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Please tell me the name of a book that will help me meet my new year's resolution...

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I really want to become a better housekeeper this year. I do NOT want a website, because I know that as soon as I get online to look at it, I will get distracted and start checking the boards/email/blogs, etc... and not get any housework done.


I need something that will help me know what to clean, how often to clean it and how to best clean. And I like pictures. :D I neeeeeeeeed a book. :confused:


Recommendations, please??

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Gotta agree that the Don Aslett books are probably going to be what you're looking for....check your library. He has a ton of different books, but honestly, having read several they seem to cover just about the same information just presented in a different format. So any of them should get you off to a good start!


Another favorite is Home Comforts by Cheryl Mendelson. It's subtitle is Art and Science of Keeping House and it really goes into some wonderful detail about WHY you should do this or that......a little more concept-y and less step by step than Don Aslett, but a wonderful read none-the-less. This one is a favorite to give as a "first house" warming gift.






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It's an older book, but one that helped me tremendously as a young wife thirty years ago "Confessions of An Organized Homemaker" by Denise Schofield


I got to meet her after reading the books. A lovely warm woman, very friendly and down to earth. The books are filled with practical advice. I'm still using many of her tips in my home to this day.

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If you need help in cleaning, then Home Comforts tells you how to clean everything.


If you need help clearing out clutter and organizing the stuff you have, then I think Organizing from the Inside Out is good.


I think you can get good stuff from all the books. I would try to figure out where your own specific issues are and then look for books that deal with that type of problem.

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I liked the Fly Lady's Sink Reflections and her tips about using a control journal. If I'm remembering correctly, she adapted the Sidetracked Home Executives' system.


Yes, she did, and constantly gives props to them for helping her. In fact, they partner in different areas of business.

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Another fan of Sidetracked Home Executives. I'm not a fan of Aslett; he's condescending (IMO, don't shoot me).


I like the *original* Sidetracked Home Executive system the best. You should be able to get those books for pennies.


Yeah...but he's a guy so what did you expect, lol. I like his methods, not him.

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Home Comforts

Sidetracked Home Executives

Organizing from the Inside Out


These three will tell you what to clean, when to clean it, and what to do with everything else. :D



:iagree: This is exactly what is in my arsenal. And they are my "go to" books as listed in their order. I've read so many (I'm a bit OCD in that area) and these are the ones I've kept or purchased for myself. Plus I love giving them to others who are struggling or just starting out.

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I would go with these four, and I've read/own most that people have mentioned! I love homemaking books :).


1. Sink Reflections by Marcia Cilley. No pictures, but very helpful in setting up your cleaning schedule into daily, weekly and zone schedules.



2. Martha Stewart's Homkeeping Handbook. Awesome sepia photos and very detailed. Doesn't have the scholarly approach of Home Comforts, but I love that one too!



3.Keeping House by Cindi Harris, great color photos. She has detailed instructions alsol. I bought this one used - the spiral edition is cheaper. If you click on the used spirals, Amazon has one right now for $1.



4.HouseWorks, by Cyntha Townley. Awsome color pics! Great organization tips, she runs the Organized Home website.




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I checked this out from the library years ago, and it changed how I think and approach keeping our home.


1. Sink Reflections by Marcia Cilley. No pictures, but very helpful in setting up your cleaning schedule into daily, weekly and zone schedules.



I think the library is a great place to look for the book that will click for you. And they're free, can't get better than that.

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it's all about what you want.

sidetracked home executives is the gold standard for telling you how to organize your schedule so you can get it all done. my mom has done the card system since the late 70's and it has helped her through a house with 7 kids, then later a house with 10 grandkids and their parents! she loves it. i could never stick with the card system but i made a chart with the weekly, monthly etc that i follow and that is the only reason my house is not a pile of dirt.


i hated sink reflections because i don't think any system fits all people. she insists on a clean sink, but for me if my bed isn't made, that's the real trauma. maybe it's because my sink gets dirty almost immediately and my bed stays clean till i get into it at night! also, i am a barefoot girl and i like it!


don aslett and the clean team are almost the same, and they tell you how but not in the 'homekeeping' sense.


the art and science of keeping house is an AMAZING book but it is huge and could be overwhelming. you would want to read it if, like me, you love reading about homemaking, or if you want to know more about why and how AFTEr you have a system.


organizing from the inside out is more about learning how to control your stuff rather than cleaning/homemaking.


that martha book sure sounds interesting! now i've got to find it.

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I've read most of the books listed. I think what I need is affirmation and encouragement from real people. I know what to do and how to do it, but enjoy doing so many other things in life:o)


That said, I am going to read this book next:



The hoarder's show might help, too. Eewww!

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