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DD, not even 2yo, has started catapulting out of the crib

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I'm sick to my stomach, and can't sleep. She has jumped out of the crib three times today! Once before Dh went to work (which I was unaware of, but he thought I heard it), once with me, and now she just did it again. It was such a thud! No crying or anything ..no warning.


The crib mattress is at it's lowest setting, and she is short, so I don't understand how she's getting out.


We have a toddler bed in the basement, but if we put that up she would roam around freely, and we've caught her trying to climb over the (tall) safety gate!


I'll check in tomorrow for help. :confused:

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There is something that can go over the crib, like a net, but keeps the kids in the crib. I never used it. [Didn't need it, my kids weren't really climbers] My girlfriend did for one of her children. It worked. I don't know what it is called, but I am sure you could find it at babiesrus. Good luck.

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:lol: I am sorry for laughing but your post brought back so many memories of catching my daughter climbing out of her crib. We had to stack baby gates, then she ended up just sleeping on mattress on the floor with her brother so that he could catch her when she tried the Midnight Wandering!

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We put my youngest in a toddler bed, and then put one of the child-proof doorknobs on the inside of his door. That way, he could get up and play around, but he couldn't leave his room.


My middle kiddo figured out those child-proof knobs within a few days of installing them, though, so that won't work for every child.

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My twins started to climb out of their cribs at 15 months. But both are tall. One was very good at knobs, while the other had the strength to move furniture.

I moved them to my bed & used a musquito net & tucked it in tight under the mattress. That worked for few months. Then one of them figured to pull it & the other slid down the tall bed. The other followed her. Every morning they would end up on the cold floor all over the house. So we packed all the breakables & child proofed the entire house. We used the barriers with netting to the kitchen entrance (needed a high jump for adults to get in & kids did not get enough grip to climb over) & locked up our office room. Front & back door got one of those latches on the top. Laundry room that leads to the garage was kept locked all the time & a netted barrier. Both bathrooms were locked at all times. Lived like this until they turned 4!

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I bought a European baby bag....




I put the crib at loewst...tucked baby in bag and he could not get that little leg over the top. When he figured out how to fling out...I put the mattress on the floor...him in the bag and gated the door.


Everytime he tried to get out, I said NO! and put him back in bed. and kissed him goodnoght. No conversation...no making it a game or we would have been at it all night with this one. He turned out to be a great sleeper, but still very curious...LOL




It also helps to have a baby monitor so you can sleep better yourself...and make sure your doors to outside are locked well!

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Well, we're up.:glare: She tried it again, but DH ran in and caught her before she got out. It's very tiring playing catch football with a 1 yo all night.


Smartypants jumped out of her crib, but she was over 2, more mature, and had the good sense to throw her blankets on the floor first to pad her fall. :biggrinjester:


Thank you all.

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I can feel your pain. Been there and done that!! (He's 7 now - and now we're climbing trees taller than my house.... UGH!!)


I think you have 2 options - get a crib dome or get them out of the crib an on a toddler bed. [We went with the dome and it worked great.] It's entirely too dangerous to let a toddler climb out of a crib. It's just too easy for a little one to break and arm or leg climbing out.

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We also did the toddler bed/tall safety gate thing. For a brief period we even stacked the gates in a downstairs doorway.


You said she was trying to get over the safety gate. Did she make it? If not, it might be your easiest/quickest bet. It could work for now while you consider other options -- especially because you already have the bed and the gate.


Good luck!

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OKAY. THAT'S IT! She just woke up whining, and I put my eye to the crack of her door to see if I could see how she was getting out. I can only see part of the crib, so I couldn't tell. She starts whining louder and then stops and says, "Mommy?" I open the door and she is STRADDLED OVER THE CRIB RAIL like a horse back rider (presumably on her way over the top).


I'm going to have to get the toddler bed from the basement.

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We also did the toddler bed/tall safety gate thing. For a brief period we even stacked the gates in a downstairs doorway.


