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Homeschool, girls, & hormones

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My 11 1/2 yo struggles with school. Add to that the fact that her hormones are in full swing and today was like torture for everyone involved.


Remember that television commercial "

?" Well, when we finished school today I felt like I was the one that got smashed with the frying pan. :ack2:
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Remember that television commercial "

?" Well, when we finished school today I felt like I was the one that got smashed with the frying pan. :ack2:


That is EXACTLY how I feel right now. Today was such a horrible day with dd12, I never made it around to schooling the littles. Today was a long, long, long day. Every monday is like this, except usually I manage to school the younger kids. Today all we managed was a couple of rightstart games.

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I dont know if I am lucky or unlucky but my dd15's hormonal issues are no where near as bad as MINE! She is sweet, easygoing, and rarely gets upset at anything, and when she does its not for long. ME however...grrrr, I can get so darned irritable as well as fly off the handle angry....although most of the time I am ok. I suspect it's a personality thing.

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Oh, my goodness. I have an 11 1/2 y.o. here, too. And a VERY high-strung 3 y.o. And my 14 y.o. son, who's my total rock, who I COUNT ON to be that rock, is apparently going through a hormonal thing, too. He's growing, and just sort of spacing out. I don't know. But jeepers, both of them? At once? And during toddlerhood with Little Miss Crazy? I swear, but the end of the day, I just want to be alone with my 2 year old.:) He's the only sane one right now...

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her hormones are in full swing and today was like torture for everyone involved.



This thread couldn't have come at a better time.....just this minute I have been complaining/whining to my dh about my day with two 12yo kids. My dh has been out of town for a week, and normally that doesn't bother me (he's often gone), but lately.....not so good. Today both kids were getting upset for NO reason.


My son was mad at me because I had the audacity to mark his math problems wrong, and my daughter is irritated right now because I asked her to take a shower and emerge.....well.......smelling clean. :tongue_smilie:


I'm an evil witch for the above crimes against humanity!



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my daughter is irritated right now because I asked her to take a shower and emerge.....well.......smelling clean. :tongue_smilie:


I'm an evil witch for the above crimes against humanity!


:lol: Oh, I can so totally relate.... (And, no, I shouldn't be using the laughing smilie & should find a crying one instead, but this thread has cheered me up today -- just to know I'm not alone out there in dealing w/ a hormonal pre-teen.)


Love the links you gals posted! Will have to show those to dh.

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