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What chores do your 4yo and 8yo do?

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My youngest is 10, but my nephew (whom I care for) is 4.

We don't have chore charts, but they can:


The 4 yr old:


Put food in the dogs' bowls.

Collect eggs

Let chickens out to free range and let them back in with the 10 yr old, and puts feed in the pens.

Help put toys away.


The 10 yr old can do all of the above, plus:


Help fold clothing, put away her own clothing, runswasher and dryer (and has been for a few years)

Prepare simple foods like grilled cheese, pasta, fried, boiled or scrambled eggs etc. Cookies from scratch (she's been doing all this since about 8, with some assitance at the beginning).


Put away dishes

Set table

help in most any way needed

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Ds6 cleans his own room and toys, takes out the kitchen garbage & compost, unloads the dishwasher (the stuff that goes in bottom cabinets and drawers at least), feeds his pets, sets the table for dinner, clears his plate after dinner, helps carry in and put away groceries, and makes his bed as normal everyday chores.


He also does allowance chores once a week - he cleans and organizes our shoe cubby, collects all the garbage from all over the house and takes it out, and cleans the sliding glass doors from the highest point he can reach down (that's the part that's always dirty - can't imagine why!) for $1.


Hmm, now that I'm looking at it, it seems like a lot. :001_huh:

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At age 4, my kiddos were still Mom's Helper. They helped me pick up toys, put away silverware, fold laundry - learning the job under supervision. We kept it pretty fun.


When they turned 5, we started a regular chore rotation. Each week, they are responsible for either emptying the dishwasher, setting the table, clearing the table, or doing the trash. They also help out with housework, bring down dirty laundry and put away clean, and outside chores to help dad.

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Four year old puts his toys away (often with help), and puts his own plate into the dishwasher after eating. Almost 8 year old sets the table, folds towels (with help), empties dish washer, and puts the wet clothes from the washer into the dryer. He also cleans his own room. I tried to get him to vaccum, but he nearly broke my not so inexpensive vaccum cleaner so I decided to hold off on that as a regular chore. He has also started cooking/baking some simple foods with help.


My 10 yr old doesn't do a great job vacuuming. She also doesn't do a great job washing dishes (no dishwasher). Those seems to be more difficult jobs for my younger kids.

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I can't remember 4! At eight, Hobbes was unpacking or repacking the dishwasher; tidying his bedroom; putting away his clean clothes; emptying all the bins in the house and taking the big bin out to the road.


ETA: forking grass in summer; raking leaves in autumn; shovelling snow in winter; bringing in logs and kindling as needed.



Edited by Laura Corin
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3.5 yo cleans up her plate, cup, etc after meals (and sometimes her sister's) and cleans up her toys. She used to vacuum (w/ a carpet sweeper but we got rid of the carpet) but now she sweeps some (hand-held). After I vacuum, she will put up the cord and put away the vacuum cleaner. She also dusts some...like others said, basically my helper - still learning (or I'm still learning to let go b/c I know she could do some of this by herself, though maybe not exactly as I would want).

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My 4 year old (sometimes):


picks up toys

puts silverware away from dishwasher and helps unload it

folds washcloths and puts away

helps put away his laundry (socks, underwear, hanging up shirts)

takes the recycling out to the recycling container in the garage

takes his dirty dishes to the kitchen

likes to help wash and dry his art table (he eats breakfast and lunch there sometimes)

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For my 8 year old (he and Nathan split them throughout the week, each doing one or two a day)




scrub bathtub


clean sink and toilet


clean bathroom floor with sponge and pot of soapy water (it's a small bathroom)


clean beadboard and baseboard (I pay for this)





windex fronts of oven, washer, dryer, dishwasher and refrigerator


clean baseboards (I pay for this)


fold and put laundry away



living area:




vaccuuming (I do this nightly, but sometimes Ben wants to earn a quarter or something, so I'll let him do it)


windex outside of hamster cage (cats smear their faces on it)


windex front and back doors





sweep walkway and deck


bring trash cans in on trash day


He also picks up sticks and rakes sometimes for pay



Note: He is also responsible for cleaning up after himself and all toys must be put away at bedtime. He does things as needed as well, like collecting trash cans for disposal, sweeping kitchen floor, etc.

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4 yr old:


folding simple things like washclothes, blankies, socks, undies. Mostly things that require two folds or sorting


put away silverware (sometimes)


helps water indoor plants


cleans up after self


8 yr old:


helps brother put away dishes


laundry (most of it, she can't do the bigger, more complicated folding like sheets and blankets)


waters downstairs plants


cleans bathroom counters while I clean rest of bathroom


sweeps (sometimes)


cleans up after self and sometimes little sister

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My nine year old is responsible for drying and putting away the dishes, sorting the laundry before it is washed, folding and putting away towels and washcloths, running the vacuum, and keeping his room clean. He also sometimes takes the folded and hung laundry to the proper places, transfers the clothing from the washer to the dryer (or from the dryer to my folding/hanging station). He also helps with the regular daily things like picking up things and taking them to their proper places, fixing the couch cushions and pillows, and keeping the bathroom picked up. He and his 14 year old sister rotate the feeding and watering of the dogs.