You said she was trying to get over the safety gate. Did she make it? If not, it might be your easiest/quickest bet. It could work for now while you consider other options -- especially because you already have the bed and the gate.


Good luck!


She couldn't get over the gate, so she went and got her chair from the school room and put it against the gate. This was the gate at the bottom of the stairs. So dangerous!


She is capable of going up and down the stairs, but we keep the gate up so she doesn't play on them. Her jumping off of everything is a constant danger.

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We put my youngest in a toddler bed, and then put one of the child-proof doorknobs on the inside of his door. That way, he could get up and play around, but he couldn't leave his room.


My middle kiddo figured out those child-proof knobs within a few days of installing them, though, so that won't work for every child.


This is what we did with all 3 girls. We woke up many times with them laying on the floor asleep, but at least they weren't free to wander. My firefighter father says you really should keep bedroom doors shut at night anyway. (Which made me feel better about locking my children in their room essentially.)


Ds figured out the child-proof doorknob covers before he started climbing out of his crib.

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Cut the feet off a one-piece sleeper so you can put her in it backwards so she can not get out of it. Before you do, though, take some string (not mere thread) and sew the legs together just below the knee! That way she can not left her leg to get it over the crib side.


I did this for a few months when my twins were startgin to climb out and I was not ready to have them in a toddler bed yet.

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my little one started climbing out of her crib at 8 MONTHS!!!!!!!!!!!! Scary stuff crib tent thing didn't work because she figured out how to undo the zipper thing, now she sleeps on a mattress on the floor, we live in a double wide so we don't worry about stairs, oh and Cali is 11 months old now any thing that is climb over able with something she can get her feet on or wrap her toes around is out of the question.

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My first did this at about the same age. I was afraid he'd break his neck. As others suggested, we put his crib mattress on the floor and baby-proofed his room. Only soft toys within reach, and nothing stimulating. We also turned the doorknob around so it locked from the outside because I was afraid he'd wander the house and fall down the stairs.


Then we started co-sleeping and never had that problem with the other two!

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The one safety issue I couldn't resolve was her dresser. It's small, but even bolted to the wall, it's still dangerous because she pulls out the drawers to climb on them.


My sister just suggested I put the dresser in her closet. I'm happy she thought of that because DD's closet is big enough for the dresser, and the closet doors are so stiff I have to yank them. She can't get those open at all.

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My 2 that used cribs were onto a crib mattress on the floor by 18 months for the same reason you just posted. They were escaping. Yes it took some adjustment to teach them to stay on their mat and not get up every 2 seconds when it was sleeping time, but they learned.

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My son could climb out of his wooden crib before he could walk, but he could not climb out of a soft-sided travel crib until he was a bit older. We used that for a while before converting to a bed with a rail.


(And now my baby is applying to colleges--where did the years go?)



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My son could climb out of his wooden crib before he could walk, but he could not climb out of a soft-sided travel crib until he was a bit older. We used that for a while before converting to a bed with a rail.


(And now my baby is applying to colleges--where did the years go?)




Yes. It made me very sad to take that crib down for the last time. It's done now, and Messypants is jumping up and down on the toddler bed yelling, "Wow!". I may have to just put the mattress on the floor. :glare:

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Cut the feet off a one-piece sleeper so you can put her in it backwards so she can not get out of it. Before you do, though, take some string (not mere thread) and sew the legs together just below the knee! That way she can not left her leg to get it over the crib side.


I did this for a few months when my twins were startgin to climb out and I was not ready to have them in a toddler bed yet.


That is BRILLIANT! I wish I had heard this before I forked out the money for the two crib tents we've had to buy over the years.

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The one safety issue I couldn't resolve was her dresser. It's small, but even bolted to the wall, it's still dangerous because she pulls out the drawers to climb on them.


My sister just suggested I put the dresser in her closet. I'm happy she thought of that because DD's closet is big enough for the dresser, and the closet doors are so stiff I have to yank them. She can't get those open at all.


Way to go sis! That's a great fix!

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