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Flat screen tv over the fireplace - anyone done this?

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I saw your thread title and immediately thought, "Hey, my IRL friend was just asking about that the other day!" ;)


I was just gonna tell you tomorrow, but I'll say it now that where we have our TV is right about mantle height and I didn't realize that when I told you the other day that I thought it would be too high. (ETA: Katy just read this and laughed and asked, "did you write that when you were really tired?!"


(Clear as mud?) To be more clear, I was wrong, it probably is NOT too high.

Edited by ThatCyndiGirl
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We had our tube TV in a box area above our piano. It worked very well and gave us that extra room we needed.


However, when we switched to a flat screen, it didn't look right. I mean, viewing the screen wasn't right. We had to move everything all around to accommodate the flat screen as it really looked the best when viewed from eye-level. I'm not sure why that is......


But, I wouldn't put it above a fireplace. Sorry. JMO.

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We have ours mounted on the wall above our gas fireplace. The mounting hardware is the type that lets you move the tv quite a bit. Ours is angled down just enough so that it is easier to watch.


We have the connections for cable, dvd and electricity in the wall behind the tv, so the cables don't show and the dvd and cable box are on a bookcase on the other wall. My dh was able to run the cables behind the walls from the tv to the wall behind the bookcase. If any cables are cords would be showing, I wouldn't mount it above the fireplace.

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We had a tv over the fireplace for 4 yrs in a previous home. I swore I would never have that situation again. I didn't like having the tv as the focal point of the entire room. Currently we have a fireplace wall and a flat screen on the adjacent wall. Works better for us.

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It doesn't seem too high for us. It is not my preferred station for the flat screen, but we had no other option. I was also worried about it being too high, but I haven't found it to be so. The only time I see any neck craning is when the littles sit in the floor directly in front of the hearth. And I have no idea why they are there in the first place LOL


Thanks (whoever it was)for pointing out the heat issue though, I did wonder briefly about that. But when I realized this was the only place for it, I guess I just shrugged and moved on.

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I asked about this last week. After researching it, we decided to rearrange our furniture and use a blank wall instead.


What specifically did you find in your research that concerned you?


FTR, the fireplace is a large brick one. We have a fireplace insert so smoke is not an issue. As for heat, the area about the mantel does not get warm.


Although we have a plug in the mantel, we do not have outlets for our cable. We would run that between the bricks and paint to match.


DH was wondering if we could get some wireless set up to minimize the wires.

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We don't have television in our home, but I personally don't like the look of a tv over the fireplace. I like our fireplace and mantel to be decorated - and look like home - not be all technical and electronic.


I've seen this done in many homes and it's just a personal preference. I don't know how it would be watching it.

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We have ours mounted on the wall above our gas fireplace. The mounting hardware is the type that lets you move the tv quite a bit. Ours is angled down just enough so that it is easier to watch.


We have the connections for cable, dvd and electricity in the wall behind the tv, so the cables don't show and the dvd and cable box are on a bookcase on the other wall. My dh was able to run the cables behind the walls from the tv to the wall behind the bookcase. If any cables are cords would be showing, I wouldn't mount it above the fireplace.


We have this same setup. All of our components, except the wii, are actually in the closet in my bedroom and we have a remote that works through the wall. We also have wires running through the wall to an facing wall in our living room where we have a plate to which we can hook up an mp3 player, a camera, a computer, and the wii. The will is on a bookcase behind a strategically placed family picture when not in use.


We love this set up. The only issue I have ever had is that it took some doing to get used to the height of the sensor bar for the wii. For simple viewing the height is great!


Our fireplace is gas and we never actually turn it on (I hate the gas logs) so the heat is not an issue for us.

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We did this but now I regret it because I've been told that I can't use that fire place because it will damage the TV. I would rather use the fire place.

:iagree: I'm having the same problem here. Our tv is in our great room, I wish we had a basement with a family room in it, but we don't. I hate the big loud box (my dh and dad both have hearing isues from being in the army:patriot:). I wish they would read quitely in front of the fireplace with me but no!!!:rolleyes:

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I came back to post on this again.


I had a thought this weekend about why some people my consider it too high, and others may not.


Most of the fireplaces I am around are about 12" or more off the floor, and have a full mantel. I have been fireplace shopping lately and realized that this may not be common in all areas, so if a tv is mounted up above a fireplace at floor level....it may not be too high after all.


I would still be concerned about a wood burning fire place. I was house cleaning for a friend who has a fireplace, and while everything looked very clean above the fireplace, when I washed the mantel, there was a lot of soot on the cloth.

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