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How do you know when it is "time?" (My cat has cancer)

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We found out on Monday that my 13 year old cat, my only GIRL in this house, has cancer. Today, we went in to find out the extent and if it has spread. What they found was that the tumor is a lymphoblastoma (I think) and it is contained in her stomach, so inoperable. My heart is just breaking. I have had this precious cat for the last 11 years. She was a shelter cat and I got her just months before I gave birth to my first son. I have cried and cried and of course, that isn't helping. The vet told me that we didn't have long with her, but since she is still eating, playing, moving around good, etc. that we should take her home and enjoy her until the time comes to say goodbye. He gave me prednislone and said that it should slow down the growth of the tumor for a bit...but, eventually, the tumor will take over again and she will get very sick. It is filling up her tummy and right now, she will eat in short bits. She has lost 3 pounds in 2 months.


Please just tell me that I will know when it is "time." I don't want her to suffer, but I can't imagine not seeing her sweet face anymore. My heart, and my kids' hearts are just broken. Does this get easier? I have had to put down animals before, but none that I was terrible connected with. This snuck up on us - I would have never dreamed we would be in this place. 3 months ago, she was the picture of health - a fat, happy cat. I hate cancer! I have never known the end was coming like this. This is so hard! If you have been in my place before, how did you know? Do you think you did it "right?" Did your animal suffer much? What can I expect with cancer in a cat?


I am so sad.


My Sissy Girl...when she was fat and healthy.




One of her and her "brother" Blue. They are closer than any two could ever be. I wonder how this will affect him. He has been with her since day 1. We had to adopt them together at the humane society because they came as a "pair."





Edited by Tree House Academy
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I'm so, so sorry! My girl kitty is 13 also so I can definitely relate.


Based on my experience, you will definitely know. She'll "tell" you. Her behavior will change, the look in her eyes will change, and you'll know her quality of life just isn't good anymore.

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Our beloved dog had a brain tumor, so although I have been in a similar position, it wasn't quite the same. We did have to put him down and when it was time, we knew. If you aren't sure, it isn't time yet. When you see your sweet kitty lose energy, stop eating, or appear to be in pain, your desire to see her suffering end will outweigh your desire for her to be present with you. In all honesty, it did not get easier for us until after he passed on. I cried a lot of tears, but he was a good dog who deserved to go to his final reward.


I am so sorry you are going through this.


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Thank you. It is comforting to hear so many people say that we will just "know." I have to believe this is true. Right now, I am not ready and I don't think she is either. The only saving grace here is that she doesn't know she is dying. Praise God for that! I think that with humans, that makes it so much harder. At least she can live her life and enjoy things without the worry that is present in humans.

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I would like to recommend to you that you read the blog of a woman not far from me who runs a sanctuary for abandoned senior animals. It's called

SAINTs (Senior Animals in Need Today) and given the nature of the animals she takes in, she lives with a lot of 'dying' animals.


http://www.saintsrescue.ca/wordpress/ (scroll down past the most recent entries as they're in the midst of fundraising & there's a lot of chatter about sponsoring tables; just go back into the archives & read a bit further back....)


Carol's big on pain control, and on watching for quality of life. I think reading through her stories of the various animals, many of whom live way beyond what people expect is very inspiring.


When there are more bad days than good, when pain is uncontrollable, that's when it's time. It's been very helpful to me as I deal with an older cat with CRF and arthritis and some other health issues.....


But yes, I think you will know. Your cat will tell you.



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:grouphug: We've lost two cats--one to cancer and one to organ failure. You certainly will know. And the time you've got now to love on her, play with her, make her final time on earth what you want it to be will (I hope) be a comfort to you. :grouphug:


Re: suffering. We didn't let them suffer. That's part of how you know. With my girl with cancer we had longer. Then she began to cry and really stopped eating all at once. We knew that was time. With the other we had far less time from when we knew to the end. I don't believe she had any pain. However, her quality of life was so compromised that it was obvious it was time. With the second I do have some regret. We hospitalized her to stabilize and then took her home and did IV's and some other things for a while because I just wasn't ready to let her go. She got sick so quickly. I wish we hadn't prolonged it even though the prolonging in her case was under a week. I just wasn't ready and that wasn't the best for her.

