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Has MFS made an appearance here yet?

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You know I live in a neighborhood. That doesn't necessarily make me, or anyone else around here, neighborly. It also doesn't strike as someplace you'd call a "hood" either. It's just a name for a place I live.


Likewise, the hive is just a name for a place I frequent. It doesn't define who I am.

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That's a different convention. But I'll bet Cleo could hook you up with a supplier for the outfit!


Would it freak the other conventiongoers out too much if we all dressed in black and yellow, buzzed, headed straight for the WTM booth and stayed there all day?


What if we turned a glassy-eyed stare on the rest, and said "Buy the boook, buy the boook, be one of ussssssszzzzzz ..."


Not the marketing plan you're going for? ;-)


"Buy the boooook. Resistance is futile ...."

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I guess you'll have to go the Borg Queen route--skin-tight black leather, bald, and with a special machine to take your head off your body. :D


Ooooh... sounds like the Matrix. Cool. Maybe we could all plan to swarm a convention and instead of the WTM buttons, everyone could wear black leather!


I nominate the HEAV :ack2:convention in VA.

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Would it freak the other conventiongoers out too much if we all dressed in black and yellow, buzzed, headed straight for the WTM booth and stayed there all day?


What if we turned a glassy-eyed stare on the rest, and said "Buy the boook, buy the boook, be one of ussssssszzzzzz ..."


Not the marketing plan you're going for? ;-)


"Buy the boooook. Resistance is futile ...."


I am LAUGHING out loud and my husband wants to know why. Oh, golly, I almost wish you guys WOULD do that. We could put it on youtube.



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Ooooh... sounds like the Matrix. Cool. Maybe we could all plan to swarm a convention and instead of the WTM buttons, everyone could wear black leather!


I nominate the HEAV :ack2:convention in VA.




If I thought I'd ever be invited back, I'd be so tempted.


Although I'm not sure that black leather will suit me, four babies down the road...



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Ooooh... sounds like the Matrix. Cool. Maybe we could all plan to swarm a convention and instead of the WTM buttons, everyone could wear black leather!


I nominate the HEAV :ack2:convention in VA.


LOL! It's only appropriate that I share a past foot-in-mouth episode in this thread, right?


I'd just married into a really big family. One of my many sisters-in-law made a joke about me wearing leather pants for my husband. I laughed and said, "Leather pants?! Aren't leather pants reserved for aging rock stars and hookers?"






I later found out that her best 'going out' outfit included leather pants.


I have a knack, I tell ya.

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If I thought I'd ever be invited back, I'd be so tempted.


Although I'm not sure that black leather will suit me, four babies down the road...




Wait though until you are ready to go out in a blaze of glory! I can just imagine the collective gasp on the main concourse where those kids are always playing flutes and trumpets.


And about the three kids, it would be fine... you're a runner, right? You stay in shape! I doubt the Civil Air Patrol guys could catch you!


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Am I the only person who just thought the name was cute and the references amusing and unique to this community?


No, Kelli! I did think it funny. It's a great example of antiphrasis.


(I've been reading my Thinker's Thesaurus today. Surely if I were in a REAL hive I wouldn't do that, I'd just write ITA after Susan's post ;).)

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Oh... wait, I get it now...


Is that because of the 400th anniversary thing? :confused:


I'm sure that's not helping....but in fact I got disinvited the year BEFORE. There's a basic disconnect between HEAV and me in philosophy, I think.


But I wish they'd invite my mother back..she really just wants to help parents educate their children. (I do too. But there are some things I feel strongly about that Mom is less concerned with, as long as she can teach kids to read and give mothers the tools they need. Teaching is her passion; she is a real gift to the home school community.)



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There's a basic disconnect between HEAV and me in philosophy, I think.


But I wish they'd invite my mother back..she really just wants to help parents educate their children. (I do too. But there are some things I feel strongly about that Mom is less concerned with, as long as she can teach kids to read and give mothers the tools they need. Teaching is her passion; she is a real gift to the home school community.)


Well, I have always thought that any organization that would voluntarily call themselves "HEAV"... they have a basic disconnect with any thinking person!


That is too bad about them not inviting your mom back, though. :glare: I think it might be worth instigating a coup just for that! How rude!

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Am I the only person who just thought the name was cute and the references amusing and unique to this community?


I'm with you Kelli. The other implied meanings never even crossed my mind. :001_huh: I tend to take things at face value and try not to read too much meaning into things that are ultimately not very important.

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Oh, I think with the right cut, black leather covers a multitude of... babies.


