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For those whom standardized testing is NOT required, do you do it anyway?

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Yes. I begin as soon as they can read well enough to do the test properly. For my older son that was when he was in 3rd grade and for the younger son it was when he was in kindergarten. I have used the PASS test and the ITBS. I prefer the ITBS overall, but the PASS test is good if you have a very asynchronous child or a child who doesn't do well with time limits.

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We're required to produce an assessment by a certified teacher, or results of a nationally-normed test.


I've done ITBS since dd's started homeschooling to meet this requirement, and so that I could have feedback, and be able to track progress.


A local hs group administers the test in a group setting every year, so dd's gain that experience, as well.

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We have no state testing requirement (although it is an optional form of assessment).


I started testing them last year (3rd and 5th grades) using the Stanford, although I still don't use that as my method of assessment for the town; it's just for my own use and to give them experience in a testing environment. I plan to test them every year from here on out.

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Every April we test with our home school group. I like to see that there is improvement and I use it as a tool for my planning. My kids don't like it at all, we used to submit a portfolio. This is much easier to me. Plus the experience is good for them. It is a very controlled environment, much different from our home school. For the most part I have been encouraged by the results. I needed outside "eyes".

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My DH insisted this year. We ended up testing twice because the first test I chose (2nd grade CAT-E) was too easy and did not provide us any useful information. I then had her take the 3rd grade ITBS and that was a much more appropriate challenge level.


In the future if we choose to test for our reference only, I'm going to again use an above grade-level ITBS.

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We are required to test every 3rd year, beginning in 3rd grade.


I gave my kids an at-home CAT-5 starting in 2nd. After that, I have them transition to taking the IOWA/ITBS through a local hs group (not administered by me) & we test yearly (even though it is not required).

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We started around 4th grade and test every other year using the ITBS battery through BJU. We are not required to do this in my state but I like to see for myself not just how well they test but how their scores compare year-to-year.


I panicked last year when I saw that my 5th grader's reading comprehension score had gone from the 97th percentile to the 75th. What? All of a sudden he doesn't understand what he's reading? Huh? I asked him if he remembered that part of the test and he immediately hung his head in shame. Before sharing his score he readily admitted that he skimmed the readings and just chose the first answer that seemed the most likely. I recalled that he finished that portion of the test in half the time and he said it was because he didn't really do the readings.


We had a short talk about putting forth your best effort, blah, blah, blah. (Including the "When mommy spends money on a test, she needs you to do actually READ it!")


Anyway, had he not had an explanation seeing the disparity in the scores would have prompted us to look hard at how we teach him, etc.

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I start in 3rd or 4th grade and do it sporadically. With my oldest, we discovered that he needed out of level testing for us to learning anything, so he has been taking the SAT since 7th grade. I usually use the ITBS because I can administer it and make it work. I do this as a benchmark for me, not to satisfy anyone else. I will probably do ITBS with my dd9 later this year and my 8th grader will probably take the SAT in 9th grade.

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My oldest dd took her first standardized test in 6th grade. She is a strong student and I never saw a need to before then. I think the tests have very limited value, but they are important for college admission and scholarships.


My middle dd took her first test in 4th grade. She does have some learning issues and I felt she would need more practice at testing.


My youngest probably won't take her first test until 5th or 6th grade.



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Our dd took her first standardized test this past Fall. It was the PSAT. She did really well. I hadn't seen any reason to take the tests before that. I was not worried at all about her education, nor was I worried that her test results would be bad at all. Now she has the SAT coming up on May 1st.

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