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I'm excited but also a little nervous! I am not a big TV person but I have become invested in this show. I'm half afraid they will wind it up badly and make me feel like I wasted my time.


Exactly!! I will be really mad if I ended up wasting 6 seasons being invested in this thing!;)

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I'm excited but also a little nervous! I am not a big TV person but I have become invested in this show. I'm half afraid they will wind it up badly and make me feel like I wasted my time.


Yep! I never watch TV except for this show that DH and I watch together. The beginning was really cool and then it got strange. I'm hoping that this season is cool and exciting rather than odd like the last season.

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I CANNOT wait for LOST this season! Dh and I LOVE this show!!! I'm excited for it to start, but at the same time I'm dreading the fact that it will be the last of it. However, I really want more answers. I hope the ending is solid and wraps everything up nicely so we're all left content instead of irritated.

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Anyone else getting really excited that Lost will begin again a month from tomorrow?





I'm half afraid they will wind it up badly and make me feel like I wasted my time.




However, I really want more answers. I hope the ending is solid and wraps everything up nicely so we're all left content instead of irritated.



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We are rewatching season 5 with our boys who have never seen it. We bought the other seasons on DVD to watch with them to catch them up. It's been our sanity while going through this agonizing wait. :). We are so excited and nervous! Much like I felt waiting for the last Harry Potter book. "Please don't miss it up!" LOL

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I can't wait. This season will be bitterweet. I will be sad that it is over but thankful to finally have all the answers (I hope). It better not have an Angel ending though. I will be so mad if I don't get a satisfactory conclusion.


I am also watching the Fringe, Dollhouse, Flashforward and the Tudors which all restart in Jan./Feb. so I am gearing up for what I call my TV season. I really enjoy all these shows but I wish they spaced them out so that I had one show to watch all year round instead of at least one show a night for three months straight.


There are some shows that I didn't catch when they started so I am watching them on DVD in the off season. We are up to season 5 of Bones, season 3 on 24 and waiting for season 2 on Lie to Me. I am getting ready to do a marathon of LOST though to get ready for the new season starting though.

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