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s/o: Have you ever been hit or assaulted at work?

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I have been harrassed in a hostile way. My main boss told the offender (night supervisor and our boss) that to stop this hostile work environment. The main boss threatened to take their jobs if this doesn't stop. Well it never did but it was less obvious after the meeting. I documented everything and turned it in to the principal, my main boss and the Human Resource. I was removed from the situation and placed at another school within the corporation. The environment was very hostile and I literally lost a lot of my hair due to the harrassment. (It was not sexual harrassement but a verbal violent harrassment and full of lies about me to get me fired)


I am much happier at this place.


I have been threated with the supervisor killing me if I told anybody he leaves early. Much to my disappointment nothing was done however I did hear it is on his record though the harrassment charge by HR.



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When I worked in retail management I had a customer come over the service desk at me because I wouldn't take something as a return that she had purchased at another store (still had the other company's price sticker on it). She was flailing about and somehow got her foot caught up in the scanner gun cord, so her foot was stuck on the counter and her torso was on the ground. She was still trying to get at me. I stepped around her and called the police, who happened to be in my parking lot. The lady got arrested and, when she screamed at her husband to help her, he replied "You got yourself into this. You get yourself out."


Same place, I had another lady put a Santaria curse on me. No joke.


At my last company (professional position in HR, no less) my boss flipped out on me one day for no reason at all. He came across his desk to within centimeters of my face, screaming at the top of his lungs, red faced, chords in his neck bulging, spit hitting my face. I was afraid, for sure, although he didn't touch me. Unfortunately for him, the entire floor heard him through his closed door and immediately reported it to his boss (our VP). That was the last time anyone ever saw him.

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Yes...I use to manage a pharmacy and this man was stealing...I tried to stop him from taking a basket of merchandise by pulling on it and he hit me in the chest and took off...When I was an assistant manager, my boss would actually have fights with people who were trying to steal...I jumped into one of the fights my boss was having when the guy had him on the ground...Ask me if I would do that now - no way...

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I have been hit on at all my jobs one time or another. Surprisingly the professionals were every bit as crude as the working classes.


I have not been hit on the job. However, I did fear that a foster child's BPD maternal grandmother would assault me at dropoff for visitation. The dropoff was supposed to be supervised but there were no caseworkers at Juvenile Hall when we arrived. Fortunately my husband was with me. The grandmother had a criminal history of assault on adults

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As a teacher I was hit by students three times. Also while teaching another staff member cornered me in her room and started shouting and shoving (because my class had beaten hers on a school wide challenge which she was helping her class cheat on in order to win - we did it the proper way and beat them anyway). She shoved me a couple of times so I removed myself from her immediate area using only necessary force... then I let her follow me down to the admin area still nutting off. She went on "stress leave" soon after. I also had the father of a student tell me he would "rip my head off" if I kept "getting his son in trouble". He then tried to trip me as I left the room - I have better reflexes than that though.


When I was a student and worked in a supermarket I was screamed at and then slapped by a customer because I couldn't get him a product that was on special (we had sold out). He was banned from the shop. I graduated and when went to my very first job interview (as a teacher) who should be the principal of the school but that man. Obviously I didn't take the job.

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Wow, what an old thread. Why bring up one from almost 2 years ago? I was surprised to see a post by me on the first page when I first opened it, until I checked the dates. Holy Moly people let's start off the year with fresh threads lol


Imagine what I thought when I didn't recognize that I had started this thread two years ago!:D

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Yes but not by a co-worker. I worked in long term care and had patients with dementia, and let's just say no matter how old those folks get they still pack a mean punch when they are confused that way.


Same here. I haven't personally been hit yet, but have seen it happen to others, and fully expect it at some point. You can reduce the odds, but it goes with the territory.

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No. But while working as a bar-tender in Berkeley during my college days I did have to tackle Huey Newton (Black Panther co-founder), as one night Mr Newton became engaged in fisticuffs with my employer.


Luckily for my boss, who was about to get his a**-kicked, I played a lot of football, and came flying over the bar with a rather spectacular (if I don't say so myself :D) flying tackle, and removed the threat.




Bill, you are my hero! Athletics, math and grammar. Wow. What a man! (I wonder how you would look in a kilt?)

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