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What are your plans for your 9th grader?

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When my first ds was in 8th grade, about this time of the year, I was so sure about what I would use. Planned everything out and it worked rather well. DS #2 is now in 8th grade and I don't have a clue as to what I will do next year when he is in 9th. Academically he isn't where his brother was and that has me rethinking everything I did with the first. (I'm also not sure that I want to take the same course either. But with that I'll share what we have on the bookshelf to do next year, although I'm quite unsure as to what we will do.



  • History -- Spielvogel Western Civilization Vol 1, cover from Early Man to 400 AD
    ------- Teaching Company Western Civilization lectures (loved these!!)
  • Great Books --- Read great books as listed in TWTM for Ancient times, (>8, 12 good, 18 great --- DS#1 read 25 or 30 books): --- writing assignment connected with the book. DS wrote an essay every-other-week
  • Math --- Geometry, Dolciani and NEM 3
  • Science --- Biology, Miller&Levine (might use Thinkwell w/ DS #2)
  • Rhetoric --- Rulebook for Arguments, Classical Rhetoric for the Modern Student
  • Foreign Lang -- Spanish -- Rosetta Stone with either an online class or we'll head out to a co-op. (gasp--that would be a first for us)
  • Art --- Annotated Mona Lisa, Sister Wendy's Art History book, visits to art museums in DC, Phila, NYC (treated as 1/2 credit course)
  • Music --- Classical Music Experience, Classical Music 101, visits to musicals and concerts at U of DE, Phila and other places. (treated as 1/2 credit course)
  • Industrial Arts --- DH will have DS building / constructing something out in the woodworking shop with him. This year DS has built 2 electric guitars but I have no idea what DS will do next year. DS #1 built a 60' stone wall, insulated a garage, ran electrical, installed windows & siding and began construction on an 18' wooden Sea Kayak.


DS#1 suggested I use a more structured writing program with his brother and something that is more demanding that what I did with him. I've been using IEW with DS #2 for the past year so I'm considering one of their writing programs, tied to our history.

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Saxon Avanced Math

Henle Latin book 2

Athenaze book 1

R&S English 9

Great Books (ancient history and literature the WTM way)

Geology (using my college texts and Teaching Co. lectures)

Material Logic (first semester)

Classical Rhetoric With Aristotle (second semester)






(some sort of physical activity)

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This is what I am currently using this year for my 9th grader.



  • Geography
  • Literature ~ 12 ancient books/poems with writing assingment
  • Math ~ Life of Fred Algebra 1 and 2
  • Apologia Biology online with Potters School
  • Logic ~ The Argument Bulider
  • Rosetta Stone Spanish
  • Drawing w/How Great Thou Art
  • Rod and Staff English 9
  • PE {taekwondo} and Bible


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Next year we will be using (unless I change my mind, LOL!):


Composition: MCT language arts--Magic Lens 1/Word Within an Word 1/Academic Writing 1 + The Nuts and Bolts of College Writing and 501 Writing Prompts


Literature: Ancient literature study: Gilgamesh, Genesis (with TT lectures), Job, Iliad, Odyssey (with TT lectures), and Aeneid in depth as well as selections from The Bedford Anthology of World Literature


Math: Foerster's Algebra II-->Chalk Dust Precalculus


History: TRISMS style history study (ancient) using Ways of the World and A History of World Societies as spines


Science: Visualizing Geology with Labpaq labs and Visualizing Environmental Science with Great Books readings in environmental science


Foreign Language: Cambridge Latin Unit 2


Health: Visualizing Nutrition (as part of a health requirement)


Other: Violin, art, and PE

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The plan-in-progress for next year:


BIBLE - self-study, reading The Message and either How To Be Your Own Selfish Pig or But Don't All Religions Lead to God?

MATH - TT Alg 1?

HISTORY - Early Modern - World/Canadian to 1815

L.A. - Megawords, IEW-style writing applied to Canadian History (which makes me nervous), Literature study - possibly using TTC

SCIENCE - Rainbow Science year 2 (Biology/Earth Science)

GERMAN - Not sure. He'll be done RS Level 1 and wants to quit. My dyslexic middle child who is reading well below grade level is supposed to begin next year - RS won't work for him. I think I might try killing two birds with one stone by having gr. 9 ds teach gr. 5 ds (with my help of course) using Das Ist Deutsch.

MUSIC - Harmonica

PE - Hockey, various outdoor activities

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My current plan for next year (I'm conflicted but this is my plan LOL):


begin Spielvogel for ancients and great books study


start Teaching Textbooks Algebra I this year and finish next year, starting Geometry (she really struggled with Chalkdust)


Biology-Miller and Levine *or* Campbell's Exploring Life


Latin and Logic through Memoria Press, possibly French 1 through Potter's School


Rulebook for Arguments




I may be missing something but we're off to the movies. :)

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Here's what I'm planning for my rising 9th grader, as of now at least.


