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Pet Peeve: OT Threads & Stupid Questions

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Okay, today is my turn to be a nitpicker. I am trying to avoid doing laundry, just so you know. :D


First, there are no OT threads. Here's the posted purpose of this board: "For general questions about classical education methods, teaching techniques, readiness, supplemental activities, field trips, assessments, frustrations, online resources, etc. or just for hanging out and chatting!"


With that purpose in mind, how can anything be OT unless it is a topic which has been forbidden by the Moderators?


There are no OT topics! You all may chat about anything you like, and you are not OT and you do not have to basically apologize for it in advance.


Second, there are stupid questions. For example, when my kids ask me "where's the milk?" and it is on the shelf in the refrigerator door, just like it has been for the last 15 years, that is a stupid question.


I have been a reader and participant on these boards for nearly as long as the boards have been around.


I read the boards every day.


I have never seen a stupid question posted here. Every time one of you refers to your topic as containing a "stupid question", I want to shake you (but not to the point of brain injury).


If you have a question, ask it without running yourself down in the process.


Please. Otherwise my laundry will never get done because I will waste my time stewing over this!

Edited by RoughCollie
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How many keys in an octave?






















:lol: I really asked a piano teacher this. I've shared this before. In my defense, I was a sleep-deprived mom with a sick infant and the question hadn't even left my lips before I realized the answer to what I was asking.

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Well, I'm the queen of the obvious stupid question, but I keep qualifying it within a distance of 3 words or so, and STILL there is a Correction Police person who seems to not see that I qualified the question and was looking for a deeper, higher order answer or I. would. not. have. asked. The slightest assumption that we are all somewhat intelligent, seems so obvious...but I guess I am exempt.


I just want to reply, "no, duh, Captain Obvious". Can you tell I live with three teenagers?


I, too, have laundry piled sky-high.


In my defense, I did just run three loads of my daughter's college fencing team jackets, thru about three cycles each. I applied bleach directly to the necklines, multiple times, and replaced a couple zippers... I used over a gallon of bleach, a large quantity of liquid detergent and oxygen bleach, and finally these are wearable again. Less than 20 jackets. I need laundry exemption for a few days. They were so gross.



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It's going on noon here in Oregon and I have yet to get that load of laundry into the dryer, but its well worth the anguish because I'm so with you on your points RC!! This is our safe place after all, dag nabbit!! And its time we hs moms stop bashing ourselves the way we sometimes do.


Okay, I'm off the laptop and on to other things....for awhile anyway.






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It's going on noon here in Oregon and I have yet to get that load of laundry into the dryer, but its well worth the anguish because I'm so with you on your points RC!! This is our safe place after all, dag nabbit!! And its time we hs moms stop bashing ourselves the way we sometimes do.


Okay, I'm off the laptop and on to other things....for awhile anyway.







Can I borrow the little yellow person when he/she is finished? I have stuff here that needs to be done.:D Mariann

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We must be old as the hills, Lucinda, because I don't know anyone who uses that word except for you and me. :D


That is one of my favorite euphemisms! Thank you for the "compliment", RC! I guess I am just about as old as dirt! My dear dad used to say it frequently as well, but I'd better stop there or I'll be totally OT. :lol:




Edited by HSMom2One
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For example, when my kids ask me "where's the milk?" and it is on the shelf in the refrigerator door, just like it has been for the last 15 years, that is a stupid question.

Ok, if that milk has been on your refrigerator shelf for the last 15 years, I expect to see another "can I eat this" thread--except you'd title it "Is this safe to drink?" :lol:


Maybe, when they ask that question, they're actually looking for the new milk, not the 15 year old milk. :D

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Ok, if that milk has been on your refrigerator shelf for the last 15 years, I expect to see another "can I eat this" thread--except you'd title it "Is this safe to drink?" :lol:


Maybe, when they ask that question, they're actually looking for the new milk, not the 15 year old milk. :D


Exactly my thoughts, I would imagine it's a sort of hopeful wishful asking where the milk is so they dont' have to drink the 15 year old milk.

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Ok, if that milk has been on your refrigerator shelf for the last 15 years, I expect to see another "can I eat this" thread--except you'd title it "Is this safe to drink?" :lol:


Maybe, when they ask that question, they're actually looking for the new milk, not the 15 year old milk. :D


LOL. I thought about that at the time I wrote it and things got all blurry and I decided that if I screwed up, I'd call it an I.Q. Test. :D


P.S. You passed!

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I get what you are sayin re: 'no stupid questions', but, really, sometimes I wonder if people know how to use google.




Does anyone have contact info for Pioneer Woman? Email address, anything?


Do you know the ingredients for X product?


I kept wondering how to measure 5/8 cup then remembered "I CAN GOOGLE!"



What drives me crazy on email loops is when people post:


Was: Secular science curriculum NOW: Park Day in Cincinatti


Do they not know that they can START A NEW TOPIC??! and that they don't need to tell us what a thread "used to be"???? :confused:


Ok, I'm done.

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There are no OT topics! You all may chat about anything you like, and you are not OT and you do not have to basically apologize for it in advance.

I've often wondered about the OT in the thread title on the general boards. I could see OT used in a thread on the curriculum board if the topic was a question about fabric softener.


I could also see using OT in the message title when a person takes a thread on a rabbit trail.

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I get what you are sayin re: 'no stupid questions', but, really, sometimes I wonder if people know how to use google.

Sometimes when I'm offline and think of something I'd like to ask the hive, I catch myself--I can look it up myself. True, if I want a good use for chicken or leftover mashed potatoes or 15 year old milk, I can ask the hive and get great responses, but there's also quite a few recipe websites (my favorite is recipezaar) and get a lot of recipes there too. Ok, maybe not for the milk. I'd have to ask the hive about that. :tongue_smilie:

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