Edited by sbgrace
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My heart is breaking for you. I lost a cat 4 years ago to cancer. We just knew. She just stopped "living", and it looked like every move caused her pain. Putting her down was difficult, but I knew she wouldn't hurt any longer, and that gave me peace.


About 6 months prior to her, my all-time favorite cat began failing quickly. It turns out he had renal kidney failure and there was nothing we could do. My heart broke harder that time than any other time we've had to put an animal down. I still miss him, and it will be 5 years in August. I know how you are feeling, and I'm so sorry.


Enjoy every moment you can with your baby. It sounds like you've loved her intensely; feel secure in knowing that she knows she's had a wonderful life. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

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I lost my best kitty friend a couple of years ago. She was 17 and was wasting away. She was having trouble doing the things she loved. She couldn't get comfortable when she slept, she had trouble getting on my bed (she sort of clawed her way up). So we decided it was time. My dog of 12yrs had a liver tumor. We decided when she stopped eating (her mostest favoritest thing ever) we would put her down. She stopped eating, the next day we did it. I have to day that I am with them through the whole process. I hold them, I talk to them, I let them know I love them.

How will you know it's time??? It's your pet, you know when they have stopped living and are merely surviving. Then its time.



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:grouphug: We euthanized our cat this past Tuesday. She had acquired feline lukemia. It was difficult for us, but it was the right thing to do. She stopped eating and excreting waste on Sunday. Also, she could no longer walk without falling over due to the neurological side-effects of the disease. My husband said that the sedative stopped her heart before they even administered the other drugs. She was that weak. :grouphug:

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We found out on Monday that my 13 year old cat, my only GIRL in this house, has cancer. Today, we went in to find out the extent and if it has spread. What they found was that the tumor is a lymphoblastoma (I think) and it is contained in her stomach, so inoperable. My heart is just breaking. I have had this precious cat for the last 11 years. She was a shelter cat and I got her just months before I gave birth to my first son. I have cried and cried and of course, that isn't helping. The vet told me that we didn't have long with her, but since she is still eating, playing, moving around good, etc. that we should take her home and enjoy her until the time comes to say goodbye. He gave me prednislone and said that it should slow down the growth of the tumor for a bit...but, eventually, the tumor will take over again and she will get very sick. It is filling up her tummy and right now, she will eat in short bits. She has lost 3 pounds in 2 months.


Please just tell me that I will know when it is "time." I don't want her to suffer, but I can't imagine not seeing her sweet face anymore. My heart, and my kids' hearts are just broken. Does this get easier? I have had to put down animals before, but none that I was terrible connected with. This snuck up on us - I would have never dreamed we would be in this place. 3 months ago, she was the picture of health - a fat, happy cat. I hate cancer! I have never known the end was coming like this. This is so hard! If you have been in my place before, how did you know? Do you think you did it "right?" Did your animal suffer much? What can I expect with cancer in a cat?


I am so sad.



We just put down our farm dog. He was hurting. It just wasn't right to make him suffer like that. My old cat... I should have put her down before she died. I'm sorry I didn't have the courage to do it then.


Yes... you will know. You will look in her eyes and you will know.


I'm so sorry. :grouphug:

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I agree that you will "know" but only if you honestly WANT to know. I have seen several beloved pets suffer endlessly just because their owners didn't want to give them up. I appreciate how hard it is. I have been there. I still cry about my Bully that I lost to cancer seven years ago. But I will just remind you not to keep your dear pet alive just because YOU don't want to feel emotional pain. I'm sorry for your sadness.

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I will the 3 most important things in the animals life. For my previous dog who acquired lymphoma it was walks with us, food and belly rubs.

She was able to take those walks with us for quite a while and she rolled over for belly rubs but when the food became such an issue we knew it was time.

So I take the 3 most important things to that pet and when one of them changes or is not important anymore it helps to focus me to the fact that the time is here for euthanasia whether I am ready or not.

