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Avatar: Bet Movie Going Experience Ever?

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I have not seen it, but the rest of my family has and enjoyed it very much. My 16 yr old has seen it twice now. As soon as I am allowed, it's going int he Netflix queue.


Oh no! This is NOT one to watch on DVD. No. No.


This is a movie to be experienced on a BIG SCREEN. Imax if you can manage it.


At home you may wonder: "what's all the fuss about?"


In the theater you are transported to another world. To a different "experience."


Many films are fine at home. Avatar is one of the few that NEED to be seen in a theater. Really!


Trust me.



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There are not very many movies that we would pay $40+ to see . . . TWICE, but that one we did. We were so blown away the first time that we figured it was worth shelling out the money again, because it just would not be the same watching it on our tv at home, so we had to jump at the chance. The theater we saw it in the second time actually had an even better projection and sound system, so we were glad we did. And the movie did not drag with the second viewing either. Just a wonderful experience.

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There are not very many movies that we would pay $40+ to see . . . TWICE, but that one we did. We were so blown away the first time that we figured it was worth shelling out the money again, because it just would not be the same watching it on our tv at home, so we had to jump at the chance. The theater we saw it in the second time actually had an even better projection and sound system, so we were glad we did. And the movie did not drag with the second viewing either. Just a wonderful experience.


We went with people who were seeing it for either the 2nd or 3rd times (some who were "upgrading" to Imax) and we felt like seeing it again. I don't think I've ever seen a picture twice, yet, I'm feeling like I want to go back.


This was an experience of a lifetime! Like you, blown away!!!



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Many films are fine at home. Avatar is one of the few that NEED to be seen in a theater. Really!


Trust me.



Yes, trust him! :D Part of the magic of this film is feeling like you are right there with the Na'vi as they are gathered around the Tree of Souls. It just won't be the same experience on your tv set at all.

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We went with people who were seeing it for either the 2nd or 3rd times (some who were "upgrading" to Imax) and we felt like seeing it again. I don't think I've ever seen a picture twice, yet, I'm feeling like I want to go back.


This was an experience of a lifetime! Like you, blown away!!!




Oh, wow, you saw it on IMAX?!? Now I'm jealous! We don't have an Imax theater here in Albuquerque. :crying: I kid you not: we talked about driving up to Denver to see it in Imax! :lol: Yeah, it's a five hour drive, but we'd make a weekend of it, do some shopping and other fun stuff. Think we should?

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Oh, wow, you saw it on IMAX?!? Now I'm jealous! We don't have an Imax theater here in Albuquerque. :crying: I kid you not: we talked about driving up to Denver to see it in Imax! :lol: Yeah, it's a five hour drive, but we'd make a weekend of it, do some shopping and other fun stuff. Think we should?


I have no basis of comparison. But those in our party that had seen both the "standard" 3-D and the Imax, said the Imax was definitely the way to go.


I did think to myself (after seeing the movie) that had I known how great this would be, that I would have driven a few hours to have seen it in Imax.


As it was I drove 10 minutes (don't hate me :D).


My mind is still "processing" this adventure. I wonder what tonight's dream world is going to look like???



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I felt the same way - it was an amazing experience. We've seen it twice and I'm sorely tempted to go again.


We'll buy it when it comes out on DVD, but I have a feeling I'll be sad watching it. Maybe that'll be the straw that causes us to spring for BluRay after all - just for this one movie, lol.

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As a said in another thread, the movie was sooooo trite: disillusioned soldier, tough talking scientist, psycho military guy, romanticized natives. Mix them together with the white guy as savior. How come the natives never get to just kill off the "white" people? Why does some white guy always ride in to "save" them? I'll answer my own question. Because then right thinking progressive wouldn't be able to feel good about themselves for killing off the "bad guys".



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I haven't been sure about going to see this one, but you've just convinced me! As I have several Imax movie theaters to choose from within a 10 mile radius I'll definitely splurge. :auto:


If I'm wrong you can come back and slap me around the head :D


I'll take that chance. Because this is an experience you don't want to miss!



