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After literally hundreds of dollars wasted

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I finally found an acne treatment that works for dd12. Apple cider vinegar :001_huh: Seriously a friend told me about it and I though :001_rolleyes: But I told her I would try it and I did. Her acne was GONE within a day. 1 day. I tried EVERY.TREATMENT.OUT THERE. Every last thing you can think of including changing shampoo 7x (because it was mostly around her hairline even though she showers daily). So I hope this can save somebody else alot of money!

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So, does she drink it, or apply it to her face. I ask because I know several people who drink a shot of this every day, and swear it cures everything!



She applies it to her face with a cotton ball 2x a day. The first time she did it there was a noticable difference within an hour. The second time she did it at night it was gone by the morning!

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It never ceases to amaze me how pretty much everything we need is available in a natural form instead of one laden with chemicals. I never suffered acne (I have good genes and inherited great skin), but dh had terrible acne as a teen. I almost didn't recognize him when I saw his hs photos. His niece has it really badly too. I'll be sure to let her know to try this.

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It never ceases to amaze me how pretty much everything we need is available in a natural form instead of one laden with chemicals.


Everything is made of chemicals. I think the quintessential example is aspirin. One person could say, "Did you know that over-the-counter aspirin contains acetylsalicylic acid?" and the public would cry out in horror. It would strike people as "unnatural" or "dangerous." Little do they know that acetylsalicylic acid is just the name for the active chemical in aspirin and isn't dangerous just because it has a multi-syllable word and "acid" strung together. Another way of describing acetylsalicylic acid would be, "Did you know that aspirin is derived from the bark of a willow tree?" and to that description, the public would fall over themselves with how wonderful it is that there are still some drugs that they don't have to be afraid of.


It isn't that the drugs you buy in a store are laden with chemicals so much as the fact that medical researchers have done you the luxury of extracting the active ingredients. There are potentially harmful side affects from consuming a raw plant or substance that has one good chemical inside it, and its more crystallized form is easier for your body to metabolize and thus you may be reducing the amount of that substance you need to take (imagine that if you need a transmission you would be forced to buy an entire vehicle whose transmission may be in less than perfect shape and then take the transmission out yourself, versus doctors giving you a brand new transmission all by itself).


The word "natural" is a loaded term. It isn't nuetral. We associate with things that are clean, good, fresh -- one would assume that a natural remedy wouldn't involve a substance that has been spoiled by bacteria transmitted into by something like this:




Right? Oops, turns out that the deliberate introduction of this insect and its bacteria is exactly how vinegar is made. This doesn't mean that vinegar is dangerous or that it doesn't work as a toner for acne, but I want to illustrate how arbitrary it really is to romanticize natural remedies while condemning anything that's been distilled in a lab as inferior or nigh on poisonous. When you think about it, "natural" doesn't really even mean anything at all.

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I want to illustrate how arbitrary it really is to romanticize natural remedies while condemning anything that's been distilled in a lab as inferior or nigh on poisonous. When you think about it, "natural" doesn't really even mean anything at all.




Reminds me of

where they get people at an environmental rally to sign a petition banning dihydrogen monoxide.
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I finally found an acne treatment that works for dd12. Apple cider vinegar :001_huh: Seriously a friend told me about it and I though :001_rolleyes: But I told her I would try it and I did. Her acne was GONE within a day. 1 day. I tried EVERY.TREATMENT.OUT THERE. Every last thing you can think of including changing shampoo 7x (because it was mostly around her hairline even though she showers daily). So I hope this can save somebody else alot of money!


That's great! My husband tries to get me to drink a shot of that to help my allergies, but I won't do it since it tastes disgusting. :D Glad she found a good use for it!

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I'm not condemning chemicals. I know how vinegar is made. What I'm saying is it's amazing how something so simple can be useful when the most expensive products you can buy, which are manufactured using hundreds of chemicals are often not.

Yes, natural is a loaded word, but vinegar is far more "natural" than say Proactive Solutions, which is a combination of 16 or so chemicals (many of which are synthetic). I was merely commenting on how we, as a society, often look more to the lab for solutions to issues. Believe me, I appreciate medications. I have severe allergies. There are some natural remedies that help, but without medication, I would be a miserable lump of a human being.

