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Rant - dd and her ultrasound appt.

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My dd was scheduled for her ultrasound today to figure out her bathroom problems. I was told to have her at the hospital at 2:30 with a full bladder. At 3:00 she still hadn't been called and she starts tearing up she has to go so bad. I went to the check in booth and told them she needed to be seen NOW or she would be going to the bathroom. The girl said they were running just a little behind and then pointed out it was ONLY 30 minutes past her appointment time. She acted upset that I was asking her to check on how much longer it was going to be. I totally went off! I have been stressed about poor dd all week and this girl just happened to say the wrong thing at the wrong time. I pointed out that is was unreasonable to tell a 10 year old who is already having pain upon going to the bathroom to wait so long. She said dd could go let out a little - and I just laughed at her and asked if she even had kids and do they have pain going to bathroom. And then I don't really remember what all I said. These aren't the exact words I used, unfortunately I think I was pretty snotty. Thankfully another worker heard what was going on and came over and told me it was definately too long for dd to wait. Told me to let her go to the bathroom and let her drink more water and the radiologist would just have to do her exam in two parts if necessary. Poor dd was really crying by the time she finally got to go. I felt bad for not keeping my cool but I really don't understand a children's hospital thinking these young ones can hold it in forever.



We ended up not being seen until almost 3:30 and by that time dd had drank another bottle of water and had to go again.

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When my dd had kidney stones, she was sent for an ultrasound, full bladder included. Radiologist decided to do a CT scan instead. Dd changed and sat in dressing room for about an hour. Dh finally went to the desk and asked how much longer it would be. The CT scan machine had broken and no-one had bothered to tell them!! They had to drive to another office with dd's full bladder.

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The same thing happened to me with my pg ultrasound a few weeks ago. I followed the instructions to a T, which said to drink 2L of water 1 1/2 hours before the appt. I did so, and of course I ended up having to wait another hour! I seriously considered going to the bathroom, but I was afraid they would come to get me and not find me. A nurse had come to call another patient earlier, and when told she was in the bathroom, replied "I certainly hope not!", so I knew that would be a no-no!


By the time they called me in, I was in so much pain, could barely walk, and had a very difficult time climbing up onto the table. By that point I didn't care any longer whether it was a boy or a girl, I just wanted a bathroom! When the tech asked me where my pain was, I replied "I just have to go to the bathroom reeeallly badly!" Her reply? "Oh, well go ahead and empty half of your bladder. It will be full enough by the time I get to that part of the exam." :001_huh::001_huh: I did so, and ended up needing to "empty half" again before she finished.


That'll teach me to follow their stupid guidelines. If I ever have to do another ultrasound, I will just start drinking when I get there, or at least in the car on the way.


Hope everything works out for your dd.

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In my (limited) experience I find that my children receive more respect at places that are not *just* for children. :glare:


My experience has been the opposite. Children's Hospitals have provided *far* better care for my kids than anywhere else...

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It's just maddening isn't it?!? My nephew had an RA appt. My sister called for directions (they'd waited two months for this appointment) the day before and was informed they'd cancelled the appointment and oopsy, forgot to call and tell her.


She asked if they were planning on recompensing her for the time off from work and they laughed :glare: Of course, she would've had to pay for the missed appointment if it was the other way around.

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It's just maddening isn't it?!? My nephew had an RA appt. My sister called for directions (they'd waited two months for this appointment) the day before and was informed they'd cancelled the appointment and oopsy, forgot to call and tell her.


She asked if they were planning on recompensing her for the time off from work and they laughed :glare: Of course, she would've had to pay for the missed appointment if it was the other way around.


I charged my dentist my hourly rate for making me wait an hour past my appointment time and he paid me. :D

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My experience has been the opposite. Children's Hospitals have provided *far* better care for my kids than anywhere else...


Yes. FAR better. I wish that as an adult I could get the same type of care that we've gotten at children's hospitals.

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And I can completely sympathize with having gone off on the clerk. I would have too, and I would also follow up with a comment to the hospital. Our children's hospital here takes families' comments very seriously, and they do follow up on them.

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I'm so sorry your DD wasn't given more consideration and I don't blame you at all for going off on the clerk.


Your story reminded me of when DD was scheduled for surgery mid-afternoon and, of course, had to fast since the night before. I called asking for a morning appointment to minimize the time she needed to fast and was told the surgeon only had surgery privileges in the afternoon. DD was much unhappier about needing to fast than she was about facing surgery!



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