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Do your kids have their own desks?

Desks vs shared space?  

  1. 1. Desks vs shared space?

    • My kids (at least 1st g & up) have their own desks.
    • We share a table (such as but not nec the dining table).
    • Kids ea have their own desks AND we share a bigger table.
    • There's a table & there are desks. None are specifically assigned.

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We'd been working at our dining room table, but it's not a good height for my DC to write well. Over the summer, I bought adjustable-height school desks with book bins underneath and have ugly school chairs on the way. I figure we can use the desks for writing-intensive tasks and share the table for projects that need lots of room to spread out. We have comfy seating all over the house for reading, so I think we're set.

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I voted for the they each have a desk but we have a big table too. We started out with a small table, then went to bigger desks. Those didn't work so we went to typical PS desks and that worked ok last year but then DS needed a desk for his computer because the old one was falling apart. So now all the kids have their computers in the corners of the room on the PS type desks and we have a big table in the middle of the room we all share for book work.

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My kids each have a desk in their rooms, originally purchased with the intent of using them for school. However, they have always been used to collect junk, hold stereo stuff and other useless but apparently necessary items. We do our work at the table, or they sit on their beds and do work.


And no, I don't love this set-up.

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I couldn't vote. My second kid, 10yo dd, has her own desk in a quiet corner of the living room, and the rest of us pretty much stick to the dining table. The kid with her own desk thrives on the independence, works faster and makes less mistakes when she can have her own private space. My oldest is a very social kid, and also easily distracted; he works best near me. The other two students are young enough they require me for the vast majority of their work.

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Each of the kids has a desk of some type, but the only one who actually uses hers is the 12yo and she doesn't use it for school.


My 17yo has a loft bed with a desk built-in. She uses it to stack stuff on. She does schoolwork while sitting on the floor, leaning over her books.


My 14yo has a loft bed with a pull-out desk. She used to use the desk, but decided that she prefers to lie on the floor while doing her schoolwork.


My 12yo has a drafting table (got it at Goodwill for $10). She uses it for drawing. She does her schoolwork on the sofa lying on her back while using her knees as a desk.

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Table, desks and floor..and couch...and outdoor table...and the swing....and a blanket in the yard (or the park/zoo whatever).....


We do school wherever it suits us. The kids both have desks in their rooms, there is one in the library, two down stairs...never thought about the fact that we have 5 desks lol

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kids each got their own desks 4 months before the end of the year. It was a blessing. Until that point we shared a table. It was hell. They had assigned seats but still managed to argue over space, placement of books, someone writing to vigorously, breathing too loudly, sneezing in their face, etc.


The desks were a gift and have resolved many many issues.

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My girls each have a desk in their bedroom. Downstairs in our "new" schoolroom, there's a big worktable (with a roulette wheel underneath :w00t:) on one side and then a small art/worktable for DD4 (the singing, humming, chatting wonder) as far across the room as I could arrange it to reduce the amount of bickering.

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We do most of our written work together at the dining room table. Other subjects are more literature-driven, and we tend to read where it's most comfy--on the couch, beds, etc. The kiddos do have their own desks but they rarely use them for schoolwork. I think as they get older and work more independently they will utilize their personal desks more.

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Dd and Ds#1 each have a desk in their bedrooms. They only use them for collecting a pile of who-knows-what on them.


I have a desk in living room that seems to be a catch all of everything.


We have a desk in the spare room off the kitchen that Ds#1 often uses for school and that is where I prefer they keep all their school stuff at.


We have a computer desk in living room that the kids use.


The kitchen table is available (on the rare occassions that you can see the surface of it).


Usually Dd does her school work laying on her bed or on couch.

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All of my kids have their own desk, but none of them use them for school regularly. One uses it as a storage container (grump, grump), one doesn't use it for anything, and the third... come to think of it, I don't know where he even put his. Maybe I should check on that.


We use the kitchen table when we need to, but more often than not they use their laps while we're out and about. Waiting for another child at sports, for example. Group work is done on the couch. So... we don't really fit in anywhere on the poll! :giggle:

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Each boy has a desk in his room. They are used for crafts most of the time. We have a dining room "school" table and a large kitchen table for school. There is a small table for eating and drawing in the playroom, as well as a large table for trains and legos. The dc are free to do their schoolwork anywhere they like.

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