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What movie version of Little Women is closest to the book (and best for a 10yo)?

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(At least I have a definite opinion! :) )


I would suggest the one with Elizabeth Taylor. I'm just rereading the book (hated it when it was stuffed down my throat in 4th grade, am really enjoying it now) and from the versions I remember watching, this is the closest. I would judge it to be okay for a 10 yr old.




Mama Anna


ETA: Note: I haven't seen the 1933 version.

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(At least I have a definite opinion! :) )


I would suggest the one with Elizabeth Taylor. I'm just rereading the book (hated it when it was stuffed down my throat in 4th grade, am really enjoying it now) and from the versions I remember watching, this is the closest. I would judge it to be okay for a 10 yr old.




Mama Anna


ETA: Note: I haven't seen the 1933 version.


:iagree:Although I do love Katharine Hepburn in 33 version.

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I'll put my life on the line here, but try to answer my Wuthering Heights movie question. :D


I like the Liz taylor one because I think it's pretty true to the novel.


I like the Susan Sarandon one, but it just might be a too modern a take on Little Women.


Of course, those are the only two I've seen. ;)

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Yes, but the Elizabeth Taylor version has her as Amy and older than Beth just because they wanted to cast her and Margaret O'Brien. So that's definitely off from the book.


My favorite and I think closest to the book is the Winona Ryder version. She gets on my nerves sometimes, but the rest of the cast is superb and I think it's very close to the book.


ETA: meant to also say it's completely fine for a 10yo. My dd LOVES it!

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Yes, but the Elizabeth Taylor version has her as Amy and older than Beth just because they wanted to cast her and Margaret O'Brien. So that's definitely off from the book.


My favorite and I think closest to the book is the Winona Ryder version. She gets on my nerves sometimes, but the rest of the cast is superb and I think it's very close to the book.


ETA: meant to also say it's completely fine for a 10yo. My dd LOVES it!



That's true, I'd forgotten that. But I still don't know if I like the modern take in the Ryder version. I think Louisa would be a Sarandon fan, truth be told, but I am still on the fence about that movie.

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Have never seen the Elizabeth Taylor version, but my 9yo and 7yo enjoyed the Winona Ryder version. We had just read the book and didn't notice glaring errors. There was a line or 2 emphasizing a liberal stance that certainly fit Alcott if not the March family (i.e. views that were true of Alcott but I didn't remember them being specifically stated in Little Women).

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(At least I have a definite opinion! :) )


I would suggest the one with Elizabeth Taylor. I'm just rereading the book (hated it when it was stuffed down my throat in 4th grade, am really enjoying it now) and from the versions I remember watching, this is the closest. I would judge it to be okay for a 10 yr old.




Mama Anna


ETA: Note: I haven't seen the 1933 version.

Oh, man, I'll have to rilly, rilly disagree with you there. Meg's age at her death, Elizabeth Taylor as a blonde--ok, that's not part of the story, but still--June Allyson as Jo--ok, that's not part of the story, either, lol...no, it just wasn't right on so many levels.


Wynona Ryder and Susan Sarandon...that's the closest. There were still some things I wish could have been included, but overall, I think this one captured the story the best.

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When we read Little Women for the first time, my dds were about your dd's age.


We rented all three versions and had a movie fest.

We discovered that the June Allyson one was simply a reshooting of the Katherine Hepburn movie. They used the same sets, script, camera angles, everything. It was really funny to watch.


However, if you only have time for one, both the girls liked the Winona Ryder version best.




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I can't stand the E. Taylor version. The casting is all about the 'stars' and not about the story characters. I love, love, love the Katherine Hepburn version. I think she makes a terrific Jo.


I thought the modern version with Ryder was okay.


No matter what, the books are way better.

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LOL Well, of course the book is better! But without the book, there would be no movies to discuss.


I just pulled out my Sarandon DVD. I'm going to watch it tonight. I did so enjoy it.


I am going to see if I can find the first, the Hepburn version through ILL. My Netflix cue is getting long. lol



I can't stand the E. Taylor version. The casting is all about the 'stars' and not about the story characters. I love, love, love the Katherine Hepburn version. I think she makes a terrific Jo.


I thought the modern version with Ryder was okay.


No matter what, the books are way better.

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I completely agree! Christian Bale's portrayal of Laurie is one reason my dd and I really enjoy this version.



He's great! I remember watching it for the first time thinking : "this guy is going somewhere" Despite his personal flaws, he really is a great actor.


Another vote for the modern version even though I don't like Winona Ryder. I also really like Gabriel Byrne as Professor Bhaer.

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I like the casting and music in the more modern version of Little Women, although I'd have to say that the Elizabeth Taylor version was closer to the novel, in my opinion.


Also, I have no recollection from the book of Marmee talking about ladies' corsets with Teddy :001_rolleyes: as she did in the Sarandon version.

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