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*gulp* What if dh just got an email...

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asking for more info about his res...


from a church...


in a decidedly American location?


Not that there's been any job-offering anywhere for the moment, but what if...


we have to choose between Malaysia (both teaching)...


and a church (pastoring)?




He's had his resume vaguely floating around church positions for a couple of yrs, but committees take...a long time, lol.


I'm not a big Robert Frost fan. But boy, oh boy, do roads diverge.

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asking for more info about his res...


from a church...


in a decidedly American location?


Not that there's been any job-offering anywhere for the moment, but what if...


we have to choose between Malaysia (both teaching)...


and a church (pastoring)?




He's had his resume vaguely floating around church positions for a couple of yrs, but committees take...a long time, lol.


I'm not a big Robert Frost fan. But boy, oh boy, do roads diverge.


What's to choose????? Malaysia, hands down! It'll revitalize you all! :D:lol:

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You pursue both until one drops out of the running or both do, or one accepts you or both accept you. . . If only one accepts you then you have your answer. If neither accept you then you start looking again. If both accept you then you choose Malaysia!


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You pursue both until one drops out of the running or both do, or one accepts you or both accept you. . . If only one accepts you then you have your answer. If neither accept you then you start looking again. If both accept you then you choose Malaysia!


His email has just been so...quiet...for so long...not that this email means much, necessarily, but...*contact* from the outside, lol.


I've always thought he would make a good teacher. I know he would love Malaysia. But...you should see this church.... :001_huh:

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...I can tell you that there's NOTHING like being the pastor's family. If you are in the church God has lead you to, it will be one of the most challenging but rewarding things you've ever done. If you go to a church where God did not lead you, you will be some of the most miserable people on earth. I am sure that the same thing is probably true of the position(s) in Malaysia; any Christian is bound to be happy when he is following God, and unhappy when he is not. My only advice to you is to pray, pray, pray, and then pray some more. Seek God's heart in this matter, and go only where He leads you.

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You pursue both until one drops out of the running or both do, or one accepts you or both accept you. . . If only one accepts you then you have your answer. If neither accept you then you start looking again. If both accept you then you choose Malaysia!


:iagree:......unless it has truly been placed on your heart to remain in the States and have dh pastor a Church. :grouphug:

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:iagree:......unless it has truly been placed on your heart to remain in the States and have dh pastor a Church. :grouphug:



The only thing scarier than moving to another continent for two yrs, imo, is being a pastor's wife. But you know, dh is in seminary. :glare:


Fwiw, it's an associate position.

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Nothing in America will equal the experience of Malaysia. Where an American pastorship may tear your family apart (ie. glass bowl living, stress, expectations), Malaysia is likely to bring your family together.




Besides, a teaching and living experience in Malaysia would likely prepare him even better, later, for a pastor position in N. America, should he desire it still. And he might not! It could lead to other things!

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The only thing scarier than moving to another continent for two yrs, imo, is being a pastor's wife. But you know, dh is in seminary. :glare:


Fwiw, it's an associate position.


My mil was a PK and then married fil and was a pastor's wife for 35+ years -- I hear you.


I do think that if you all are on board with the changes to your life that will result with a move to a new continent, well, the experience cannot be beat -- if you have peace about it. Of course there will be butterflies and nervousness, etc, but you know what I'm talking about.


'Associate' pastor -- well, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. You know, you may have an offer from Malaysia before the AP position moves forward -- but, in any case, I would pursue both. I wouldn't even think about choosing between the two until further down the road. And I would tell my two older dds the same thing.:grouphug:

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I do agree with the others about pursuing both, if there is more than one offer to pursue. Because it may take so long for any offer to become final that in the process it finally becomes clear to you which offer is the best fit for your dh and your entire family.

Praying you will hear the Lords leading when you are in the position to make these decisions. It sounds like you have an adventure ahead of you. :001_smile:

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...I can tell you that there's NOTHING like being the pastor's family. If you are in the church God has lead you to, it will be one of the most challenging but rewarding things you've ever done. If you go to a church where God did not lead you, you will be some of the most miserable people on earth. I am sure that the same thing is probably true of the position(s) in Malaysia; any Christian is bound to be happy when he is following God, and unhappy when he is not. My only advice to you is to pray, pray, pray, and then pray some more. Seek God's heart in this matter, and go only where He leads you.



I am not a pastor's wife, but I agree with this poster. She speaks from experience, AND, I hear wisdom in her last two-and-a-half sentences . . .


"any Christian is bound to be happy when he is following God, and unhappy when he is not. My only advice to you is to pray, pray, pray, and then pray some more. Seek God's heart in this matter, and go only where He leads you."