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That's great! My husband tries to get me to drink a shot of that to help my allergies, but I won't do it since it tastes disgusting. :D Glad she found a good use for it!

My dh mixes it with hot water and a bit of honey for a drink. He does this faithfully. I have done it and it tastes good. I just don't take the time to make myself anything to drink. Water it is here.


As far as chemical v. natural, if you ever become chemically sensitive you will discover some of the real differences. Yes, there are some natural things that I react to also such as many essential oils but I can use most. I react to almost all chemical based cleaners, fragrances, etc.


I use vinegar for a lot of things in my home all the way from cleaning to being my fabric softener to helping clean my drains.


Vinegar, baking soda and H2O2 are my main cleaning agents.

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Do you let it dry on her face? I'm asking because I know ds will want to rinse his face as soon as he does it because of the vinegar smell. I imagine it needs to dry on the face for it to work.


She applies it to her face with a cotton ball 2x a day. The first time she did it there was a noticable difference within an hour. The second time she did it at night it was gone by the morning!
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Everything is made of chemicals. I think the quintessential example is aspirin. One person could say, "Did you know that over-the-counter aspirin contains acetylsalicylic acid?" and the public would cry out in horror. It would strike people as "unnatural" or "dangerous." Little do they know that acetylsalicylic acid is just the name for the active chemical in aspirin and isn't dangerous just because it has a multi-syllable word and "acid" strung together. Another way of describing acetylsalicylic acid would be, "Did you know that aspirin is derived from the bark of a willow tree?" and to that description, the public would fall over themselves with how wonderful it is that there are still some drugs that they don't have to be afraid of.


It isn't that the drugs you buy in a store are laden with chemicals so much as the fact that medical researchers have done you the luxury of extracting the active ingredients. There are potentially harmful side affects from consuming a raw plant or substance that has one good chemical inside it, and its more crystallized form is easier for your body to metabolize and thus you may be reducing the amount of that substance you need to take (imagine that if you need a transmission you would be forced to buy an entire vehicle whose transmission may be in less than perfect shape and then take the transmission out yourself, versus doctors giving you a brand new transmission all by itself).


The word "natural" is a loaded term. It isn't nuetral. We associate with things that are clean, good, fresh -- one would assume that a natural remedy wouldn't involve a substance that has been spoiled by bacteria transmitted into by something like this:




Right? Oops, turns out that the deliberate introduction of this insect and its bacteria is exactly how vinegar is made. This doesn't mean that vinegar is dangerous or that it doesn't work as a toner for acne, but I want to illustrate how arbitrary it really is to romanticize natural remedies while condemning anything that's been distilled in a lab as inferior or nigh on poisonous. When you think about it, "natural" doesn't really even mean anything at all.


:iagree:Fantastic post.

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I'm going to try this with ds! We pay $25 a month for meds and honestly I really dislike the idea of him being on meds to control the acne if vinegar will work. Vinegar may not be completely natural but it has been around a lot longer than the meds he takes and in terms of long term side effects, I feel more comfortable with vinegar if it works. Thanks for the tip!!

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I finally found an acne treatment that works for dd12. Apple cider vinegar :001_huh: Seriously a friend told me about it and I though :001_rolleyes: But I told her I would try it and I did. Her acne was GONE within a day. 1 day. I tried EVERY.TREATMENT.OUT THERE. Every last thing you can think of including changing shampoo 7x (because it was mostly around her hairline even though she showers daily). So I hope this can save somebody else alot of money!


i'm wondering if it has to be apple cider vinegar, or if any vinegar would work? this could be Very Helpful in our household...

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My aunt is a huge health nut and natural med person. She goes to a homeopathic doc and has done tons of research.


She has 101 uses for apple cider vinegar I think :) Anyways she has us all drinking a shot a day (I mix it in water and swear it tastes like wine) It really does work for heartburn/indigestion, at least for my family members.

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i'm wondering if it has to be apple cider vinegar, or if any vinegar would work? this could be Very Helpful in our household...


My aunt says its gotta be apple cider vinegar....I will try and get ahold of her today and ask why. I kinda remember her saying there is something in it thats not in pure white?

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Guest RecumbentHeart

Vinegar stops smelling when it dries.