We could do black leather jumpers for the less daring among us. I can just imagine how cool it would be if we all marched down to the Richmond convention center dressed in black leather... I think the jumpers might actually make it more scary! If I saw 100+ women in leather jumpers, I would run! :leaving:

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We could do black leather jumpers for the less daring among us. I can just imagine how cool it would be if we all marched down to the Richmond convention center dressed in black leather... I think the jumpers might actually make it more scary! If I saw 100+ women in leather jumpers, I would run! :leaving:


Y'know, this is so incredibly twisted. Leather jumpers? I love it! Where do I get one?

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This is my general opinion and it's not a slam to MFS, but I think people who refuse to post at a site because of it's nickname, or can't see the humor or irony in said nickname, need to get over themselves.


Obviously, people have the right to post wherever they want and for whatever reasons, but personally, I'd rather get my knickers knotted over something more significant than whether the site calls itself a hive or not.


I support her right to post or not post, it honestly makes no difference to me; I just think it's silly to die on that hill, so to speak. But, que sera sera.

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I am LAUGHING out loud and my husband wants to know why. Oh, golly, I almost wish you guys WOULD do that. We could put it on youtube.




Okay, now I am laughing out loud, because ... can you imagine that on YouTube? I can just see all the anti-homeschooling crowd rushing to use it as evidence that there is just something WRONG with those homeschoolers!



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Gasp! Sputter! Choke! Oh my goodness....This is one of the funniest things I have read in a while!!!


Crissy, you are going to have to do some serious photoshop editing if you want to see me in that outfit! But, I think all of us showing up at the convention with those on would be so funny.


And I'm laughing about the marbles.


And the leather (notsomuch laughing about the thongs, though!)


Susan, I have heard both you and your mom speak at different conventions and you are both wonderful, but I think you take after your Dad. I had a great conversation with him at the booth. He isn't afraid to speak his mind.

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Crissy, I don't think I can pull that outfit off with any authority. But, I will be happy to show up in my pleather jumper (in deference to my vegetarian son), replete with stinger on the back.


If we're going to go the YouTube route, here's an idea? What could be more hivish than an impromptu musical? http://improveverywhere.com/2008/03/30/food-court-musical-music-and-lyrics/


Lots of stuff rhymes with Bauer! and Hive! and Leather! You guys can take it from here.:lurk5:

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Personally, I really haven't given much thought to the "Hive-mind" theme. I come here to share ideas, learn things, get advice about hs'ing topics, etc. I'm here for the *content* of this board, not any nicknames that might be associated with it.


People have the right to come here, or not, for whatever reason that seems fitting to them. However, I can't help but comment that *if* a person were to stay away due to fear of something as trivial as that, they really, truly need to get over themselves. Sorry, but that's being a tad too arrogant.

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I just *KNEW* someone was going to come up with something like this! I was betting on linksalot to be the first to the draw, though! Congratulations, Crissy - HILARIOUS!


If I showed up in that, though, the only film you'd get for youtube would be of the convention hall clearing out. Quickly.



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I can do that! even after 5 kids!

i noticed the little stinger!

my catwoman outfit isn't leather, but nobody's gonna look THAT close.....


and SWB --you can do it too. I just need a tad bit of spandex underneath, lol.


I'll go for a fake tattoo.


can't make HEAV, but what about Arlington?

They'd probably kick me out, what with their cute color-coordinated dresses....




"SWB Wanna Bee" ...lol!


and LEATHER jumpers???? that's just....wrong.....


Can we put it to a vote?


This is my suggestion for WTM convention-wear:



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Crissy, I don't think I can pull that outfit off with any authority. But, I will be happy to show up in my pleather jumper (in deference to my vegetarian son), replete with stinger on the back.


If we're going to go the YouTube route, here's an idea? What could be more hivish than an impromptu musical? http://improveverywhere.com/2008/03/30/food-court-musical-music-and-lyrics/


Lots of stuff rhymes with Bauer! and Hive! and Leather! You guys can take it from here.:lurk5:




The costume! And the musical! I. Am. Dying. Here!

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Well, I have always thought that any organization that would voluntarily call themselves "HEAV"... they have a basic disconnect with any thinking person!


Personally, I've always thought that exact thing. Seriously? Heav? What the heck?



And :lol: at the leather jumper idea AND Crissy's desired uniform.


I think a group of hsing moms in leather getting thrown out of a hsing convention would make great publicity.

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Oh my goodness! This is not the thread to be reading at 2:30 in the morning! I keep laughing out loud, and trying not to wake the entire household! What a hillarious riot of a thread this turned out to be!!


...until I got to Heather's post with a picture of a perfectly lovely denim jumper (as far as denim jumpers go, that is...) and her comment, "We'd have to find a heckuvva lotta leather, though". Something about that just made me laugh out loud.:D

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or this, embroidered with "Very Well-Trained"



There's a convention here next weekend. I hadn't planned on going, but now I really, really want to, just in case anyone shows up dressed in black leather.


I guess if enough of us showed up dressed this way there might be some confusion as to what type of convention we're attending. Ahem.

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