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You pursue both until one drops out of the running or both do, or one accepts you or both accept you. . .
Precisely. I used to work for a high powered executive recruiter type whose favourite saying was, "Never turn down a job until its offered." Wiser words were never spoken.
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Besides, a teaching and living experience in Malaysia would likely prepare him even better, later, for a pastor position in N. America, should he desire it still. And he might not! It could lead to other things!




Reminds me of the Diana Ross song - Tell me where the road turns. Oooooh hooo. Its late, I am tired.


If you had two offers on the table, I would still pick Malaysia. The kids are just at the right age to enjoy the adventure. Any later, and they are a hormonal mess.

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You pursue both until one drops out of the running or both do, or one accepts you or both accept you. . . If only one accepts you then you have your answer. If neither accept you then you start looking again. If both accept you then you choose Malaysia!




I am really, really familiar with church hiring practices. One email would not register on my radar right now. They take a looooooooooong time to get anything done. Pursue both, praying for God to make the path before you clear.


Personally, though, I am rooting for Malaysia. :D

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I completely agree with Joannqn! I have to say that I would be leaning more towards Malaysia because I think that there are amazing benefits to the children to be exposed to another culture. I'd love for my kids to have that opportunity.


However, that might not be God's plan. But, like Joannqn said, the church job or Malaysia will fall off or you will have that feeling, "this isn't right for us" about one of the opportunities.


Pursue both, but Faith will be in the corner with her fingers crossed chanting "Go Malaysia, Go Malaysia!" LOL



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...I can tell you that there's NOTHING like being the pastor's family. If you are in the church God has lead you to, it will be one of the most challenging but rewarding things you've ever done. If you go to a church where God did not lead you, you will be some of the most miserable people on earth. I am sure that the same thing is probably true of the position(s) in Malaysia; any Christian is bound to be happy when he is following God, and unhappy when he is not. My only advice to you is to pray, pray, pray, and then pray some more. Seek God's heart in this matter, and go only where He leads you.

either situation is going to be both challenging and rewarding. Pray like you have never prayed before. :grouphug:

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Personally, though, I am rooting for Malaysia. :D


Faith will be in the corner with her fingers crossed chanting "Go Malaysia, Go Malaysia!" LOL




:lol::lol: Me, too! (though I bet you couldn't figure that out, hee hee!)


I'm thinking you'll probably hear soon, because I remember Heather saying last year that she had to give the school her decision on their offer by the end of March.


Isn't it funny that you have people who don't even know you cheering you on to completely change your life, if given the opportunity? :D


One thing I would consider, tho, that hasn't been mentioned:



You will not be homeschooling if you are both working in Malaysia.


She talked about this concern at length in another of her threads.

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Precisely. I used to work for a high powered executive recruiter type whose favourite saying was, "Never turn down a job until its offered." Wiser words were never spoken.


Oh, no, that's not what I meant--I'm not saying I'm thinking we should turn one or the other down--we could end up being offered neither.


What I meant was more like...isn't it funny how the big possibilities in life seem to come in pairs, such that they require choices rather than in sequence so that you can do them ALL? :lol: Because I'm more in favor of "yes AND" instead of "either OR."

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You pursue both until one drops out of the running or both do, or one accepts you or both accept you. . . If only one accepts you then you have your answer. If neither accept you then you start looking again. If both accept you then you choose Malaysia!


I'd also look at the money, housing and benefits. If your family will be better off in Malaysia financially, I'd say Malaysia. If you'd be better off here, I'd stay here.


How exciting for you guys!!!!



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What I meant was more like...isn't it funny how the big possibilities in life seem to come in pairs, such that they require choices rather than in sequence so that you can do them ALL? :lol: Because I'm more in favor of "yes AND" instead of "either OR."


TOTALLY!!!!! I love and hate that God does that. But, I guess that's all part of His love for us and wanting us to enjoy free will.:lol: The problem I have is, once we've made the decision, I like to second guess myself.:glare: Jobs that fight over our dhs always feel like a win/win to me:D If nothing else, it boosts their self esteem. Important in this day and age.




whose dh is currently working 3 jobs to take care of us :001_wub:

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asking for more info about his res...


from a church...


in a decidedly American location?


Not that there's been any job-offering anywhere for the moment, but what if...


we have to choose between Malaysia (both teaching)...


and a church (pastoring)?




He's had his resume vaguely floating around church positions for a couple of yrs, but committees take...a long time, lol.


I'm not a big Robert Frost fan. But boy, oh boy, do roads diverge.


How many children do you have who are pre-school age? What would they do while you and your husband teach full-time? That would play a large role in any decision I would make.

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I think you will know. When it comes time to make a decision, it'll be clear. We candidated at 2 churches simultaneously and I was very nervous that we would have to make a choice without it being really clear. In the end, it was abundantly clear which church was the right fit for us. This is a happy problem!

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