?) I'd keep this one inside too. The cats may take a while but they will adjust to each other. Most likely they'll tolerate each other but you never know--some become friendly.

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I didn't want to ever get another cat... I was counting down for when the time would come... that I would get a puppy. (or young dog) to go with my Brownie Dog :)


I would find another home for it. There is no way I would keep a stray cat unless I want a cat, which I do not. I am an equal opportunity non-wanter. I don't want any more pets.

Edited by RoughCollie
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Oh, keep her! She and the dog will learn to get along. It takes a few days, but they get used to each other. And, don't let her roam outside. Kitties need to be inside, where they don't become prey for wild animals or turn into road kill (don't laugh; I live in the middle of town and have seen raccoons and opossums running down the street!)

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It's not the money at this point.. I've blown most of the money needed to make it "ours"... as I've spent almost $200! So...


Ahhhh, just like mine. Another free cat from the back yard. ;) I vote for letting the cat decide. I had three possible homes lined up for our Free Kitten From The Backyard, but he never had any intention of leaving.



PS, my children have told the inevitable lies... you know... "We'll help, we'll feed it, we'll change the litterbox" Don't worry! I know it'll be all me...pretty much!


When my daughter slacks off on bunny care the boys threaten to take over the bunny and change her name from "Tinkerbell" to "Crusher". That usually gets results for awhile at least. :lol:

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It depends....the "stray" I brought home definitely preferred to be and indoor cat and so that's what he is.I also had one once that would NOT live indoors and was not a pet....he stayed an outside cat. If the cat is tame then bring it in. If not tame then you have a new outside cat :)

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We currently have 6 indoor cats (one is a new kitten) and 4 indoor/outdoor dogs. Also, we are feeding a mama and 3 kittens and an old tom cat (all strays but tame) outside. They basically live in my yard. There is just no way we have room for any more inside. I am gathering all the outside kitties up in a couple weeks to have them spayed and neutered, but they will still be outside kitties (though a couple of the kittens do come inside to sleep and eat during the day sometimes).


We have some adjusting to do each time we add another, but really, the cats just mind their own business and are no problem at all, once they get adjusted. The dogs are good with them too. I have never really found it any problem at all to add a new kitty (though we are at our maximum capacity at the moment because of space).

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If you choose to bring her in, one of the best ways to do so is to temporarily replace an inside door for one room with a screen door, or with multiple baby gates stacked up, so the animals can see/hear/smell the newcomer for a few days (if you don't know how well litter trained the newcomer is, choose the room accordingly). When the hissing/growling stops, you know it's time to let them out, although when I've done this with cats, usually a cat will manage to escape when they're ready to go meet the others ;).

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Congratulations on the new addition to your family! :D


You did a good job! Now she needs a name and lots of love. Can you guess I voted that you keep her? :lol: Inside would be best. Now when you get a puppy for Brownie, Kitty will have a friend too. To make the new kitty more acceptable to your already there Kitty, you can give both of them a bath. This will make them smell the same, and they'll have a much shorter adjustment period. I don't think it will make any difference to the dog how they smell, but I don't know. If he's due for a bath, might not hurt to give him one too.


Please let us know what you decide, and if you've decided to give her a forever home, what her name is. Pictures would be great too!!! :)

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If you want a puppy in future, and your dh will not be overly thrilled at the prospect of four indoor pets - I would rehome this kitty in a second. My dh has an indoor-pet-limit to his sanity - it's not something he can just change his mind about. ;) You've done well by her - cared for her, fostered her, and had her spayed. Now, let her go.


Otherwise, I think it would be easy to resent said kitty in a couple of years when you're really jonesing for a new puppy.


I'd never guilt myself into keeping a housepet (well, not for long, anyway!!). There's too much work involved to do it because I "have" to. I'd find a cozy home for her and leave it be. :D I've BTDT in similar situations and find we're both happier when I've rehomed said pet. I've kept in contact with the new owners and the pets really were happier and in homes where the chief caretaker reallyreallyreallyreally wanted them!! :)


Good luck!

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I'm another for letting the cat decide. I suppose the shelter wanted you to just release her? In that case, I'd bring her home, make sure food was available and if she wanted to start coming in I'd let her in.


We have two cats that were left behind by our ex-nutty neighbors. They come in during extreme weather (of their own choice), but prefer being outdoors. Great cats, we adore them, but they were too ill treated by their previous owners to be indoor around the clock cats.

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I would find another home for it. There is no way I would keep a stray cat unless I want a cat, which I do not. I am an equal opportunity non-wanter. I don't want any more pets.


:iagree:Just because there is an overpopulation of animals, does not mean an individual who does not want indoor pets should have them. I would not adopt a cat if I did not want a cat and there is no reason to feel guilted into keeping a cat you did not seek out. It is wonderful that you have spayed it. What you might have done is take it to the vet and offer to pay for the spay and shots ect, if they find it a home afterwards. Some vets will do this. Other then that, I'd just put an ad in the paper. Good luck.

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I bought two Maine Coon cats 9 years ago. I have adopted four more cats since then. I adopted two dogs. Just recently a sick stray showed up on my porch and I put my foot down and said no we could not take him in. I was afraid that whatever he had could take down my entire population of cats. So all the kids in the neighborhood collected their money, took one of my cages, packed the cat up and took him down the road to the vet. The vet gave him a shot and some meds. He checked him for rabies and then told them if someone was going to keep him he need to be check for feline leukemia and something else plus get all his shots. I am not adopting him but for the time being he is living on my front porch and all the kids are medicating, feeding and watering him.


My entire population of animals need treatment for ear mites and their shots plus the pup needs fixed and the Golden needs grooming. I can't afford any more animals. I wouldn't take him in unless you really feel strongly about it.

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