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Did you know the day your baby would come?

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Since I have so many ladies right here with you all having kids. Did you know the day you went into labor that it was coming?


My other two were both early, 16 days and 12 days, now I expected it to go in a similar fashion. I'm 10 days from my due date, having lots of BH contractions, but nothing.


What are the chances that I'll make it to my due date, or worse yet, go overdue:tongue_smilie:

Can anyone reassure me? Those of you that went late, were you having any signs this early, like pressure, contractions or pain?

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I can assure you that babies really do come out. That's what I was reminding myself with my first. I go long. I had my first at 41 weeks because I had high blood pressure. I had my second at 42 weeks because they wouldn't let me go longer (even though in my family healthy babies have been born at 44 weeks, no one plays those odds anymore.) My third was a planned c-section, so 39 weeks, and he could definitely have used a few more weeks before being born even though he was technically full term.


Going late really isn't all that bad. I found it hard the first time, but the second time I wasn't even ready to have my second until I was 41 weeks--then I'd had it. You're not likely to go as long as I did given your history, but there are no guarantees. Each pregnancy is different. I'm guessing it's harder for you because you're used to going early.

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Dd was 10 days late, and three days from being induced when she finally decided to come out.


There was no prior indication that she wanted to be out. I went to the doctor the Thursday before she was born and they already had 3 inductions the following day (Friday). So dd was put on the list as first to be induced on Monday. She did not wait. Along with the three inductions, dd came along and helped keep the doctors busy.

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My third was that way. She stayed in longer than my second who came a few days early. And I had imminent signs of labor every day for three weeks, only making it more difficult.


My doula actually knew of an acupuncturist who is good at enducing labor. My little one was due on 9/9/9 so that was my excuse for making the appt. I couldn't get one on her due date but got one the day before. Just knowing I had that point at which I knew it would be over really helped my frame of mind.


As it was, I did end up going in for my acupuncture appt. It was at 11:00 and I was having my normal BH the entire time. My doula had said some moms left in labor and others went home, but all of her clients who had gone to this guy went into labor within 24 hours. We left the office at 12:15 with no action and went home to eat. Fed the boys (my husband was at work but my mom was with me) and by 1:00 I was having strong contractions every 2 or 3 minutes (which my mom said was pretty close for a 3rd baby - she was a 4th baby and was born at home because her father wanted to shave first). So we left for the hospital and DD was born at 4:01 p.m.


But the entire time when I was complaining every day about imminent signs of labor without going into labor, my doula said it was very, very common with her clients, especially moms with more than one child. I know it's hard. Hang in there!

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I'd keep track of those BH contractions! The day my 4th was born, I had consistent contractions (pressure, but not a lot of pain) every 10-15 minutes for a couple of hours. I convinced my husband to go ahead and take me to the hospital since I knew my midwife would probably induce me if I did- even though I felt a little silly going in with contractions that far apart. Well, on the ride there, I started having them every 2-3 minutes!! When I arrived, it was almost too late to get the epidural! So, all that to say, if you get pretty consistent contractions, even if they're far apart, I'd call your dr.! How I miss having a little newborn!!! Lucky you!! :001_smile:

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With my last baby, I was due on the 10th. the sonographer had said there was no way I would go past December 1st, but I did. At midnight on the 4th, Dh asked me if I was having contractions. I wasn't. Nothing was different at all.


By 1:00 am I was having a few. By 2:00am I had some bloody show. At 3:00, I called my doula and midwife. She was born at 8:30 the morning of the 5th.


When it is time, it can start without warning.

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I didn't personally but I do sometimes for my clients. Looking back I can see that my body was preparing the day I delivered my second but I didn't know as much as I do now to put the pieces together. LOL


This is your third? If so, third babies like to change things up. ;) I experienced it myself (#1 & #2 both 2 wks early..thought for SURE #3 would be too. Nope.) and SO many times with clients! So (don't hit me) it's very possible you can go to your EDD or beyond. And yes, you can have BH and pre-labor symptoms for a week or two.


It WILL happen!!! :grouphug: I know it sucks. Just remind yourself that your body IS doing something. This is all good preparation for your uterus and for the baby. And this baby may just need a little more time inside to mature and be ready for life on the outside. :)

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I was induced with my first two (40 and 41 weeks) without a single sign of labor. I had some contractions on my third's due date night, but they went away. My water broke the next morning.


