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Does anyone else here yearn for

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a close girlfriend in real life who you can talk to about anything? I'm blessed to have a very close circle of friends (and many outside that circle) but there's no one who I feel I can call and talk to about anything and everything, kwim? Dh and I are also very fortunate to have a very close relationship- we've worked very hard together to get to this point. I can tell him (and I do ;)) about everything, and I the same for him. I bet you can guess who does most of the talking ;). He's a great listener and my #1 supporter, but he's just not a good girlfriend, kwim?


I lost a very, very dear friend last year (not my fault, and not death, no condolences necessary) and I'm in a lonely spot right now because of a lot of things. I so miss having someone to talk to. I've talked to dh but there's only so much he can do. I guess there's really only so much a friend can do, but women seem to "get" women, right?


I'm not sure if any of this makes sense. I guess I'm finding it hard for the first time in a very long time, to have to deal through all of life's crises without my dear friend. *sigh* Anybody else in this boat? What do you do? :bigear:

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I'm right there with the rest of you. I met another Mom who I thought was going to be THAT friend, and then one day I discovered she was just not going to cut it.


Yeah, that's the thing with me. I have a ton of acquaintances, and even close friends (who hs even ;)), but none of them are turning out to be THAT friend. :( I so want THAT friend to enter into my life.

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a close girlfriend in real life who you can talk to about anything? I'm blessed to have a very close circle of friends (and many outside that circle) but there's no one who I feel I can call and talk to about anything and everything, kwim? Dh and I are also very fortunate to have a very close relationship- we've worked very hard together to get to this point. I can tell him (and I do ;)) about everything, and I the same for him. I bet you can guess who does most of the talking ;). He's a great listener and my #1 supporter, but he's just not a good girlfriend, kwim?


I lost a very, very dear friend last year (not my fault, and not death, no condolences necessary) and I'm in a lonely spot right now because of a lot of things. I so miss having someone to talk to. I've talked to dh but there's only so much he can do. I guess there's really only so much a friend can do, but women seem to "get" women, right?


I'm not sure if any of this makes sense. I guess I'm finding it hard for the first time in a very long time, to have to deal through all of life's crises without my dear friend. *sigh* Anybody else in this boat? What do you do? :bigear:


Oh yes.....I feel one friend would understand this part and she'll know about that but not another issue.....and it's like that with a few friends. Not everyone knows EVERYTHING. It's strange.


I would LOVE a close friend with whom I could share anything and everything.


Do women even want this anymore? Or do we erect walls for whatever reason it may be: distancing, time restraints, etc. :confused:

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I wouldnt say that I yearn for it.....but it would be nice to have one. I'm very quiet and reserved. I don't know how to talk to "strangers". I have no friends, not even aquaintinces. I'm very close to my family but no one is in the same stage of life as I am (small children, etc). I'm not unhappy having no friends, but sometimes it would be nice to get together with one.

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I would LOVE a close friend with whom I could share anything and everything.


Do women even want this anymore? Or do we erect walls for whatever reason it may be: distancing, time restraints, etc. :confused:


I've often wondered if women hesitate to make overtures for fear of burdening a person they like even more!



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I feel the same way. I have many friends but no one really close. My college roommate and I were super close until fairly recently. She has changed tremendously and I feel like the relationship has run its course. I would especially like a close friend that homeschools so that we could have that in common. Almost all my friends have kids in ps.

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I also have many very good friends. But I want a close friend that I can be myself with. I thought I had that with this one person, but she has moved on to someone else. I'm still friends with her and the other person, but it's not the same and we're definitely not as close as we were once. It's very hard! I want to be special to someone, not just one of many...does that make sense?


I think you can get different things from different friends, though. When one of my friends want to party and have a hilarious time, they wouldn't chose me because I'm very reserved. And I wouldn't chose that friend to go to quilt shops or bargain shopping, you know what I mean?


Well, I just want to let you know you're not alone...I understand that yearning very well!



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I wish mine lived here or I still lived there. *sniff*


Yeah that. I have friends like that, but they're all in Florida. I still talk to them often, but I miss their physical presence. And now I'm a lead pastor's wife, so I feel like those types of friendships will be impossible to develop here.

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Yes. I have a number of good friends, but not a "best friend". I had a close friend before we moved who I probably would have called my best friend. But since we moved, the contact has always been one-sided (she never calls me; I call her). So I guess we weren't as close as I thought.


I just long for that feeling of "Oh, I HAVE to call So-and-So! I can't wait to tell her!" Or knowing that I'm the person someone else just HAS to talk to. KWIM?


I know I'm blessed with a number of women who would be there for me in a crisis, and I can certainly pick up the phone and call when I need to talk. But I want a BEST friend. Like a sister. (I don't have any sisters either.)





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I had two best friends, women I could say anything to and they'd listen. They were the only two people I could be with and never feel like I was on the outside looking in. I lost them both this year. One to cancer, one to a cult.


And, since I'm fairly distrustful of people in general, I am skeptical of finding a new friend I can be that close to again.

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I would love a great friend. I find most people have forgot how to have a fun and laugh. I just am not into all the secrets, fights and general disrespect most have for each other. When they get together in our Homeschool group it is always who can talk about the other the most. I am sorry I just don't operate on the same page.


Maybe I am the weird one...or so I feel.

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And, since I'm fairly distrustful of people in general, I am skeptical of finding a new friend I can be that close to again.


what a sad, DEPRESSING, statement. BUT, I understand.


I am blessed with some WONDERFUL friends that I can speak to about anything. But sometimes it's hard to let new people in. I've seen so much garbage in the past couple of years, and MUCH of it in the church. I just don't trust the human race much.


And I'm SO THANKFUL for my wonderful homeschool groups - two of which we belong to. But today I just found the women gossipy, emotional............. and I just wish I didn't have to attend for the sake of my daughters. I'm normally not like this, but sometimes women can........




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