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:iagree: absolutely. There are very few films that are much better on the big screen than DVD (as matter of fact I can't think of any right now) but this is definitely one of them. This was the final deciding factor in whether we went with this or Sherlock Holmes for Christmas. We knew that Sherlock would be just as good on DVD whereas a great deal of the appeal of this movie was the big screen experience. Several people in our family have seen it two or three times and it I could afford it, I would go again. It is visually stunning and quite original in it's graphics and special effects.

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As a said in another thread, the movie was sooooo trite: disillusioned soldier, tough talking scientist, psycho military guy, romanticized natives. Mix them together with the white guy as savior. How come the natives never get to just kill off the "white" people? Why does some white guy always ride in to "save" them? I'll answer my own question. Because then right thinking progressive wouldn't be able to feel good about themselves for killing off the "bad guys". Yawn
This is why I don't want to see it, well, that and the fact that James Cameron wrote the script (I still can't forgive him for making Billy Zane say all those horrible lines in Titanic). However, a good friend suggested to me yesterday that I could see the film while listening to an iPod, and now I'm tempted.
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As a said in another thread, the movie was sooooo trite: disillusioned soldier, tough talking scientist, psycho military guy, romanticized natives. Mix them together with the white guy as savior. How come the natives never get to just kill off the "white" people? Why does some white guy always ride in to "save" them? I'll answer my own question. Because then right thinking progressive wouldn't be able to feel good about themselves for killing off the "bad guys".



I had so much trouble suspending my disbelief. All of it was just over the top. Talk about :smash: you over the head with a message. The "worship Mother Earth" was just too much!!


I agree that the special effects were amazing, but best movie experience, no way.

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This is why I don't want to see it, well, that and the fact that James Cameron wrote the script (I still can't forgive him for making Billy Zane say all those horrible lines in Titanic). However, a good friend suggested to me yesterday that I could see the film while listening to an iPod, and now I'm tempted.



This film is magical. And a cinematic experience unlike anything I've ever seen.


To miss Avatar because of the "plot" (which does have many elements and themes we've all seen before) would be a shame. Because it's a work of cinematic magic and beauty.


Don't listen to the nay-sayers (they must have lousy theaters :D).



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Oh, wow, you saw it on IMAX?!? Now I'm jealous! We don't have an Imax theater here in Albuquerque.



The Rio has XD. I got this from Fandango.com:


Cinemark XD is an Extreme Digital Experience where viewers get face-to-face with the action and experience cinema like never before! Extra large, extreme entertainment for the senses. Mega-sized ceiling-to-floor screens, wrap-around custom sound and a maximum comfort entertainment environment ensure that every seat is an intense sensory experience.


The Cinemark XD auditorium greets customers with an enormous screen, plush seats and Cinemark's custom sound system with speakers that produce crisp, clear digital sound. Experience Cinemark XD in 2D and in RealD 3D.


Have you seen it in XD? How is it different from IMAX?

Too bad they won't show it in the DynaMax.

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Don't listen to the nay-sayers (they must have lousy theaters :D).
Well, I can't see it in 3-D, IMAX or not, because I get severely motion sick. I quite enjoyed The Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans last weekend though.
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My eyes got very tired, trying to take it all in. I actually took the glasses off a few times to give my eyes a rest. I'd love to see it again, but just on a regular screen.


I loved the movie, but I'm afraid my 3-D experience colored the whole "best movie-going experience".


Actually I saw it in "3-D XD", whatever that means.

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We saw it in IMAX 3-D. I was ho-hum about seeing it but DH really wanted to go. I have to say it was one of the most outstanding movie experiences I've ever had. I've seen 3-D movies before but nothing like this. I kept fighting the urge to brush things away from my face! Breathtaking to view, and I thought the movie's message was important as well. Two thumbs up from me. :thumbup:

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Well, I can't see it in 3-D, IMAX or not, because I get severely motion sick. I quite enjoyed The Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans last weekend though.



