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I'm a teacher! This morning, I have a meeting........

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With the owner of the school in which I will be teaching. I'll be teaching English 11/12 combined, World History (high school) and Geography and US History (high school).


Even though I've homeschooled 10+ years and even though I've taught other people's children for 4+ years, I never thought of myself as a teacher.


The school I will be working is a "college style". Class meets 2x a week and the children are expected to handle their work at their other campus (usually that is home) in between. The school has begun the process of accreditation.


The students are a combination full time (where they get ALL their subjects at their school) and part time (homeschoolers outsourcing).


My younger 2 kids will also attend for some classes. (My oldest would have, but I agreed to other arrangements).


After tuition is pulled from my pay, it won't pay much, but it will help. It will also look better on my resume for a Counselor/Therapist than "directed poker tournaments" :lol:;).


Anyway, I get my curriculum today! For the English, I may try to incorporate some IEW (Elegant Essay? High School Intensive?).


After that, I get to plan. I love planning. :D

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That is wonderful news and sounds like a great opportunity. We will all be pulling for you!


I am also a part-time teacher at a school, and although it is very challenging to do that in addition to hs'ing -- it is do-able! Along with my dd at home, I also have well over 100 other students. :001_smile: But I love it and I know you will love it too. It's such a joy to be a part of something greater, something that pours good things into the lives of young people.


Before the school year begins I'd just like to encourage you to be sure to make time for yourself during each week. I was not good about doing that, and by the end of this school year I found myself very, very tired and desperately in need of personal refreshment. I hope you will find a way to purposely plan something for yourself something that you as an individual really love. Just do it - on a regular basis! While we are in the midst of planning, organizing, teaching and managing so much, we can easily lose sight of our own selves and needs.


God bless you as you prepare for your new journey,


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Well done, Joanne! Sounds like you are excited!


Just a tip from my experience at a similar school. Set aside an amount of time dedicated to grading papers. I set aside class time and planning time, but forgot that grading papers for a class full is really time consuming. Anyway, you are sharp and probably already thought about that. Just thought I'd mention it because it was something that caught me by surprise.

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Congratulations! I'm trained as a teacher & taught in my "pre-homeschool life". While I don't want to return to the traditional classroom after my youngest one graduates, I am interested in working with "college style" (as you described it) classes as my next career move. I'll be following your posts here with interest!

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:party::hurray: :thumbup: :w00t:


Your students will be blessed to have you for a teacher.:grouphug:



I couldn't say it better! :)


Ellie every time I see your beautiful sleeping little one, I think ohhh be quiet don't wake the baby. And then you have a party going on right overhead!!! :lol:

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