My five year old picks up her toys, "helps" her brother with folding the towels (she does pretty well with the washcloths), takes dirty laundry from the bathroom to the laundry room ( her brother is helping her learn to sort into our 6 basket system :D ), helps get the dogs in and out of their kennels. Mostly she is my helper and "runner" still. Meaning, I will point out specific jobs, such as take this and go put it there.


My 14 year old washes dishes and keeps the kitchen picked up and wiped down. She also helps keep the rest of the house in order - with general wiping down, dusting, and keeping things in their place. She runs laundry and cooks sometimes. She often makes lunch and is a big help all around. She is supposed to keep her room clean. :glare:

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At first I forgot my guys aren't 4 and 8 any more, lol. They're just 5 and just 9, though, and my 7 y.o. does a pretty good job of chores too. :) We do chores first thing in the morning except for picking up the bedroom floor. We do that chore together on an as-needed basis.


5 y.o.

Daily: Make bed, help pick up room, clear table after meals and take dish towels to washer.

Weekly (1 chore per day): Wipe ovens, dishwasher, refrigerator fronts (Mon. & Fri.); clean stair handrails; clean the door handles; clean the playroom with his brother.


Almost 7 y.o.

Daily: Make bed, help pick up room, clear table after meals and sweep under the table. Take out compost every other day.

Weekly (1 chore per day): Clean light switches; Clean bathroom counters and mirrors; Clean door handles; Clean playroom; Wipe kitchen cabinets.


9 y.o.

Daily: Make bed, help pick up room, help clean up after dinner, sweep kitchen after dinner. Take out compost every other day and recycling as needed.

Weekly (1 chore per day): Sweep front porch and garage, basement and porch steps (Tue. & Fri.); Clean pantry doors and kitchen door frame; Clean dining chairs; Clean room completely (he does this alone on the day his brothers clean the play room).


On Saturdays we play Chore Wars together. They named our crew The Cleaning Buddies. Each kid gets a cleaning list and we try to see how much we can all get done in 30 minutes. Typically the 9 y.o. empties trash cans, cleans under the kitchen sink or sweeps out the pantry, vacuums the carpet in the boys' room. The 7 y.o. usually does things like wash windows, sweep and mop the boys' bathroom, pick up toys in the bedroom and living room, fold towels. The 5 y.o.'s Saturday list usually says "Help Mom." He fetches things, cleans mirrors, wipes counters and door handles and "mops" because he loves it and someday he will be good at it, right? (I wait until later and go back to re-mop. ;) )


A big thanks, by the way, to the poster who posted the Chore Wars link in the first place. Just that little element of adventure has changed all of our attitudes. We all have a great time doing the same ol' boring Saturday chores we've always done. :)



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My kids (recently turned 4 and 9) don't have set chores, but are expected to pitch in as and when things need to be done. My 4 year old prefers to "help" my 9 year old, so they do most chores together and split the duties themselves by ability:


dishes (handwashing delicates, loading/unloading dishwasher)

laundry (sorting, loading, hanging, folding linens, putting away) - my 9 year also irons his sports uniforms

kitchen (food prep, snacks, stocking groceries) - my 9 year old makes breakfast for the kids most mornings

general cleaning (dusting, sweeping, mopping) - my 9 year old empties all trash twice weekly

miscellaneous (feeding pets, checking ponds, washing car, watering plants and garden)


It's just the three of us living here, and I work outside of the home so my kids pitch in a lot for the day to day stuff. They're always quick to help out, especially because they know that their help frees ME up to do more things we'd rather do as a family. The only thing I do myself is the vacuuming, and that's only because I keep the vacuum cleaner stowed out of their reach -- they always steal the attachments to use as swords and weaponry, then I can never find them when I need them LOL.

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On Saturdays we play Chore Wars together. They named our crew The Cleaning Buddies. Each kid gets a cleaning list and we try to see how much we can all get done in 30 minutes. Typically the 9 y.o. empties trash cans, cleans under the kitchen sink or sweeps out the pantry, vacuums the carpet in the boys' room. The 7 y.o. usually does things like wash windows, sweep and mop the boys' bathroom, pick up toys in the bedroom and living room, fold towels. The 5 y.o.'s Saturday list usually says "Help Mom." He fetches things, cleans mirrors, wipes counters and door handles and "mops" because he loves it and someday he will be good at it, right? (I wait until later and go back to re-mop. ;) )




THANK YOU for the Chore Wars link! I'd never heard of it before and I love it! Too funny!

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My 4yo can:

-clean up the entryway by lining up the shoes and picking up any stray toys or trash

-tidies up her bed, under her bed and around her bed

-helps her 22mo sister with her toys

-helps her 9yo sister tidy the living room, usually by running piles of already sorted toys to the appropriate bedroom

-helps haul clean laundry to the appropriate bedroom

-helps haul the dirty laundry out of the girls' bedroom


She's also expected to clear her own dishes.