#4 was born at 42 weeks without the slightest hint of coming any earlier than that!


I don't *enjoy going 40-42 weeks, but I'm happy to drag it out in return for avoiding any early birth complications in my babies!

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I do want to have a healthy baby....and I could take the wait...but believe it or not it's the pressure from others that is driving me nuts.


Yes, It's my third and my dd8 is very impatient.


Plus I told a bunch of friends that it would probably come early like the others...:thumbdown: What a bad idea.


Now everyone is really waiting.....................I can't stand to go to church tomorrow.

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I have never made it to my due date let alone past one.

First time was almost a month early due to an emergency situation


Second time was 11 days early


Third was 14 days early


Four was 10 days early


Fifth was 11 days early. He was actually a planned c-section but the dr. changed the date in order for me to get blood count up with transfusion. She moved it pass my due date. I laughed and said I'd never make it. DS was born on the original scheduled date. He is quite stubborn. The hospital staff argued with me and said I wasn't in labor and sent me home. I returned about 5 hours later dilated to a 9. lol They at first tried to tell I wasn't in labor. I said I wasn't leaving and they were dismayed upon doing the exam. Machines can be wrong.


Sixth was 10 days early.

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Depends how miserable you are :tongue_smilie: If you're not miserable enough, it's not time for the baby to be born!


All humor aside, I went late with DS. I'm fully convinced he'd have been at least two, if not three weeks late. He had no inclination to come out whatsoever. I was induced with him a few days after my due date, and it was a good thing. He was nearly big enough to cause a C-section even then (the doctor had predicted a 7-pound baby - HA!).


I did know DD would come early. I knew in December that she wasn't making it till April 15. By March 1, my own mother was already asking when she was going to get here 'cause she knew I wasn't making it, either. I was never as miserable with my son as I was with her. Good thing she came out cute and tiny and three weeks early. I couldn't have made it any longer.


Congratulations and hope you don't have to wait much longer!

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Not even if my water had already broke. With my last two, my water broke way before they were born so I was playing beat the clock before the the doctors insisted on doing something. With number five I had to transfer to the hospital but that really speeded things up as she came almost as soon as they got me on the table before they doctor even had time to finish washing his hands and get his gloves on. Number five was born with 15 minutes to spare before they transferred. Five were late, one very much so and the last was early.

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This is your third? If so, third babies like to change things up. ;) I experienced it myself (#1 & #2 both 2 wks early..thought for SURE #3 would be too. Nope.) and SO many times with clients! So (don't hit me) it's very possible you can go to your EDD or beyond. And yes, you can have BH and pre-labor symptoms for a week or two.



Ah yes, the third baby. My midwife even warned me. I had braxton hicks for weeks before and was in serious pain/labor for a few days. I mean, it was exactly like real labor - regular, painful and had to breathe. My friends took turns, coming over, rubbing my back, helping me. Then, I went to the birth center out of sheer exhaustion and she sent me home TWICE in the same night. Weirdest labor I ever had. It would start up; I'd get to the Birth Center and just STOP. I hated that particular midwife and swear to this day, my body was reacting to her!


My sweet baby entered the world by the next morning...finally. :001_smile:


So, out of four kids, I had no idea when any of them were coming. They all took control from the beginning. :lol:

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I do want to have a healthy baby....and I could take the wait...but believe it or not it's the pressure from others that is driving me nuts.


Yes, It's my third and my dd8 is very impatient.


Plus I told a bunch of friends that it would probably come early like the others...:thumbdown: What a bad idea.


Now everyone is really waiting.....................I can't stand to go to church tomorrow.


You haven't learned the golden rule of parenting? Never presume to know everything. Never say never! These kids will always prove us wrong. :lol:

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With my first, I *knew* it was soon...I was having stronger BH and took myself to a movie, knowing it was my last excursion without a child- LOL. She was born 24 hours later, but still I knew. :)


With DS, I had no idea. I had a gut feeling from early on that I wouldn't make it full term, but wasn't having any signs. That day, I ate 1/2 a pineapple (heard it had enzymes to stimulate labor- LOL) and immediately went into labor (w/in 45 minutes) and he was born 4 hours later-2.5 weeks early.


