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What is your 2nd grader doing for Language Arts?


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FLL (2nd grade portion)


RFH T to learn cursive--will continue next year

sporadic copywork that I type into StartWrite

there's always a literature read aloud going

she reads a lot on her own (has been since finishing PP--we do no other phonics or reading)


We're kind of just starting to figure out how to use Teaching the Classics, but that's probably going to be more of a third grade thing.

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Primary Language Lessons


McGuffey Reader and other literature.

Successful Spelling

Drawing and writing about literature/stories read.

Poems and memorizing poetry/scripture


We don't do everything everyday, but over the course of a week would cover all these things.

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GWG 2 (planning on switching to Rod & Staff for 3rd grade)

Prima Latina

Spell to Write and Read


History narration

Rod & Staff Reading(although I do this for Bible, not for reading)

Reading the Latin school lists and History books and others he wants to read!

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1. Reading aloud to me in Bible, History and Science plus 20 minutes of Independent reading daily. I share read in Bible, History and Science. I also read aloud to her for one chapter of whatever book we're reading. Narrations at least 2x weekly with what we're reading.


General LA

Primary Language Lessons: picture study, narrations, poetry readings, dictation, copywork, grammar through application and basic compositions. 4x a week, she loves this so we do it Monday - Thursday.



Explode the Code, she's working through book 6 now, one lesson a week. I teach this with the Teacher's Manual and her spelling and reading has improved greatly.


History and Science

Notebooking, copywork as we like- if I feel the week has been heavy in writing, I'll skip this and just have her illustrate and narrate.


Poetry Memorization

Using The Harp and Laurel Wreath, she memorizes 1 poem at a time and reviews all previously memorized poems before learning a new one. We read a new poem and illustrate it on the first day. The second day we talk about what the poem is about and she copies it. If the poem is long, I break it up the copywork by stanzas. Then she recites it 3x daily until it is memorized.



We're using Écoutez, Parlez! French Oral Program and for 15 minutes daily she listens to the cd, repeats what is said. After the first week, I don't require her to look at the book. After the second week, we do workbook pages that require her to write down what she's been reciting and this is working wonderfully for us. I also use Bonjour Les Amis DVDs for fun (along with ds3).



We're starting Prima Latina after next week (our week off) and follow the program. I'm only doing this b/c we already had the program and dd7 requested it, she would also love to learn Spanish but I put my foot down. Lol


I insist on her speaking in complete sentences with clarity. I read books on or above her level with varying vocabulary levels, she is to ask what a word means if she doesn't understand it (this has worked wonderfully). I also have her look up words in a dictionary that she does not know from ETC. We go in between cursive and print handwriting, every now and then I'll have her do a page of Classically Cursive to give her more practice.


Copywork is to be done correctly the first time or she is start completely over. If she misspells a single word, even if it's at the end- it's trashed. Sounds harsh but this has trained her to check her punctuation, spelling, letter formation and capitalization before presenting it to me as done.


Earlier in the year, I taught her how to use the dictionary, table of contents and an index. Before the year is out, I'll teach her how to use an encyclopedia and how to locate a book at the library. I've held off on the library thing b/c our small town one is a mess, I'll have to use the adult section to teach her and I just haven't set up exercises yet.


Hope this in-depth look helps,

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Explode the Code, she's working through book 6 now, one lesson a week. I teach this with the Teacher's Manual and her spelling and reading has improved greatly.


I also have her look up words in a dictionary that she does not know from ETC. We go in between cursive and print handwriting, every now and then I'll have her do a page of Classically Cursive to give her more practice.



You mean ETC is Explode the Code? I kept thinking it was English for the Thoughtful Child. Sheesh. No wonder I've been confused so often.



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We're still working on reading fluency so our list reflects that (this is for next year):


Phonics Pathways (finishing)

reading aloud to us

Handwriting Without Tears (mixing in between cursive and print, so grades 2 & 3)

copywork & dictation

poetry memorization

narrations (from history usually)


We also do tons of read alouds.


No spelling or grammar until his reading is more fluent.

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What is RFH T for cursive?


A Reason for Handwriting's Transition book. It has printing in the first part of the book and then transitions to cursive. We used RFH K and A to learn printing so we just stayed with them to start cursive this semester.

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Plan for 2nd grade, starting this summer:




CW Aesop

HWT grade 2 printing book and copywork

Literature 400-1600 AD (kids versions of Beowulf, Chaucer, Shakespeare, Arthurian legends and other medieval lit, maybe some unabridged as read-alouds)

Minimus Secundus (is latin part of language arts?)

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since we are doing American Story 1. I like the idea of having language arts tied in to our history study, and it already planned out for me. Most of their resources are new to me, but I figure that 2nd grade is a good time to try out something new.



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For 2nd:


Spell to Write and Read Phonogram review--Basically, we are going through the phonograms (a letter or group of letters that make a set number of sounds) 2 per week. I have a picture and a silly sentence for each one that expresses all the sounds. We also have a chart that I put up and basically hunt for words to put up there that have that phonogram in them.


Aesop's Fables--We read 1 per week.


Composition--The fable is read on Monday and on Tuesday we go over the Who? What? Where? When? Why? and How? of it and then she composes her own version in a few short sentences. Basically, we are doing precis/summary writing.


