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April Fools!

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According to ds, I like "food jokes", and I think he's probably right. ;) I don't care for jokes that are meanspirited or embarrassing or messy or wasteful. But I do like fun surprises. So I tend to favor food jokes that are pleasant. So one year I told the family we were having meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and fruit salad for dinner. But the "meatloaf" was a chocolate crisped-rice treat (I think I added in chocolate chips and some various seeds and stuff -- somehow I made it more dense and textured, so from any sort of distance it really *did* look like meatloaf), the mashed potatoes were a big bowl of vanilla ice cream stirred till it was just a bit soft, and the gravy bowl was full of caramel syrup. (The fruit salad was real.) Then for dessert I brought out a "chocolate raspberry pie" -- which was a whole wheat crust filled with meat loaf (made with some pureed veggies) and topped with mashed potatoes dyed with a little beet juice so they came out a beautiful bright raspberry color. ;) The kids and I thought it was *great* fun. Dh was apparently deeply discombobulated by the whole thing, lol, and hasn't quite forgiven me. ;)


This year Thurs is our regular day to school with another family. We're telling the kids we've received free tickets to lecture by someone that my dd particularly *hates* (and she'll be sure to tell the others how miserable this event is going to be), and the kids will be required to take notes and later write a paper, etc... Of course, after we rush them all out of the house to get there on time, we're going to head straight for the ice cream shop. ;) Then we'll stop and pick up a picnic and spend the day at the park in this *gorgeous* weather, not doing school at all. :)

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According to ds, I like "food jokes", and I think he's probably right. ;) I don't care for jokes that are meanspirited or embarrassing or messy or wasteful. But I do like fun surprises. So I tend to favor food jokes that are pleasant. So one year I told the family we were having meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and fruit salad for dinner. But the "meatloaf" was a chocolate crisped-rice treat (I think I added in chocolate chips and some various seeds and stuff -- somehow I made it more dense and textured, so from any sort of distance it really *did* look like meatloaf), the mashed potatoes were a big bowl of vanilla ice cream stirred till it was just a bit soft, and the gravy bowl was full of caramel syrup. (The fruit salad was real.) Then for dessert I brought out a "chocolate raspberry pie" -- which was a whole wheat crust filled with meat loaf (made with some pureed veggies) and topped with mashed potatoes dyed with a little beet juice so they came out a beautiful bright raspberry color. ;) The kids and I thought it was *great* fun. Dh was apparently deeply discombobulated by the whole thing, lol, and hasn't quite forgiven me. ;)


This year Thurs is our regular day to school with another family. We're telling the kids we've received free tickets to lecture by someone that my dd particularly *hates* (and she'll be sure to tell the others how miserable this event is going to be), and the kids will be required to take notes and later write a paper, etc... Of course, after we rush them all out of the house to get there on time, we're going to head straight for the ice cream shop. ;) Then we'll stop and pick up a picnic and spend the day at the park in this *gorgeous* weather, not doing school at all. :)

:thumbup: Those are great! Your kids are lucky they have a creative mom!
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We were missionaries when dd was born, and we had been signing off our e-letters "Baby T". On April 1, we e-mailed to say the baby had been born and we'd named "him" Theophilus Rex, and were going to call him T Rex for short. Unfortunately, we muffed the time change, so no one got it until the next day. Mostly everyone believed us, and we had to send out an apology. But I still thought it was hilarious at the time. I mean really. T Rex???:tongue_smilie:

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Dd taped the lever on the kitchen sink sprayer so that it was stuck open, then "aimed" it properly to douse me when I came down first thing in the morning to make coffee.


I was not amused. For quite some time.

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Michelle, I just set up the same contraption for my kids using rubber bands.


I also set out other pranks. Two from Family Fun are to put a dollar bill in the toilet paper (unroll it, place it, re-roll it). You can then write on a piece of toilet paper w/perm. market "You're about to be flush w/cash" and place it in the bowl. Or you could write something else. I thought of doing a treasure hunt.


And this is one that I just thought of (I'm usually not creative). Their favorite cereal boxes are out on the table and now have dog food in the cellophane bag. And the milk is now yellow.


My older two put red dots all over themselves to trick their sister (which in effect reminded me that tomorrow is April Fool's day). Otherwise I might have forgotten.