I'm very susceptible to "shaky camera syndrome" but didn't have a problem at all with Avatar. YMMV though!

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My son was going to take me as my Christmas present, but we just couldn't fit it in while he was home. Maybe for my birthday, but he won't be here.

He was quite glad it won for best picture (Golden Globe) b/c of all the work that went into it. He said it should have one for best score, too, b/c James Cameron developed a whole musical culture for the "blue world" and that was amazing.

IDK about the plot, but it sure seems like a landmark film for many reasons! Glad you enjoyed it, SC.

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This is why I don't want to see it, well, that and the fact that James Cameron wrote the script (I still can't forgive him for making Billy Zane say all those horrible lines in Titanic). However, a good friend suggested to me yesterday that I could see the film while listening to an iPod, and now I'm tempted.



James Cameron maybe a master at modern cinematography with the CGI stuff, but I suspect he couldn't write a decent script under the threat of violence. He should consider delegating.


I have a hard time enjoying any movie with such cardboard cut-out charactors and infantile plot. I agree with using an Ipod for viewing. :001_smile:

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We saw it in IMAX 3-D. I was ho-hum about seeing it but DH really wanted to go. I have to say it was one of the most outstanding movie experiences I've ever had. I've seen 3-D movies before but nothing like this. I kept fighting the urge to brush things away from my face! Breathtaking to view, and I thought the movie's message was important as well. Two thumbs up from me. :thumbup:


That's what I'm talking about! :D



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Have you seen it in XD? How is it different from IMAX?

Too bad they won't show it in the DynaMax.


Yes, the first time we saw it in the downtown theater, but the second time we saw it at the Rio. It's notably better in the XD theater at the Rio. I can't say why exactly (my hubby probably could, but I'm not up on all this technology) but the 3D just looked even more real and convincing. It was an absolutely immersive experience. The sound system in that theater is really good too. I'm just guessing that the massive ginormous curved Imax screen which fills almost your entire field of vision, would be that much more amazing. I don't know, though, if the difference would justify the trip to Denver! :lol: We talked about the Denver thing before we saw in in XD. I'll have to ask hubby what he thinks now.


Our Iwerks DynaTheater is nice, but I sure wish it was a full-blown Imax. We have missed several good movies that play only on Imax and not Iwerks.

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Check out this hilarious take on the origins of the script:




That was great! I'm sending that on to my dh. Thanks for posting it. :D


BTW, don't think SpyCar was saying it was the best movie ever in terms of story, just in terms of the visual experience. The plot was utterly predictable. But I enjoyed it anyway.

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Yes, trust him! :D Part of the magic of this film is feeling like you are right there with the Na'vi as they are gathered around the Tree of Souls. It just won't be the same experience on your tv set at all.



OK. So you're saying I need to see this in Imax, right? :lurk5: I am sure I can get someone to see it again. With me ;) IMAX. 3-D.

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This film is magical. And a cinematic experience unlike anything I've ever seen.


To miss Avatar because of the "plot" (which does have many elements and themes we've all seen before) would be a shame. Because it's a work of cinematic magic and beauty.


Don't listen to the nay-sayers (they must have lousy theaters :D).




Whenever naysayers say don't earth worship, I get out my naked costume and dance in the moonlight. I feel much closer to God then.

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Getting off an a tangent here, but . . .


Predictable and unoriginal plot aside, there's an article in the NY Times that discusses a big part of why this movie appealed to me, as someone with a background in Zoology. Star Trek was practically the bread of life in my family growing up, and as much as I still love it, come on - all these different species, from all these different planets, and the differences amount to the shape of the ears or the variations in bumps on the forehead? Star Wars was the other extreme, with the alien life forms basically a freak show parade. But the way the life on Pandora was portrayed really was something original: truly familiar and yet truly alien at the same time, and always enthralling.