And it's Apple Cidar Vinegar .. not just any vinegar .. in fact, not just any "apple cidar" vinegar is recommended - it's the brown stuff that you can probably see floaties in that has all the amazing health benefits to the full (the floaties are good ;) )


I only became aware of apple cidar vinegar when it was recommended to me for heart burn. It does help but my heart burn is still too chronic to fully rely on it.


I'm wondering if it just helps get rid of acne or if it helps with skin tone as well? that's what I really need. I tried everything out there too (and have bleach spots on clothes and towels from those things despite my best efforts to rinse those products off as directed!) and my best results by far have come from simply washing once or twice a day with dollar-something bar of glycerine/castile soap from iHerb. No more dryness or oiliness, smoother skin, smaller pores ... it just makes. me. sick. All that money and all those harsh products. *sigh*


If I scrub which I used to HAVE to do daily in some way or other (and no, not doing it daily did not improve the situation, despite what my Mary Kay consultant insisted) but now almost never need to, I use a little baking soda and water and then moisturize with olive oil (it's not oily feeling once it soaks in). Oh, and raw egg whites for a mask. :)


I will try this out as a toner.

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Guest RecumbentHeart
(I mix it in water and swear it tastes like wine) It really does work for heartburn/indigestion, at least for my family members.


This is what I found too .. reminds me of a champagne or something .. except not fizzy and with a bit of a bite. :tongue_smilie:

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wow..apple cider vinegar eh? dd13 has trouble with acne and I've not been sure what do for her.. we're polar opposites in skin & hair, with her being the oily skinned, stringy hair girl and me being the drier than dust constantly slapping moisturizer everywhere type. (always have been, even as a teen) ...our bathroom looks nuts with all the opposite types of soaps and shampoos and stuff in there. :tongue_smilie:


Might have to check this stuff out.

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Be careful...it can burn her skin if she uses it too frequently.


I use it to remove my own skin tags and moles. If put it on a cotton ball for 5 or 10 mins. 2x a day, and they fall off. Occasionally, I will leave it on too long and blister horribly:ack2:.


I have tried it for acne, and found that it dries my skin out and causes me to burn, but I'm very fair. :001_smile:.


I'm thrilled it is working for her! :D

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Guest RecumbentHeart


I use it to remove my own skin tags and moles.


:ohmy: ... I need to try that. I despise skin tags and I despise having to have them removed. Will be careful to avoid blistering .. that wouldn't be fun either.

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Do you let it dry on her face? I'm asking because I know ds will want to rinse his face as soon as he does it because of the vinegar smell. I imagine it needs to dry on the face for it to work.


Yes she lets it dry on her face, then after about 30 minutes she washes her face just with water (no soap or anything)


i'm wondering if it has to be apple cider vinegar, or if any vinegar would work? this could be Very Helpful in our household...


They said just apple cider vinegar, but I don't know why. I could ask them though when I see them!

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Good apple cider vinegar is an alive substance with the "mother" still in it- it is made by the fermentation of apples, to the point past where it would be apple cider, to where it becomes vinegar....think yoghurt, kefir..it has acetic acid bacteria in it. It is a health food that has been used and known about for thousands of years.

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at the risk of sounding ignorant...what are skin tags?


and apple cider vinegar??? I had perfect skin as a teen but had adult onset acne. I have used everything...I may have to try this.



They are those odd bits of skin that are flesh colored that stick off of your body, like little tags. I get them under my arms and on my chest, occasionally.

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Be careful...it can burn her skin if she uses it too frequently.




I have tried it for acne, and found that it dries my skin out and causes me to burn, but I'm very fair. :001_smile:.



:iagree:It totally works, but be careful with it - I have two scars on my face (they are light and hardly noticeable anymore, but there none the less) from having used ACV. I'm surely not opposed to using it as a spot treatment, and I do if I get a zit, or even an occasional swipe over a forehead if necessary, but I'm wary of 2x a day application sort of stuff. I'm fair, too, if that matters.


BTW, I get this same sort of result with tea tree oil - only it's worse with that, so I would never, ever use it someplace visible or sensitive (like my face).

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After seeing all the warnings about burning I think I will cut her down to once a day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for the warning. :001_smile: I am very fair skinned, she is fair skinned but very different than me. Meaning she will tan where I just burn then peel back to glowing again :glare:. I am allergic to just about everything where she seems not to be.

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