My 9yo dd is on living room detail this month. She:

-clears a hot spot in the living room daily

-clears a hot spot in the girls' bedroom 2-3 days a week

-hauls clean laundry as I get it folded (4yo sister helps, and she's starting to train her 22mo sister for the job too)

-vacuums the living room every few days

-helps a TON with the 22mo, feeds her, helps her get dressed, runs with her to the potty (22mo thinks 9yo hung the moon)

-hauls the girls' dirty hamper whenever it gets full, and has a little girl help each time

-occasionally helps her 6yo brother with his dining room tasks, since she was the last kid to have that room

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I think this needs to go on one of my kids' chore list.




No you don't! lol My kids can bake a batch of something and have one bite. It's different for me. Wah!


I still do not self-regulate well. :tongue_smilie:


btw, is baking cookies really a chore?


PS Perhaps you do. Perhaps you are a good self-regulator. Sorry for assuming!

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DS7 (will by 8 this week) has the following chores:


Make his bed (daily)

Get his own cereal or toast/bagel/english muffin for breakfast

Pick up main rooms (together with DD)

Pick up his room (usually together with DD; they make the mess together)

Feed the dog twice a day

Check the cat food twice a day and feed as needed

Water the animals twice a day

Scoop litter boxes every other day

Crush aluminum cans as needed

Fold, hang, and put away his own laundry


At times, he is also asked to do the following:

Sort, wash, and dry laundry

Sweep and mop the kitchen (though not well)

Vacuum (though not well)

Load and start the bread machine

Make sandwiches for lunch (for himself and/or others)

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Well mine have expected chores and optional chores that they get paid for/


My 7yo twins make their beds and tidy their rooms first thing. Then they each have a dog, so they take care of them throughout the day. They are expected to pick up their toys routinely. And any other random thing we might ask them to do.


For allowance money ($5/wk)-


DS1: vacuuming, laundry, empties the dishwasher, cleans up the back yard, makes lunch, and entertains DD for 1 hr. per day while I school DS2


DS2: cleans the pool, brings in the mail, takes out the compost and recycling, dusts, and collects trash and takes it out to the curb (I'm actually pretty proud of his work. He has low-functioning autism and has worked really hard to get to this point.)


DD 2yo- just helps me because she likes to, and I encourage her


I think chores are actually really important for kids. I think it raises self-esteem when they can help out the family with stuff they are capable of doing.:)

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8 y.o.: all personal chores (bed made, room tidied up, teeth etc); rotating job of the week (kitchen, living room, bathroom) they are each responsible for a quick clean every morning of that area and a good clean once a week; putting clean clothes away; helping dad work in the yard; kitchen duty one night a week - helping me prepare the dinner and set the table; helping 2 yo brother with his jobs occasionally; bringing the trash cans up from the curb on trash day; probably other random stuff that i can' t think of.


5 y.o.: all personal chores; helper on rotating job of the week(helps empty dw, vacuum l.r. etc); puts away clean clothes; same kitchen job; feed the dog; bringing trash up from curb.


oh, and we all do a 20 pick up twice a day - after quiet time and before dinner. with 7 people here it builds up quickly.


eta: they only are paid for jobs when it is a big one. and generally we all work together to do it. i did pay them quarter a bucket of weeds when we first moved into our house and we had to really clean up the yard. they do receive an allowance ($5 a month till they're 10, $10 after) that is not tied to chores and clearly is not substantial either!

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My 4 yo dd:

Puts her dirty laundry in the hamper

Helps sort socks/towels

Helps pick up her toys

Sets the table for dinner

Empties the wastebaskets into the trash can


My 7 yo ds:

Puts his dirty laundry in the hamper

Moves clothes from the washer to the dryer and turns it on for the proper amount of time

Cleans up his toy messes, and helps his younger sister with hers

Sets full glasses & plates on the table at dinner

Picks up his dirty dishes after meals

Takes out and sorts the recycling

Collects eggs from the chicken coop, and feeds/waters the sheep upon occasion

Helps out with yard chores, dusting, and vacuuming occasionally

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On Saturdays we play Chore Wars together. ...

A big thanks, by the way, to the poster who posted the Chore Wars link in the first place. Just that little element of adventure has changed all of our attitudes. We all have a great time doing the same ol' boring Saturday chores we've always done. :)


Thanks so much for that link!!! My kids do a lot of chores and I've never found a good way of keeping track of everyone's weekly jobs, or their "points" (they earn their pocket money). Chore Wars is perfect! I set up an account yesterday and so far DS11 has fed/watered the chickens, swept the hallways, emptied all the trash cans and put the bins on the curb, cleaned the bathroom, cleaned his bedroom, and wiped down all the kitchen counters. DD7 has cleaned her room, unloaded the dishwasher, and made everyone oatmeal for breakfast. They are begging for more chores, LOL. I gave all the chores and locations funny names, and assigned wacky things for "treasure" and the kids made up funny monster names to battle. Plus I set it for 75% chance of a monster battle for each chore, so they will sweep a room just to see if they get a monster.


Best. Idea. Ever. :D



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