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You chemical-free, all-natural, shampoo-free types, what do you use for shaving?

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I do indeed strive to be "chemical-free" and tried for a long time to go shampoo-free but just couldn't live with "transition hair." I finally used a couple of tips from posters here and am now happily poo-free.


However, I always shaved my legs with conditioner. Now, no conditioner and I'm needing something to shave my legs with. I just can't stand shave cream or soap for this purpose. I loved using conditioner and thought it was the perfect shave solution but I would like something natural.


What do you use?

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well, I could try the plain old soap that I use for the rest of me. I use castille soap (dr. bronners) and maybe that would be fine but I remember as a younger person trying to shave with the soap my mom had in the house (regular soap like ivory or something) it was just waaaaay to drying and didn't shave well -- and left my legs kind of rashy and almost raw. ewww. I really don't want to do that.


Maybe I'll try Dr.B in a small patch . . .

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I use a shaving bar from this Etsy seller. The shipping doesn't make it the most economical choice, especially if you're only ordering one item, but it's lasted me quite a long time. I will, however, admit to not using it daily, or in some cases, even weekly. :blushing:


My legs sometimes feel a little dry as soon as I towel off, but I never put any moisturizer or anything on them, and they usually feel pretty gosh darn good after 5 minutes or so.

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I'm not a all natural type, but I LOVE my electric razor. No water, lotion, or anything.... just buzz away for a bit and voilia! :-) No battery powered one here, a rechargeable ladies Remington. Worth every penny, I've had it for 4 years now, and only replaced the foils 1x.

Edited by lcelmer
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Ummm... well, you mean I am supposed to shave?!?!? I don't for the majority of the year, and am quite comfortable this way. When I do shave I use the soap I prefer for my body, which is a natural soap.



I'm with them. :)

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