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Help me out - What worries you?

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Well, I get most anxious when one of my children are sick. I don't know what it is; but especially if they have something more complicated than a regular cold, I'm at my wit's end.


Something about them being sick makes me feel awful. And especially if I don't know quite what's wrong, I worry a lot.


So, yeah, my kids getting sick worries me. And the weird thing is, they're pretty healthy people! Maybe it's just baggage from my childhood. My parents never had insurance for us, so we had to be in really bad pain to go to the doctor. I remember that helpless feeling as a child of being really sick, and feeling like no one cared. Maybe that's why I get so tied up in knots when my kids get sick...

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I wasn't really worried before I had my first daughter. I can remember when our pastor talked about God coming back in whatever year it was back when I was 16 or so? I was worried for my relatives and friends who weren't Christians...

Once I had my daughter, I was worried I would die before she would remember me, what I wanted her to know about and such... and live with her bio-dad.... and my family would be left without both of us.

Of course, now that they are becoming teen age... There are even more things to worry about.... Not living as God would have them.... Boys taking advantage of them (and~or... them letting things happen) College life.... As they are leaving.... my oldest step-daughter is going to start living with her mom full time in the next few months.... (she now splits her time between her dad and mom) With that... I'm just in that spot where you wonder how that will affect things... with that bit of rejection that comes with her choosing her mom's house...


There ... that's some worry... and more:)

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In order of importance.


I worry that they won't trust that God will get them through anything that could ever happen. Struggles are so much easier when you have His strength.


I worry that all of my dc won't remember to take life in stride and to remember it is a journey to be relished every step of the way.


It worries me that they will forget that every event in their lives, good, bad, happy, sad, shapes them and makes them who they are. So, they should look on it all as learning and grow from it.


I worry that my dc won't push themselves to reach the potential I see in them. Specifically, I worry that my second oldest is completely comfortable with mediocrity even though she is capable of so much more.


I worry about being lonely when my dc are out of the house. I worry they won't have lots of babies for me to take care of.:D

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Once I had my daughter, I was worried I would die before she would remember me, what I wanted her to know about and such... e:)


Wow. I could've written this. This is my biggest fear/concern. That, and one of my children dying.


I guess I never really thought about worrying about my kids' salvation. They all seem very secure in their faith now. Now, though, I'll start worrying! Maybe I shouldn't have opened this thread!! :lol:

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Well, this should be a topic with lots to talk about because women do worry, don't we ;) I worry about my children's education and future, money, what other people think of me, my house not being clean enough for visitors, my children's safety, something happening to separate me from my husband, my laptop dying :lol:, what is for supper. I am sure if I let myself I could pretty much be paralyzed with worry all the time, but I have to remind myself that is God is in control and then just do the next thing.


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1. children's salvation


2. babies not remembering me if I were to die soon


3. children being in pain or in terror. ie. slow drowning in a car that went into the river, psychopath torturing them, etc. i think of this one daily, as it scares me the most at this point in their young lives. sometimes i think i'm crazy for thinking such things, but these are the headlines we read about all the time. i don't want my kids to know terror. (this is also one i haven't admitted to anyone until today)

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Here's my list.


-That my dd will end up following the same pattern as my mother and myself, and end up in an abusive, controlling relationship.


-That, if she turns out to be gay or bisexual, she still won't be able to marry the person she loves even twenty or more years from now.


-That we will pollute the planet to the point that it can no longer sustain life.


-That my daughter won't be able to do what she loves when she grows up, because money will be so much of a concern.


-That dd's special needs will be severe, and she won't be able to do anything when she grows up.

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Thank you! More worries out there? So many common threads. I remember as a new mom reading the newspaper with so much fear. The tragedies that befell families would wipe me out. I would place myself in the mom's position and be nearly paralyzed. God so tenderly spoke to my heart and said, "Cindy, my grace is sufficient for you, not for all the 'what-if's.'" I had wrongly seen this as compassion, but it wasn't. It really was self-centered and if I continued in this vein would have really kept me from coming alongside anyone.


One I can particularly relate to is the fear of running off of a bridge ... That one still gets me - if I let it.


What else, gals?

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Guest Virginia Dawn

I worry about my children the most. Will they be happy, healthy, safe? I worry about my grandson just as much.


Next is money. I sometimes worry about what people think of me. I also worry about being alone when I am old.

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-- I worry about my children and my impact on them since I come from a dysfunctional family, and I sometimes find myself repeating some of the patterns - ie. yelling at them a lot (I see a counselor as a result).


-- I worry about dying and my kids forgetting me, or dh and I dying together and the kids being raised by someone else.


-- I worry about money and if we will ever be "comfortable" and able to retire.


-- I worry about my friendships and whether or not my friends will desert me (it's happened in the past & it hurts immensely).


-- I worry about the state of our country and planet and what will be "left" for my children and their children.


The irony is I believe in God, and I know better than to worry about these things... it requires constant prayer for me to talk myself down some days from these worries.

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Guest mrsjamiesouth

I worry that my dh is not saved, neither are my parents or sister. I worry for my oldest ds's salvation and his character. I worry about my youngest 2 children's safety. They both have no fear, I am afraid they will get badly hurt doing something unsafe.

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I need to preface all of this by saying that both my mum & I are Christians and trust God fully. However, when we do let worry creep in :glare: this is what we worry about:


me: that I or my DH will die before my children are adults and that my children won't grow up to love God with all their heart, soul & mind.


my mum: that she will become a burden to me (her only child) before she dies.

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