*Math--Life of Fred Advanced Algebra (this may change, as we are both finding LoF Beg. Algebra kinda hard)

*Bible--Explorer's Bible Study (God's People God's Land)

*English--Literature--Lightning Lit 8

Grammar--Growing With Grammar 8 (not sure on this)

Writing--Write Source Grade 9

Spelling--Megawords 7, 8

*Latin--Latin Prep 2/3 (OR may do some type of computer programming)

*French--French in Action

*Logic--Discovery of Deduction

*History--History Odyssey Ancients Level 2

*Science--Conceptual Physics (OR Carbon Chemistry + Earth Science)

*Music--Band, choir, and music theory at co-op

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Here's what I'm tentatively thinking for my upcoming 9th grade son:


Math - TT Alg 2


English - probably a couple of Lightning Lit courses + Wordly Wise


History - Government/Economics - moved up a couple of years to do this with his 11th grade brother as they do well when they can do a course together


Science - Apologia Biology supplemented with Glencoe for Evolutionary thoughts


Health - Abeka's high school course - taken with his brother


Spanish - continuing with Rosetta Stone


PE - activities vary - no set course, but counts for 1/2 credit

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I have two plans for 9th grade, here's the first one:


MFW World History & Literatrue

TT Alg. 1

Apologia Physical Science

Traditional Logic 1

Elementary Greek (complete 1 & start 2)


PE (wii)


MFW has history, literature and Bible in it so this is the plan of my choice, but I may not be able to afford it so my 2nd plan is to get as close to MFW as possible. Here's my 2nd plan:


LLATL Gold British Literature

Bible? (still working on this)

Notgrass EWH (2nd half)


TT Alg. 1

Traditional logic 1

Apologia Physical Science

Elementary Greek (complete 1 & start 2)


PE (wii)


and doing his own thing learning military history.

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9th grade next year:


MFW for history, literature, and Bible (Ancients)

Geometry - Jacobs?? (with MFW lesson plans)

Science - Conceptual Physics?? Spectrum Chemistry?? Apologia Physical??

Spanish - Rosetta Stone?? (with MFW lesson plans)

Electives will probably be intro to logic & phy ed, 1 semester each, or a class at co-op (speech? cooking?)

Non-credit - Drivers ed??? (my older kids waited until age 16, but this one may be ready), Math team if they start one for high school



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This is our current 9th grade year:


Spanish 1-BJU DVD's

Physical Science-BJU DVD's

Algebra 1-BJU

Fundamentals of Literature-weekly coop class using BJU

Cultural Geography-BJU



Writing & Grammar-BJU (we don't use the writing component)


Vocabulary-Vocabulary Workshop Level D

Typing-she is finishing up the second half of a typing program that we

started in 8th grade; should be able to type 80wpm when completed

Fine Arts (performance)-various performance opportunities through church including sign language, drama, human video, etc. (accumulating hours)

Fine Arts (music)-weekly piano; will be adding in a study of various


P.E.-volleyball, bowling, weekly exercise at the YMCA using equipment

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It's hard to imagine that I will have a high schooler next year; 9th grade seemed so far away when I started homeschooling 7 years ago.


Here's the schedule I have so far:


NT Greek for Beginners (Lessons 23-33)

Latin II-Wheelock's Latin (Ch. 19-40)

Western Civ (Ch. 1 to 14) w/ Dr. Grant's Antiquity Lectures

Modern Geometry Structure & Method by Dolciani w/ Teaching Company Geometry DVD

Omnibus III

BJUP Physical Science w/ DIVE

CW Diogenes Chreia & Intermediate Poetry


I was going to schedule Traditional Logic too, but I decided to wait until 10th grade since it is scheduled with CW Heroduts which I plan to use that year.

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MP's study guides for The Trojan War, Odyssey and the Iliad

Algebra 1 (were using Saxon but gone from fire -switching to Life of Fred

IEW's Adv. Spelling and Vocab: Greece and Rome

Apologetics (includes essay writing)

Drama (including lead part in perfomance given at a One Act Play Festival)

Art- 1 hour a week

Latin on-line

various read-alouds and memory work

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I have barely started thinking about since we just decided recently that we are going to have our youngest skip 8th. The only think I know is she will most likely be doing LOF Advanced Algebra and then Geometry. I also know she doesn't want to do Biology next year. Her sister will be doing a world history and I may have them both do this together. I am completely unsure of the reading I will have her do too. I do know she will continue with Rosetta Stone Spanish. Part of what she does depends on what outside classes she has whether in co-op or outsourced in some other way.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Yay, I'm excited to be about done with figuring out what to use for dd for 9th grade next year. Here's what we're doing:


Bible: ??? This is our only hold-out for what to do

English: Hake Grammar, Elements of Literature, Vocab. from Classical Roots C & D, Write Shop Year 2

History/Geography: Truth Quest--the Middle Ages (500-1400) and Ren/Ref (1400-1600) Guides with living books, and Geography to go with areas of study

Math: LOF Beginning & Advanced Algebra

Science: Biology 101 DVDs, with living books

Spanish: BJU Spanish 1

Art & Music Appreciation: Harmony Fine Arts (DD did this during this school year and really enjoyed it!)

Home Ec: Trying Pearables Home Economics Level Three, plus will add in a couple of projects already thought of

P.E.: Horse-riding lessons, Wii Exercise (she's doing 20 min. to 1 hour per day this year)

Logic: (Does logic go under the "English" heading?) We do "Logic-Light", so she'll be doing Fallacy Detective

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