One obvious logical flaw (not necessarily the only one) is that since every creature, whether it walks, flies, or swings, on Pandora has six limbs, why do the Na'vi have four? But I guess the answer is simply that Cameron didn't want to make them too alien, too weird. The audience is of course, supposed to feel like we could be one of them, wish to be one of them. So he had to keep them attractive. ;)


Anyway, I ramble, so here's the article: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/19/science/19essay.html

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Well, I can't see it in 3-D, IMAX or not, because I get severely motion sick. I quite enjoyed The Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans last weekend though.


I have the same problem - had to close my eyes for half the movie, only opening them when I could tell something exciting was going to be happening. I told my family to never let me go to a 3d movie again. What I saw of it was very cool though.

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Didn't enjoy the plot very much (found it too sad) But I am very, very pleased that I went to see this in the theater in 3D. It's a new and breathtaking change in movie making and it's fun to be one of the first to see it.


I guess it's sort of like when movies went from black and white to color. It would have been cool to have been one of the people who saw the very first color movie. Or the first talkie.

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That was great! I'm sending that on to my dh. Thanks for posting it. :D


BTW, don't think SpyCar was saying it was the best movie ever in terms of story, just in terms of the visual experience. The plot was utterly predictable. But I enjoyed it anyway.



I am sorry I sounded so down about it because it was very, very good. Harry Potter is also a very unoriginal plot in my opinion. I still enjoy that series. Really, very few scripts/books *are* original. If you've ever read Joseph Cambell's The Hero with a Thousand Faces you'll know what I mean about mythology and legend repeating itself with slight variations.


Warning to those who want to watch this movie at your Imax... we tried and it was sold out for the entire day by noon. Buy your tickets online!



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I am sorry I sounded so down about it because it was very, very good. Harry Potter is also a very unoriginal plot in my opinion. I still enjoy that series. Really, very few scripts/books *are* original. If you've ever read Joseph Cambell's The Hero with a Thousand Faces you'll know what I mean about mythology and legend repeating itself with slight variations.


Oh, I didn't think you were too down on it. I can laugh about a movie I love, and the link was just plain funny. I haven't read that Joseph Campbell book, but I think I agree with the general idea. I don't think "derivative" necessarily equals "bad". My favorite stories are the timeless ones, the ones about basic human nature, which doesn't change much through the ages.


So I'm sorry if my response came across in the wrong way!

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Whenever naysayers say don't earth worship, I get out my naked costume and dance in the moonlight. I feel much closer to God then.


The naysayers don't like the film because they were rooting for "the bad guys" ;)



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I actually liked the plot. :D I was glad that the plot was predictable, because it allowed me to really focus on the visuals in front of me. If it had been a complex - I dunno - Mission Impossible or Bourne Identity - kind of plot, I would have just been flat-out lost. The plot being somewhat recognizable allowed me to really sit back and enjoy the eye candy.


With that said, I was crying toward the end. "I see you." and "My Jake." :crying: I thought it was a beautiful love story.

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The naysayers don't like the film because they were rooting for "the bad guys" ;)




Sorry, wrong, really wrong. Besides the visuals, the content of the movie is flat, stupid, and banal. If that doesn't bother you, well okey-dokey. For me, to think a movie is really excellent and rave about it, it needs to be the complete package. The Unforgiven, Eyes Wide Shut, The Searchers, The Seven Samurai are all complete packages. Avatar? Mhhhh.

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Guest Cindie2dds

I really enjoyed it, mostly because of the stunning beauty. The plot was predictable, but I agree with other posters that it would have been hard to follow both the engaging visual and a complex plot.

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Oh no! This is NOT one to watch on DVD. No. No.


This is a movie to be experienced on a BIG SCREEN. Imax if you can manage it.


At home you may wonder: "what's all the fuss about?"


In the theater you are transported to another world. To a different "experience."


Many films are fine at home. Avatar is one of the few that NEED to be seen in a theater. Really!


Trust me.






We viewed the movie twice this weekend, so now we have 8 pair of weird glasses--lol.


I loved all the theatrics about this movie--imagery, digital animation, good over evil--just a perfect.


This must be viewed in 3-D. period.

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