Thinking healing thoughts for you during this time.

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We lost 3 of our beloved pets last year, 2 of them to cancer. I remember getting the dxs (one day apart) and that feeling of devastation. But we did our best to make their lives comfortable and enjoy them while they were still with us. It was so very hard, especially for my dd. When the time came to let them go, we knew. They let us know, I can't really explain how, but we all felt it. You have a bond with her, she'll let you know through that, I think.

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Thank you all. I have added a picture of my sweet baby to my first post. I want you all to "meet" her. Her name is Sissy Kitty (and yes, we say the "kitty" part too. :)) I got her from the humane society when I was pregnant with my oldest ds. I didn't want cats, but my ex husband did. He called her "friendly" (as we found out later, she was in heat when we met her...hence the "friendly!" LOL) and she and her brother (who was not a litter mate but was raised with her) came as a pair and they looked just like my ex's childhood cats. He HAD to have them, so we got them. Of course, when we got divorced, the cats came with me, because, by then, he was too busy for cats. My current husband hates cats, but he got the "I have had them longer than you" talk a LONG time ago! While Blue (the other kitty) is most people's favorite out of the two, Sissy was always mine. She is the only other girl in my house of men (other cat and dog included!). She is also a long-haired cat and I had always wanted a long haired cat. I admit, her fur has always felt like silk. :) She was also always my "fat cat." She is a fighter too. About 4 years ago, she ate a lily and LIVED! We thought we were going to lose her then, but she was so tough and she pulled through!


For the last 11 years, she has been my constant companion. I know her mannerisms and how funny and stubborn she can be. I have never been so close to an animal in my life. She is just a precious baby to me. I sit and look at her and just bawl. I can't imagine not seeing her face anymore. I love her so very much.

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Guest Alte Veste Academy
I sit and look at her and just bawl. I can't imagine not seeing her face anymore. I love her so very much.


:grouphug: I've been there. It is so unbelievably painful. We lost our yellow lab to cancer in 2008 and two fourteen year old cats in 2007 (one to cancer). I hate cancer too. :crying: We have one dear 10 year old kitty left and I can relate to how you feel about her connection to your human babies, as Abby was born on the day I miscarried my first child. It's going to rip me apart when I lose her.


You will know, as everyone has said. The hard part for me was trying to enjoy the time that was left, because bittersweet doesn't begin to cover it. Cherish every moment and let the fact that you gave her a wonderful home and loved her all these years console you. :grouphug: She is beautiful.

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I'm really sorry! She looks so SWEET!!!! It's going to be so hard, but you know that. You'll always miss her. Think of all the good you did for her, and hopefully that will comfort you.


I do think you'll know. I was always told I'd know, and I did with all my pets but one, and even though I didn't know it was "time," I did know the dog needed to go to the vet.


And her brother? I'd bet he already knows she's sick. Animals are AMAZING. HE's going to miss her for sure. He'll mourn. But I have a feeling he already knows she's sick. When we had to put my dog down due to cancer when I was a kid, my other dog went crazy when my father drove off, tearing the garage apart. She had to have known that was the last time she'd see Spotty.


It's horrible, but your life, and hers, are so much richer because you've all been together.


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You will know. When they no longer are wanting to live -you will know.


I am bawling right now for you and for me. I have a 16 year old dog that is dying - she is losing weight like crazy, but we can't find cancer-it is probably hiding somewhere. We lost 2 other old dogs in the last half year as well.

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You will know. When they no longer are wanting to live -you will know.


I am bawling right now for you and for me. I have a 16 year old dog that is dying - she is losing weight like crazy, but we can't find cancer-it is probably hiding somewhere. We lost 2 other old dogs in the last half year as well.


I am so very sorry! :(:grouphug: No matter how old they get, it is still so hard to lose them. The one wish I have right now is that I could look at her and enjoy her without thinking, "how long do we have left." I tell her I love her 30 times a day or more. I love on her, pet her, pick her up, feed her treats, and then there will be that one time I grab her and I feel the tumor in her belly by accident. Then all the sadness just starts all over for me.

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