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Amazing....absolutely, positively amazing!

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This is absolutely amazing.


Hubby left 2 weeks ago (Sunday) for a job in AL that didn't work out so he went to Virginia. He is not handling being away from us very well so we want to get to him as soon as possible. 2 weeks ago, we decided we needed to downsize, get a trailer and be together. We figured it would take 2-4 months to get all our affairs in order. INSTEAD.......


In less than a week:


We had a great garage sale

We donated A LOT

We sold a lot more online, half price books, etc

We got an offer to get a 38 ft trailer for $4500

A friend gave us ideas about space, downsizing, organizing, etc

I started a blog (nlph.blogspot.com)


The second week:


Decided we'd aim for June 8th instead of July 2nd to leave

We found two GREAT homes for our dogs

Hubby found a place to stay in VA

more storage, selling, etc

We packed and cleaned house so it's 80+% done

Talked to new place of worship about times they meet

We were given an opportunity to get the money we needed to leave immediately!!!


So week three's plans:


Monday - put all storage things in laundry room, clean laundry room, finish packing shed, do laundry, take more donation items, visit a couple friends returning items, secure storage, last minute discussion with realtor, call electric/water/phone/trash companies to cancel services.


Tuesday - get new tires on car, check fluids, any last minute packing/cleaning, maybe last time in volunteer work here if we can get done in time to meet group at 1-2pm


Wednesday - put everything in storage or car; spend night at friend's house


Thursday - do laundry, go to meeting at night and say goodbye to everyone, stay in hotel here in town


Friday - leave TX about 5am :)


We'll get to VA on Sunday, exactly 3 weeks from the time hubby left and the time we decided to sell everything and become a Family on the Road :)



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When we first started hsing, my dh owned a construction company and contracted some commercial work several hours from where we lived. We did something similar, and found a local camp ground that had an Airstream for rent. The camp ground was right on a river, and we lived there for several months while dh completed this job. It was some of the best hsing we ever did! It was great to walk outside, put a pole in the water and do school. We learned a lot of science those few months and grew as a family. Some of my most fond memories are of teaching my son how to skin a catfish and how to filet a bass. Oh, those were they days!

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Thanks y'all. Never would I have guessed *this* was possible.


If I could just get some SLEEP this week! I went to bed after 11 and got up before 3. I thought I'd call hubby just to say good morning, have a good day, goodbye. He wants to talk. I almost get back to sleep and he calls me back! It's been days of this sort of thing. I just can't seem to nap either.


No wonder I'm so grumpy.


Starr, hope things go well with packing :)


Dawn, we're staying in Richmond, Midlothian area.

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Yeah, I just keep having more and more.


A friend came to a realization I was worried never would happen. About time (as I leave!).

Someone gifted us some money on top of the other blessings shared earlier.

We were able to get the price of tires 70% cheaper!

We're ALMOST ready to load up the storage room and have the car half loaded.

We were fortunate enough to give an incredible amount to the thrift store at the battered women's shelter.

A friend is going to sell the last of what we have worth anything at her garage sale this weekend.


It just keeps going and going.

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That's awesome.... I wish my hubby's job would allow us to do this....

Keep us posted on your trip... maybe we can meet up when you get into town and settled.... If I can help at all with this location or anything please let me know.... My hubby works in Richmond and is learning about all kinds of things... !

Good luck and we're praying on your trip!


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