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Anyone want to clean house with me again today?

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Thanks to whomever started the cleaning spree yesterday.


My dh was STUNNED when he got home yesterday. He told me the house hasn't looked this good in months.


Now it's not that I'm some filthy slob, but I have been going through a depression in the past month or two and when I'm like that I cannot get motivated to do much, so livable is what I shoot for. I'm finally getting out of the slump and the house shows it.


Anyone want to clean with me again today? I'm setting my timer for 10 minute increments and planning on cleaning again. Hopefully I can get lots done even with my 4 kids here.

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I have a small window of time today, so I'm in! Though my house might take all summer to get it back to shape :glare:


I didn't post yesterday, but I rearranged furniture and cleared clutter out of my living room and ran the sweeper. Today is clear clutter and run sweeper downstairs.


I'm going through the clutter next week.

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I'll sign on to be accountable here. My goal is MAJOR progress in the basement. We hope to do a bit more finishing while kids are away next week and that will be impossible unless I get a lot done in the next two days.


Ten o'clock is liftoff time here, as soon as I sweep through the boards and make sure the summer daily math lesson is underway.

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I'm cleaning/organizing/getting things caught up today. I spent the past two days just chasing after messes. DH is away and the kids are acting out a little bit by doing things I am positive they know better. :glare: Without going into details let's just say I'm back to having to keep the bathroom door locked and ds has to ask when he needs to go potty.


I have a ton of laundry to do (related to yesterdays mishaps with the kids), two bins of camping dishes and pots/pans sitting in my kitchen to be run through the dishwasher when it's empty enough, I'm making iced tea since I've started drinking too much soda again, I want to clean off the dining nook table so we can actually eat at it again (which includes hauling a bunch of stuff back to the garage), break down and tie together the cardboard recyclables, I have to rebag two garbage bags of clothes to be donated.


I've been really unmotivated lately as well. I haven't been sleeping well so I feel exhausted all day. DH is gone for two weeks so there's no hurry for me to get things back in order but right now there's not more than a 2 foot path to walk through my dining nook and only about a 5 x 5 space in my kitchen. (Not as bad as it sounds, my house is tiny so there's not usually much more than that). It's been that way for about a week but I slept pretty well last night and now its bothering me.

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After a month of sick kids, we are whipping the house back into shape today, so I'm in! We have cleaned the house except for floors, laundry, changing sheets, and organizing the schoolroom. I'm back to it now! Except for the schoolroom. For that room I will wait to do a thorough cleaning until the kids aren't around. This boils down to throw almost everything out (who here keeps collections of dead bugs and rocks- I think I can dispose of these without guilt, right?).

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I'm not doing it, but I'm here to support those of you who are {Rah, rah, go girls! You can do it!}. :thumbup:


On a regular day I'd be in there too, but a big thanks to whomever it was that recommended housekeeping Boot Camp. My house is nicely clean and has been for about 2 weeks now, by following that plan. It's an amazing feeling that I haven't had in a long time! :)

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I'm cleaning like crazy since my IL's are coming this afternoon. Nothing like finding out Wednesday evening that they are showing up Friday afternoon.


I'm PG with #4 and have been sick for the last 4 months so my house is a wreck and in need of some major cleaning. Spent as much time yesterday as the little ones would allow and have been working for about 2 hours so far this morning.

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I'm in, albeit late to the party today. It was dairy pick-up day, and we've been reading The Red Pyramid all morning. I did pull about two dozen books off my shelves for the garage sale...mostly conventional education textbooks from my college days. What I really need to do, though, is clean out the fridge. Bleah.

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I did three ten mintues sessions this is what I got done. I clean the kitchen, loaded the dishwasher from dishes that were in the sink, put a load of laundry in the washing machine, pick up toys in the classroom, organized some books, fed the chickens and the dogs, and change the baby chicks newspaper and gave them more food and water. Off to see what else I can do will post back later.

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I got rid of my kiddos on Wednesday (to Grandma's) so I cleaned their rooms and my bedroom that day. I cleaned the laundry/utility room/office yesterday, and today I'm cleaning the rest of the house. I got an entire cat's worth of fur off of the curtains. It was GROSS. I'm about to break out the vacuum cleaner and then I've gotta clean the (only) bathroom. Now if I could just get my 18-year-old cat to quit pulling all his fur out and leaving it in clumps everywhere, we'd be good. He doesn't have mange; it's just a bad habit.


Parrothead, love the new photo :)

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I downloaded it, so it was a bit less expensive than buying a print copy.

It did take me a bit of time the first day to figure out my plan, but I'm amazed at how things are going now. Yesterday we cleaned bedrooms, but I realized that because we'd already changed/washed sheets and washed & organized clothes on Monday,and I did windows on Saturday, we really didn't have very much to do in there. It's amazing how things are snowballing to cleaner & cleaner as I fine-tune my plan for each day. Seems like I'm usually running around "putting out fires", but now I have a plan that flexes enough for me to keep up. I switch the days if I have to be gone unexpectedly all day, and I'm still keeping up. I've tried all kinds of plans over the years {decades!} and this is the first one I've been able to follow through on for more than a couple of days.


I sound like a commercial...:001_huh:

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Cleaned my kitchen ceiling fan (this was so nasty even my dh noticed...and that's saying alot) and the galley railing on the top of the kitchen cabinets. Washed the few dishes left from last night and started the dishwasher.


Total: 40 minutes now.


off to sweep mop and spray my roses for Japanese Beetles...also have some Naturtiums to set out.

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Decluttered hearth and two end tables and the piles of books around the bench.


Cleaned three toilets.


Wiped down two bathroom counters/sinks.


Swept mid-level and lower level and stairs.


Washed, Dried, Folded and Put Away one load of laundry.


Now I think I need a shower before picking dd up at day camp. I am hoping to stop by goodwill on the way, I need something other than a basket to organize coupons, bills, paperwork, etc.

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I spent 20 minutes in my room moving furniture and vacuuming. My room is finally done! I spent a lot of time in there because I was also doing the last bit of unpacking, but it feels nice to have it finished and not have to trip over things on the way to the bathroom!

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I'm cleaning today- but only becasue our landlady is ready to start showing the leased house. Even though we told her we'd be here at least till mid-july. Between the backbreaking work we are doing on our re-build, still sorting smoked cr*p from the fire, my adult dd being a total twit, my dh flying to a job interview next week (have to buy new clothes and shoes) and now this...I am ready for a break.down...seriously.

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Washed my bedding and curtains, scrubbed the bathtub, washed the shower curtain and window curtain, finishing the bathroom, and now off to the kitchen. I really should be further along by now, but I'm on the computer so it's obvious why I'm not!

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whew....got the mopping done and got sidetracked dusting my grandmother's china on display in my dining room. I really wish I had one of those cabinets with glass in it so the dust wouldn't pile up so bad. I stacked all the HS books on the shelf in the kitchen. I'll go through them later, but my kitchen is beginning to glisten.


Threw my comforter into the washer. I'll hang it out on the porch railing later to dry.

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Scrubbed out fridge, to the point of removing every. single. shelf and drawer and scrubbing them. Have kids working on their clutter zones in their bedrooms. Now for some general cleaning to compensate for the residual mess that a deep decluttering causes!

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