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"K" Adoption Update - One last hurdle in Odessa (please pray)

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Katya's passport should arrive back from Kiev today and all else is done, EXCEPT one signature from the police department related to removing Katya from the lease on her grandmother's apartment. It should be simple, yet often people just get pushed off from day-to-day. Because of people being out sick, the person in the property office was only there yesterday, so rather than being able to do that part on Tuesday and then give the police dept. several days to sign this paper, we brought it to them yesterday and are asking them to sign it today. Please pray that this person will just go ahead and sign the paper, and that Alyona (our facilitator) would have the discernment of exactly what to do to help make this happen. She is picking me and Katya up at 10:00 Ukrainian time, which is 4:00 AM EST, and we will go to the police station for however long it takes. Pray that by our persistent, polite presence, the official will just sign. Does this remind you of any particular Bible story?

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and we will go to the police station for however long it takes. Pray that by our persistent, polite presence, the official will just sign. Does this remind you of any particular Bible story?


Yep. Sure does. Bother them enough and they just do what you need to make you go away! :)


Hoping all goes well for you. You have my admiration. This child is blessed beyond measure.

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Papers not yet signed. Keep praying! We waited from 10:30 - 1:45, but then were told that the chief official was "out" until 3:00, so in 20 minutes, we'll go back and wait some more. We have heard that the passport is in; we just have to have this paper signed and "in hand" to pick up the passport. I'll let you know as soon as I can! THANK YOU!!!

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Mission ACCOMPLISHED! THANK YOU, JESUS!!! And thank YOU, amazing women for partnering with us. We leave Odessa on Sunday, and then are in Kiev until Wednesday afternoon. We fly from Kiev, through Frankfurt (I think) and then arrive in Dulles at 8:00 PM on Wednesday night! WOO-HOO!!!!


Wonderful! Congratulations. Now tell us it wasn't just as difficult as natural childbirth!


I'm very happy for you and your family, and especially for your new daughter who has lucked out big time by joining your family.

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Mission ACCOMPLISHED! THANK YOU, JESUS!!! And thank YOU, amazing women for partnering with us. We leave Odessa on Sunday, and then are in Kiev until Wednesday afternoon. We fly from Kiev, through Frankfurt (I think) and then arrive in Dulles at 8:00 PM on Wednesday night! WOO-HOO!!!!


Great news!!!!!

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Mission ACCOMPLISHED! THANK YOU, JESUS!!! And thank YOU, amazing women for partnering with us. We leave Odessa on Sunday, and then are in Kiev until Wednesday afternoon. We fly from Kiev, through Frankfurt (I think) and then arrive in Dulles at 8:00 PM on Wednesday night! WOO-HOO!!!!




awesome. :D



I'm curious though (always am LOL) ~ the police had to sign her off a lease? That struck me so strange, she's a little girl.. is that common there? Just thinking of how rental leases work here... you can't actually sign a lease agreement with someone (like roomates do) if you're under-age... and to have police involvement at that... very different!

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Mission ACCOMPLISHED! THANK YOU, JESUS!!! And thank YOU, amazing women for partnering with us. We leave Odessa on Sunday, and then are in Kiev until Wednesday afternoon. We fly from Kiev, through Frankfurt (I think) and then arrive in Dulles at 8:00 PM on Wednesday night! WOO-HOO!!!!


What a relief! When I read the post about the official being out until three, my heart sank. Thank you for keeping us updated. :grouphug::party:

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Woo-hoo! Still flying! Tomorrow will be busy, but a different busy than today. Liliya is taking Katya and I back over to Tamara's house to pack Katya's things and say "Good-bye." This will be hard for all of us. Just pray. Then in the afternoon, Katya and I will go over to a missionary friends' flat who have three daughters. We had dinner with them several nights ago and the girls enjoyed playing. Katya was in the middle of a project and has been invited to finish it up. Then we're going for dinner over to Alyona's our facilitator's house. Packing shouldn't be too hard since we just are landing in Kiev for a few days, but it still feels like a bit much to try and do tomorrow.

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