I'm going to be lying in bed thinking of other things to do.



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This wasnt intended as a joke, but as you will see NOW everybody laughs. When I was pg with my oldest dd I was due May 10. Well, I went into labor on April 1. NOBODY BELIEVED US. They thought we were playing an April Fools Day trick on them. Finally when I was deep into labor I had the dr call and tell them (they had to believe him, right?) Oh no. They thought it was an elaborate April Fools Day trick. (DH was with me) So after she was born we called so they could hear her crying. They sure felt dumb then AND made it to the hospital in record time. (I was over being upset when I had that baby in my arms) Any BTW she was born perfectly, the drs were WAY off on my due date! And now she turns 12 tomorrow:eek:


BTW, I still give them grief about that! They deserve it LOL

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Hubby wasn't home today and I didn't want pranks played on me, so we postponed April Fool's Da until tomorrow. Dog food is in the ceral box, milk and cereal are in the freezer. Other thoughts for hubby and 7 & 4 year old boys?




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Dd taped the lever on the kitchen sink sprayer so that it was stuck open, then "aimed" it properly to douse me when I came down first thing in the morning to make coffee.


I was not amused. For quite some time.


That is funny.


This was a couple years ago. I didn't notice that there wasn't any more toilet paper before going to the bathroom. So, I called out for my ds to get some from the closet. I heard giggling and a knock on the door. You can reach the door from the toilet so I opened it a bit to grab the TP. Well, in came two sets of hands, holding a water gun each, and squirting me. I couldn't even get up to defend myself. I was literally a sitting duck.

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My dd had a friend visiting. Dh had a leftover scar kit from Halloween. He pretended to work on something close to the girls' room, screamed, began yelling for them to help, and ran into dd's room holding his head.




Dd believed it, but kind of freaked out, ignoring him and coming downstairs to get me for help. Her friend wasn't so easily fooled--she's used to pranks. Her dad once wrapped our front yard and house in CRIME SCENE tape.


That April Fools was the same day I set all clocks in the house ahead two hours, and the girls thought they'd slept until 11 a.m.


I also put a spool of thread in my pocket, left a bit of thread hanging out, and asked my ds to pull on the thread. He couldn't believe it!


Dd ended up surprising all of us by taping the toilet paper rolls shut.


Sigh. This year, I didn't do a thing.

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If you do this right now it will work:


Pour their cereal and milk in a bowl tonight and freeze it overnight. In the morning, give them their cereal and they won't be able to get their spoon thru it.


That is a good one. I'll have to remember that.


This year I put a few drop of food coloring in my children's cereal bowl and then added the cereal. When they poured their milk in it turned blue.


I also put gummy worms in their breakfast fruit. Yum!

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I pulled an accidental prank today.:001_smile:


When the dc asked what we were having for dinner, I told them bean soup, which received the usual moans and sad faces. :D


Then when I went to serve the beans, I mentioned that they weren't really done and the dc could hear them rattle against the pan. None of them were excited about eating barely cooked beans for sup.


However...it was really JELLY BEAN (soup)!! I just happened to have the jelly beans for this weekend and just thought of it this afternoon. ;)

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Hubby wasn't home today and I didn't want pranks played on me, so we postponed April Fool's Da until tomorrow. Dog food is in the ceral box, milk and cereal are in the freezer. Other thoughts for hubby and 7 & 4 year old boys?





If your DH wears boxer shorts, you can sew the fly shut. If I could have found a needle and thread around here, I would have done that.


Hmmm... I just realized I don't even know if he uses the fly for its intended purpose. Do most guys?

Edited by RoughCollie
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Today I texted dh at work and told him that my niece (my dd3's bio mom) was in jail and the caseworker wanted us to take her 3mo baby.


Dh's txd answer isn't post-able LOL :lol::lol: Needless to say, it was a 'no' :D


DD3 is a phenomenally difficult child and the thought of adding another is enough to drive a good man insane. :lol:

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Last year I replaced the sugar that dh uses for coffee in the AM with salt. Unfortunately I was still sleeping when he made his coffee and took his sip. He told me he forgot it was April Fools and thought I had done it because we had argued over something the night before:lol:

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