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Have you taken antidepressants and then regretted it?

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And if so, what do you wish you had done instead of the antidepressants?


Lately I feel like my fibromyalgia has gotten a lot worse. But I also seem to have a lot of the symptoms of depression described in online information. So, I am not sure if my fibromyalgia is just getting worse, or if it is worse and that is making me depressed, or if I am depressed and that is making my fibromyalgia worse, or....... (How was that for confusing? :001_huh:) Anyway, I am planning to talk to a doctor about all this. But, I'm wondering if I am diagnosed with depression and prescribed antidepressants if I want to go that route or try something else first. I have a friend on Prozac and it helps her a lot, but she can't get off of it now and has mixed feelings about it. So, if you have been in this situation and want to share from your experience, I would love to get your input. Thanks!



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A few years ago I was dealing with some severe chronic pain issues--and my Dr prescribed anti-depressants... I blindly took them thinking that I must be depressed because I felt so bad...


I became EXTREMELY lethargic on them--and within 6 weeks I was suicidal. IT was a BAD situation... I still clearly remember those suicidal thoughts that ran through my mind those weeks.


The Dr tried to switch me over to a different one--and that one made the problem even WORSE... it was clear that I anti-depressants were NOT the answer...


About one year after this I found a Dr who FINALLY figured out what was going on with my body---and a short surgical procedure changed my life ---for the better!



I hope that you will be able to find something that works for you...


I have friends who use anti-depressants for chronic pain and they are living a full life again...

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I appreciate you sharing your experience. I'm glad that your doctor was able to figure out how to help you!


Did you have any trouble getting off the antidepressant once you figured out that it was making you worse? Was stopping them dificult, or did you just stop and the suicidal thoughts, etc... went away?


Thanks again,



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I became EXTREMELY lethargic on them--and within 6 weeks I was suicidal. IT was a BAD situation... I still clearly remember those suicidal thoughts that ran through my mind those weeks.




I took Lexapro for about a month. During that time I felt amped and exhausted at the same time. I could not sleep *at all*. It was absolutely awful. My doctor encouraged me to stay on them to let the side effects dissipate. I decided to cut down my dose to find where I could not feel the side effects any more, with the plan being to then ramp up the amount. When I found that I could still feel the stuff when I took even a practically microscopic shaving of the pill, I stopped.


During that time I thought over and over that I *completely* understood how taking antidepressants could cause someone to commit suicide. That theory about people feeling better enough on antidepressants so that they actually do something about their depression and commit suicide is not the only answer; antidepressants can also make you feel much, much worse, to the point that suicide looks like an attractive alternative.


Now, all that said, lots of people do just fine on antidepressants and have positive, life-changing experiences. That just wasn't my experience.

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Me. I took the antidepressants instead of pushing for real answers to my health problems. I was suffering from low thyroid (I was told my TSH was normal when it was 5), which looks a lot like depression. Well, for me, the antidepressants did not cure my "energy crisis", but it seriously exacerbated my PMS. When they upped the dose, the sh*t hit the fan. On the period-minus-three day of my cycle, I was curled up in a ball for 4 hours planning my suicide. I went from "life is horrible" to "I want to die now and I no longer care if my kids find me." That SCARED THE PANTS OFF ME. After that 4 hours of agony, I was better. It took me several months of this to figure out that it came the same time every month and lasted about the same time. I weaned myself off and went in search of other solutions.


My thyroid symptoms are mostly better now that I am on meds for that, but, since I went undiagnosed for 5 years, my adrenals were seriously taxed. They take longer to heal. We are steadily making progress, but I had to go outside of traditional allopathic medicine to find treatment that doesn't sent my body (and brain chemicals) into a tizzy.


I just want to add that this is just my experience. I do know that many people are helped by antidepressants, but many busy, overworked, careless doctors choose them as an "easy fix" to get people out of their offices rather than look for an underlying problem.

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There is no chance of me ever taking an anti-depressant.


I suffered from depression for many years (serious back issues, abusive marriage, etc).


I saw a therapist for probably about 2 years till the gray rain clouds lifted from my brain. Money very well spent.

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Wow, that would scare me too! Having fibromyalgia myself, I understand about doctors sometimes not taking stuff seriously. Interestingly, I do have a lot of antibodies against my thyroid and it sometimes goes out of whack, so I just had the levels checked to see if this could be my problem. It came out in the normal range, though.


Thanks for sharing your experience.



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Thanks for your input, Tess. I've been trying to cut out sugar, as I know what we eat can effect us alot. Actually, eliminating sugar often helps with my tiredness and pain, but doesn't seem to be doing too much yet this time. I'll keep at it, though.



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A natural alternative to anti-depressants that doesn't have the same side effects for many people is inositol powder 3 x's per day and you can also add N-acytl cysteine if the inositol isn't enough. It's less convenient to take than typical anti-depressants but as or more effective without the side effects. It's safe too.


And no matter what you decide you want to get to the root of the issues via therapy. I prefer cognitive behavioral to talk therapy for many issues. Exercise and really help depression as well.