Copywork--Silly phonogram sentences twice a week and copying her compositions into her own penmanship the rest of the week.


McCall-Harby Test Lessons in Reading--this is a book that has reading comprehension tests in it and we do 1 per week.


Just to show you where we are headed, I've included our 3rd grade plans.


Old Testament stories--read on Monday and we will base our compositions on these.


Composition--narrative writing in various forms.


WISE guide to Spelling--these are the spelling lists for SWR, I have made worksheets to go with the lists based upon the enrichments so it is more of a word study program.


Grammar--Ruth Heller's picture books on parts of speech. I made worksheets to go with this as well so that we will have a nice grammar dictionary at the end of the year.


Cursive--I don't have this part figured out yet.


Typing--We will take a break from the WISE Lists in Nov/Dec and learn how to type.


Hope this helps.:001_smile:

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For my ds, who is only reading at grade level and that with a lot of work:


LLATL Red and ETC (4,5,6????) for phonics

Pathway Readers for fluency practice (and because they're fun and we both like them)

FLL and WWE 1st grade because this is the first year we'll do copywork due to fine motor delays

FIAR Vol. 4 LA (this is more for literary terms and story analysis and because we've enjoyed FIAR 1-3 so much)


We'll also do Queen's Language Lessons for Young Learners for picture study and poetry but we'll probably skip the copywork now that WWE is available.


We'll also read through the SL second grade readers and whatever strikes our fancy. Ds has just begun to ASK to read books with me instead of asking for read-alouds.


We won't begin cursive until at least 3rd or 4th grade. We've used HWT and they start in 3rd, but we'll see where we are.

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Guest Amy in MS


ABEKA Cursive with copywork I'll create (or from the following novels, or done as narrations)

A selection of novels including James and the Giant Peach; A Cricket in Times Square; Castle Diary; Catherine, Called Birdie

ABEKA spelling

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Our LA this year:


Reading--Dd reads a lot on her own, about 3 hours a day, on about 5th grade level, so I don't need to do much with this. I give her a history book now and then, but mostly she picks her own stuff. She's currently devouring the Nancy Drew series (the old ones) and reads a couple of those a week, with maybe some old books from the shelf thrown in for good measure.


Spelling Workout C (we started with B and finished it, now we're on about Lesson 18 or so)


Rod and Staff Grammar 2--mostly oral, usually one written exercise per day we do it--we didn't touch it for a couple of months, then I recently added it back in, and we've been picking it up several days in a row now. We usually do 3 or 4 lessons each time we do it. Probably won't finish it this year.


Adventures in Phonics C--Love, love, love this workbook from Christian Liberty. Winter Promise uses it, so we started it last year, and work slowly thru it--about 4 pages a week. It reinforces phonics rules, esp for spelling.


Read Alouds--we've been on a folktales kick lately, as we studied the Russians. We also just finished Heidi, and will finish a Sid Fleishman book called Chancey and the Grand Rascal. I probably read to her an hour to an hour and a half during the day, but it's not scheduled, just when we feel like it, and it's broken up during the day.


We've laid aside Cursive (using Horizons Penmanship), but may pick it up for the end of the year. I know she'll have to learn it next year at public school anyway.


We don't do Prima Latina anymore, either. She can retain the words pretty well, but we just have other things going on. We may pick it up and finish it this month and next.


More than you wanted to know!!:001_smile:

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since we are doing American Story 1. I like the idea of having language arts tied in to our history study, and it already planned out for me. Most of their resources are new to me, but I figure that 2nd grade is a good time to try out something new.




We will do this same combination.


WinterPromise's LA1 includes:


Spellwell A/AA

Wordly Wise 3000

Adventures in Phonics C (CLP)

Levelled readers about the Amer Story1 theme

WP writing prompts for the Amer Story 1 theme

WP grammar worksheets (gentle, similar to FLL)

Copywork for handwriting


I am supplementing the handwriting with Pentime 2. It will transition to beginning cursive.

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My currently 2nd grader (age 7):

Spelling Workout B (4x / wk)

Evan-Moor Grammar & Punctuation 2 (3x / wk)

Handwriting Without Tears Cursive (1/2 a page 4x per wk)

Games for Writing by Peggy Kaye (1x per wk)

A variety of reading - dd's choices from library, sometimes a SL Core 2 reader.


So far I've been happy with this selection.

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Learning to read with Scaredy Cat Reading System; phonics with Explode the Code 3; writing from Primary Language Lessons and other copywork.


Reading aloud across the spectrum: history, science, Canadian picture books, literature, poetry, etc.

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First Language Lessons,Writing With Ease,Language Lessons for the Elementary Child,Pathway readers grade 2 with accompanying workbooks.Probably spelling word lists from ed-helper.Lots of books of all sorts.

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The plan for next year's LA for ElastiGirl:


Minimus Latin


FLL (second half, only we're about a 1/3 of the way through it ow, to I guess soemthing else after that, too)

SL Core 2 readers and maybe LA- I have to look at it when it comes

WW 2

HWT whatever the first cursive book is

maybe transitioning to written narrations for science and history, but I doubt it.

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