Hang in there. :grouphug:

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My oldest was about 19 days early, dd 13 days early (hurricane), ds8 kept having BH and expecting to go early and nothing. Went to the hospital for the third time the day before his due date and they went ahead and induced. Ds4 I had Gestational Dibetes and so they induced 3 days before his due date.

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With my first, I didn't know that they were BH contractions - I thought the baby was stretching:). I didn't notice a ton and I went late with him. With my 2nd, I had BH contractions all day and all night for weeks before I went into labor (like 3 - 4 an hour.) On the day he was born (3 weeks early), the contractions felt a little different - couldn't describe it. Labor came on quickly. With my last, I had the BH contractions on and off for the 6 weeks of pregnancy. They got more intense after a car accident 4 weeks before she was due, where I was rear ended (everyone was OK, but I did have a seat-belt bruise.) But she was born 1 day after her due date. I woke up with a contraction that was just a little different - not stronger or weaker, but just different.


No one can say how long you will be pregnant. I usually just tried to have everything ready 3 weeks early, but planned on the baby arriving 2 weeks late. I tried not to let myself play those mental games and give myself a bad case of STOP (Sick and Tired Of Pregnancy.)

Edited by dirty ethel rackham
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Fifth was 11 days early. He was actually a planned c-section but the dr. changed the date in order for me to get blood count up with transfusion. She moved it pass my due date. I laughed and said I'd never make it. DS was born on the original scheduled date. He is quite stubborn. The hospital staff argued with me and said I wasn't in labor and sent me home.



It absolutely blows my mind that they didn't think you knew what labor felt like by your FIFTH child! :svengo:


It makes me wonder, do they really get a LOT of moms who've given birth repeatedly and forget what labor feels like? Really?

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Since I have so many ladies right here with you all having kids. Did you know the day you went into labor that it was coming?


My other two were both early, 16 days and 12 days, now I expected it to go in a similar fashion. I'm 10 days from my due date, having lots of BH contractions, but nothing.


What are the chances that I'll make it to my due date, or worse yet, go overdue:tongue_smilie:

Can anyone reassure me? Those of you that went late, were you having any signs this early, like pressure, contractions or pain?


I knew only one for sure--that was my fourth and last baby. At about 2PM my mom called and informed me that my dad had passed away. We all knew it was coming but still...


At that moment I knew my son (4 days overdue) would be born before the day was through. I was not happy about this fact, but knew it just the same.


I do remember my dad (who hated traditional funerals) saying from time to time "When I die, just throw a big party". He had an odd sense of humor. :D


I attended my dad's memorial service with my newborn, and now every year on the day of his death, we have a birthday cake. Sometimes we DO throw a party.


Somewhere, I believe, he's laughing about that. :001_smile:

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I was starting to think my littlest was going to make a late appearance, too. But she was born at 39 weeks 1 day. I didn't think she would come that soon because I was only having a few BH contractions. But they did the job, because when I went to the doc that AM, I was 4.5 cm and they sent me to the hospital. Hope that baby comes soon!

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Since I have so many ladies right here with you all having kids. Did you know the day you went into labor that it was coming?


My other two were both early, 16 days and 12 days, now I expected it to go in a similar fashion. I'm 10 days from my due date, having lots of BH contractions, but nothing.


What are the chances that I'll make it to my due date, or worse yet, go overdue:tongue_smilie:

Can anyone reassure me? Those of you that went late, were you having any signs this early, like pressure, contractions or pain?


It is always the third babies that confuzzle us! The third baby often switches things up. My third was only four days late. All four of the other ones were more than a week to two full weeks late. I know you were hoping for early, but sometimes that just doesn't happen. However, they do all come out! :tongue_smilie: Some are just not in our timing. :D

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With some of them I knew specific days or times of day (intuition? who knows). I always have lots of practice labor lasting days or weeks. My first pregnancy was my longest, but I have never made it to my due date. My earliest was born at 37 weeks. My latest was born at 39w4d.


Affirmations help a lot! I reminded myself that my baby would be born when she was ready and my body was doing what it needed to do to prepare.


Hang in there! Your baby will come out! :)

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