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Over 40 - skin care/make-up/brands/etc. - Advice?

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Okay, so I'm over forty (43) and really would just love to know what you love for skincare, make-up, etc. I've bought everything through a sweet friend who is an Mary Kay consultant for several years, but she is stopping MK and so I'm considering my next steps. What are your suggestions? In the past I used Clinique until I started with MK. I don't wear a lot of make-up and am interested mostly in skin care. Suggestions? TIA!!!

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I highly recommend giving Liz Earle a try.



I use the the cleanse & polish hot cloth cleanser twice a day, and the moisturizer on my neck and chest at night. It's natural, it smell good, my skin is in the best shape it's ever been in. For what it's worth, I've used it for 3 years now, I'm 37 and I have health issues that damage my skin. Honestly the girlfriend who gave me these products as a gift, changed my life. Once I finish using up my Shiseido eye products I'll switch to LE eye creams.

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I keep it really simple. I dont use soap, I dont cleanse. SOmetimes I use a scrub.

When I get out of the shower, I moisturise with an organic moisturiser.

I honestly think most of what they sell for skin is completely unecessary. If I cant get moisturiser or I run out, I use a small amount of coconut oil.

I dont have skin problems, but I think "skin problems" are often the results of pasting chemicals on our faces year after year.

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I'm not yet 40, but I recetly started using Bare Minerals and love it. I love their cleansers and skin care stuff too.


I am 50 and use Bare Minerals and love it.


For night moisturing/aging control I use Roc Skin Creme from the drug store:




For daytime moisturizer I use Aveeno Poisitively Radiant Daily Moisturizer from Walmart:



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I keep it really simple. I dont use soap, I dont cleanse. SOmetimes I use a scrub.

When I get out of the shower, I moisturise with an organic moisturiser.

I honestly think most of what they sell for skin is completely unecessary. If I cant get moisturiser or I run out, I use a small amount of coconut oil.

I dont have skin problems, but I think "skin problems" are often the results of pasting chemicals on our faces year after year.


I must agree with this!

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I'm 45, with very oily skin that still breaks out frequently. I use benzoyl peroxide from Acne.org, which helps a lot. I wash with a gel cleanser from Biore. I don't always use moisturizer, but sometimes use one for oily skin from Paula's Choice, or one I bought at Whole Foods that is for oily skin and has tea tree oil.


I use Bare Escentuals mineral makeup as foundation.

Michelle T

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I use philosophy skin care (Purity, Hope in a Jar & Microdelivery). Very gentle products with great results.


I use and am also very pleased with Bare Escentuals mineral make-up.



I've been using Purity (it's a cleanser), too, and I love it! I am amazed at how well it takes off my makeup -especially my mascara - I don't have to rub/scrub and one washing does the trick.


Oh, and I'm 40.

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I'm 40 and have not found any skin care line to make a huge difference. Now I use natural products as much as possible. I use an aspirin mask once a week or so. (use 6 or so regular aspirins and a tiny amount of water to make a paste. Spread on face and let dry. Do not use if allergic. ) I also use orgainic yogurt w/ honey weekly for moisturizing. There are lots of natural recipes online if you're interested. I also use natural products on my hair. Otherwise, I have read that MaMa lotion is very good. Retinols are the rx way to go.

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The absolute best skincare I've ever used is Nicole Miller's line of skin care by Melaleuca. I was a MK user for years, and even took sample sizes on vacation so I wouldn't have to carry full sized bottles of the NM stuff. When I got home and back to using my NM, my skin looked refreshed and better by the 2nd day home!


I've toyed with changing to something less expensive (it's comparable cost-wise to MK or Clinique) and I've toyed with quitting Melaleuca for various reasons, but the NM stuff is what has me hanging on.


I've also looked into Philosophy and Aldi's brand called Lacura, both of which get fabulous reviews. Lacura is ridiculously INexpensive, too.


But, for now, I'm still with Nicole Miller and love it.



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A few years ago, I switched to Bare Minerals and LOVE it! I am really bad about not taking makeup off before bed, and heard this makeup line was actually beneficial for the skin. I drink lots of water, use Cetaphil to cleanse, and Wexler products for moisturizing. I'll turn 45 Friday and for the last year or so am having issues with acne! Ugh! My teenaged dd, 15, has been after me to have girls' spa night and do facials. I think I'll go find her now =)


Smiles (with a few faint crow's feet),


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I highly recommend giving Liz Earle a try.



I use the the cleanse & polish hot cloth cleanser twice a day, and the moisturizer on my neck and chest at night. It's natural, it smell good, my skin is in the best shape it's ever been in. For what it's worth, I've used it for 3 years now, I'm 37 and I have health issues that damage my skin. Honestly the girlfriend who gave me these products as a gift, changed my life. Once I finish using up my Shiseido eye products I'll switch to LE eye creams.


Wow, I'm not the OP, but thanks for this link. This looks great, the ingredients are fantastic. I know what I want for Christmas now (if I can wait that long).



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Another Philosophy fan here. I'm 41 and use the Purity cleanser, Hope in a Jar and Microdelivery gentle cleanser. I also use their makeup line (the Supernatural mineral powder makeup, not their liquid type, but I've heard it's great) and fragrance. Haven't had a "dud" from them yet. (I'm a former Clinique and Estee Lauder user...)

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