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Have We Posted Our Family Christmas Photos Yet?

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Adorable daughter and super-cute dogs! :) Love how it's outside and "natural."


(Is that a Newfoundland? I really, really want to kiss that dog! :001_wub:)


Thanks, Melissa--- That "natural" backdrop is our backyard, with the old, weathered carriage barn in back and my dead iris clump. :rolleyes: And no, that's not a Newfoundland, a Leonberger! They have a dry mouth and don't drool like a Newf, but very similar temperament. Bred to be a child's companion. Her name is Danika (Ch. Seelowen Danika, actually) and she would totally LOVE for you to kiss her and would reciprocate a thousandfold!)


And by the way, I want to kiss your avatar dog! What a sweet face on that Lab! I'll bet he's so much fun!



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Here is ours, taken in front of "our tree" - a tree we picked out at the Arboretum when the kids were little. We take pics in front of it every year!


I can't decide which one to use:)



The first one is cute, but the second one gets my vote. Don't you just have the most beautiful family!


(And Ellen, I LOVE your hair. :) Mine is naturally straight as a pin, so of course I try hard not to envy those of you blessed with curly hair. :D)

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Here is ours, taken in front of "our tree" - a tree we picked out at the Arboretum when the kids were little. We take pics in front of it every year!


I can't decide which one to use:)






I love them both! My extended family always says that we don't ever include ourselves (dh and I) in our Christmas photos, so I guess if I had such a great shot of the two of us in the picture as well, I'd use that one. But the other one just OOZES FUN! Tough decision, but you can't go wrong with either!



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What a great picture, Astrid. It's missing someone though: you!:)


Oh, and here's ours. A quick shot while skiing so not the greatest, but you can't go too terribly wrong with snow-capped mountains in the background. What the...? Why did that turn out so huge? I did just what Crissy, et al instruct me to do every. single. time I ask how to share photos here. (And I've asked a lot!) Uploaded the pic to photobucket and put the link in the body of my post. Hmm...well, no time right now to fix it. Sorry about that!December003croppedvertical1.jpg

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What a great picture, Astrid. It's missing someone though: you!:)


I have to say I think of you with a twinge of guilt every time I take a Christmas card photo with just the boys and I tell myself that maybe next year I'll have enough gumption to get my husband & myself in the picture :lol:.

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I have to say I think of you with a twinge of guilt every time I take a Christmas card photo with just the boys and I tell myself that maybe next year I'll have enough gumption to get my husband & I in the picture :lol:.


It's hard to get all of us in a pic! The one of all 4 of us, a man offered because he saw us switching off.:lol: That's why we gave up doing a card. That and the money it costs to send over 50 Christmas cards:scared:


What a great pic of your kids!



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I posted this before. We really went with this one for our photo. Can you tell where I was standing? Dh and I are never in the picture. Too much work!!




I remember this picture from your other thread. It's beyond funny and cute! I hope you sent a copy to everyone you know. :001_smile:

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I have to say I think of you with a twinge of guilt every time I take a Christmas card photo with just the boys and I tell myself that maybe next year I'll have enough gumption to get my husband & myself in the picture :lol:.

Darn right! Get thee in thy photo, my dear!


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I posted this before. We really went with this one for our photo. Can you tell where I was standing? Dh and I are never in the picture. Too much work!!




OMG I'm SO glad you went with this one, Jennifer! It's just PEFECT! Actually, remembering this photo with a chuckle is what prompted me to start the thread!


LOVE LOVE LOVE that photo!



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Oh, you and your, "I'm also throwing something together at the last minute" talk. Meh! What's it like to be talented and creative, I wonder?


It looks fabulous, dahlink. Hope mine's on the way!:)


You're so silly, Colleen. I really did throw it together because (I think I've mentioned this before :lol:) picnik.com is awesome! And, yes, yours is on the way...


Next year, I'll come up and torture you by taking your family photos and designing your Christmas card. :001_smile:

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Don't we usually do that every year? Have I missed it?

I so enjoy seeing everyone's family pictures!


Here's mine--- only child, but two of our dogs:



VERY cute!!! I love her hair, but miss the braids.


A nasty cold put a damper on my photo plans this year. But, my mom was able to take a quick one the other night... so it will have to do for this year.


I think it's nice! You all look so happy and cozy!


Here is ours, taken in front of "our tree" - a tree we picked out at the Arboretum when the kids were little. We take pics in front of it every year!


I can't decide which one to use:)



Definately the first one!


This is our Christmas card.


LOVE it!! Remind me next year of this website.


My guys.


What cuties!!!


Here's ours; just the childrens.




Not the best pictures ever, but I went with them since the alternative was trying to get a better one :lol:.


I think they're nice! Everyone is looking at the camera at least.


What a great picture, Astrid. It's missing someone though: you!:)


Oh, and here's ours. A quick shot while skiing so not the greatest, but you can't go too terribly wrong with snow-capped mountains in the background. What the...? Why did that turn out so huge? I did just what Crissy, et al instruct me to do every. single. time I ask how to share photos here. (And I've asked a lot!) Uploaded the pic to photobucket and put the link in the body of my post. Hmm...well, no time right now to fix it. Sorry about that]


Looks great!! Your pictures are always so great because you're always doing something active and fun. Your boys are growing fast!!!


We've quit doing cards and we do a slide show on Animoto instead. Here's some pics from this year that are in that though:001_smile:



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Jennifer, I ADORE this picture of your boys and daughter....it is PERFECT! Thanks for sharing.


Here is ours. My girls are so much better at casual pictures than posing. PDG gets the strangest look on her face when we ask her to smile.


We had a picture taken while visiting family in Washington at Thanskgiving, but the girls were so sour, I hesitate to even use it! DH said we should anyway, and write something pithy in our Christmas letter about the scene. We generally send our greetings at New Year's...just so much less stress doing it after the holidays.





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