Fibro...if the doctor didn't already rule it out make sure metabolics aren't behind or part of it (in the least get a coq10 and carnitine level) and also get your vitamin D levels tested (25OH-D). Chronic pain can indeed cause depression. :grouphug:

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I also have fibromyalgia, along with lupus. My rheumatologist put me on Cymbalta in October. At first, it did wonders for the level of pain and seemed to clear my head of the fog I had been in. It also made me extremely lethargic and I was on the smallest dose possible. It had some side effects I did not like - I gained 15 pounds in a month, I became extremely sensitive to the sun, I was very distant emotionally, and I also tired all the time. I opted to wean myself off of them and I am now going on 3 weeks without them. I can honestly say that I will never go back on any anti-depressants.


This was my 2nd round. The first time was after my hysterectomy when the doctor said I was just depressed, turns out I was in hormonal shock and had to get my hormones leveled back out. Once I did that, I weaned myself off the Zoloft they had me on then.


My husband has seen the effects and greatly dislikes the side effects I experience. I am a much happier person and really enjoy life when I am off of them, I just happen to be in a lot more pain when I don't take them.

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Thanks for your input. I'm sorry this happened to you. So it seems like in some people antidepressants can have the opposite of their intended effect. What did you do instead of the medication?




Since I felt so much better off of the medication, it kind of changed my view of how bad things were to begin with. Some things that seem to help are vitamins, omega-3s, evening primrose oil (for PMS), exercise, restricting caffeine, and avoiding alcohol.


I was actually trying the Lexapro for anxiety rather than depression, which probably makes a difference in how I'm dealing with things now.

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There are different kinds of anti-depressants and not all have the same side effects. I took a small dose amytriptillline (SP) for few years and while it did make me more tired, since I only took it at night it was manageable. I was taking it for nerve pain and it took it away.


It is fascinating to me how bodies are different. My dd is on Lexapro for migraine prevention (10 mg all month long) and also for PMDD (another 10 mg for half the month). It has helped her greatly with both issues and she has had no side effects. She has gained no weight at all.

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Over the last 8 years, I have taken four different anti-depressants, always with very poor results and lots of bad side effects.. I found out last week that depression was an inaccurate diagnosis. So the thing I do regret is not seeing a psychiatrist first and getting an accurate diagnosis before blinding accepting the antidepressants from my family doc.


ETA: I strongly believe that antidepressants are miracles for some people, just not for me.

Edited by Nakia
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There is no chance of me ever taking an anti-depressant.


I suffered from depression for many years (serious back issues, abusive marriage, etc).


I saw a therapist for probably about 2 years till the gray rain clouds lifted from my brain. Money very well spent.


That is good news! I, however, have been chronically depressed for most of my life, and only taking an anti-depressent has made a difference. I used to plan my suicide, but haven't even thought about it since taking Celexa. Been taking it for 12 years now. Life-changing, I tell ya. I may eventually try to go off of it, but see no reason to at this point. And I am able to deal with my issues since taking the medication....whereas without it, the most logical answer to my problems was suicide. Strong believer in correctly diagnosed and correctly medicated antidepressents here.

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Maybe I shouldn't be responding on this thread, but heck no, I don't regret taking a/d's. It may not be a pretty fact, but they are absolutely indispensable for me. I'm learning to view it as treating diabetes or high blood pressure - it's just something I have to take meds for.

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Maybe I shouldn't be responding on this thread, but heck no, I don't regret taking a/d's. It may not be a pretty fact, but they are absolutely indispensable for me. I'm learning to view it as treating diabetes or high blood pressure - it's just something I have to take meds for.


:iagree: Once I came to really understand depression as a disease, a chronic chemical imbalance in my body, the only regret I have is when I forget to refill or take the meds. There is no reason I should have to experience such pain and take it out on my husband and kids when there is something that can help. It did take some time to find the right combination, dosage, etc. but the not so fun side effects were totally worth it.

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I take Lexapro (for anxiety, though, not depression). I've been on it for 7 years and I don't regret it one bit. Quite the opposite, in fact. It has been a complete lifesaver for me.


I have fibro, too, and the Lexapro does not seem to help with that...although I guess it's possible I would be more depressed if I wasn't on it. Anyway, I have an appt next week with the dr to see if there's something else I can try for the fibro. The pain has been really bad lately.

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My DH went onto anti-D's almost 2 years ago now and it was the best thing he ever did! His Dr has basically said that some people develop conditions like high BP or depression and they require treatment for life. As far as we can see my DH fits this category and he is happy he finally medicated after battling with himself for YEARS!

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I have just now been able to return to the board and see a lot of your responses. (Time zone differences often put me "out of sync" with the majority of you all :001_smile:). I so appreciate hearing your stories and input on both sides of the question, so thanks to those who shared a positive experience with antidepressants as well as the negative experiences represented. Both give me some good questions to ask if the doctor ends up recommending that route. Thanks! This board is such an amazing resource!



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