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How old do *I* look?

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I couldn't answer the other post because I really have no idea. And I'm terrible about guessing ages of other people as well.


So, how old does this woman look to you? :)

Except for the fact that I usually wear solid colored t-shirts around the house, this is what I look like every day. I'm 37. Do I look older, younger or about my age?


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I couldn't answer the other post because I really have no idea. And I'm terrible about guessing ages of other people as well.


So, how old does this woman look to you? :)

Except for the fact that I usually wear solid colored t-shirts around the house, this is what I look like every day. I'm 37. Do I look older, younger or about my age?




Honest answer... late 20s.... you look very young....

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Sorry, my filter blocks your picture, and I could override it, but that would require a password that escapes me right now. I couldn't answer the other question either. I honestly assume everyone else is my age, unless it obvious that's not case, but then I think of them as younger or older (not necessarily a number age). I'm close in age to you, but I like your number better...

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I am surprised by your answers. I always assumed that anyone who questioned my age was really questioning the age difference between my husband and I (He's 54).


Yah, but he looks young for his age, too! Plus, his energetic spirit makes him seem about half that age! Gorgeous picture of you, by the way. You look younger than your age.

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I doubt anyone is really going to come out and post, "Oh, gee, I think you look way older than you really are!"


I don't know why they wouldn't if that's what they really thought. For one thing, who among us is known for keeping her thought to herself? ;)

Additionally, I don't think I gave any indication that it's a topic I am sensitive about. I certainly am not. I was simply curious after reading the related age/appearance thread. :)

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Also, Crissy, I just looked at your blog and saw the old photos of your dad's family. When was he born? I have very similar photos of my dad's family when he was a boy. He was born in 1930 in Oklahoma. Out of 6 kids, my dad was the oldest, and the only one who got to wear shoes for a long time, because he had to help on the farm. The rest of the kids went barefoot. If I ever get the pictures scanned and uploaded online, I'd love to show them to you.

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Also, Crissy, I just looked at your blog and saw the old photos of your dad's family. When was he born? I have very similar photos of my dad's family when he was a boy. He was born in 1930 in Oklahoma. Out of 6 kids, my dad was the oldest, and the only one who got to wear shoes for a long time, because he had to help on the farm. The rest of the kids went barefoot. If I ever get the pictures scanned and uploaded online, I'd love to show them to you.


Dad was born in '46, in Witchita Fall, TX. Both sides of his family came from Oklahoma, though.

I would love to see your family photos when you have a chance!

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I think I would say about 32 to 33. And about wondering if you get asked because of the age difference between you and your dh- my dh is 11 yrs older than I. I usually get my age guessed about 8 to 10 yrs younger than I am, but then so does my dh- no one ever thinks he is as old as he is either, or that there are that many years between us. I have met your dh and never would have guessed he was that much older than you- you both look younger than your age to me.

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I'm terrible at guessing other people's ages, too. Crissy, by your picture I would say late 20's to early 30's, but partly because you're too sophisticated to look younger. :) Your skin is gorgeous!


I feel like a kid when I realize what a huge responsibility it is to raise my own children, but 50 in the way my body feels a lot of the time. I suppose I look about my age (almost 34).

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Guest Virginia Dawn
Aw, Crissy! You're very pretty! You've got enough "I'm too smart to put up w/...garbage? ;)" to pass for much under 30, but I wouldn't have guessed you were 37!


How about 32?



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...I mentioned that one of the reasons I think I might appear younger to folks is my husband. He's older, and for some reason, I just think that when an age difference becomes physically apparent, it seems a little more dramatic than it really is, sometimes? I don't know. Purely un-scientific theory. :-)


(And just in case anyone thinks I'm dissing my poor husband's looks...I believe that most men actually look good with a little age on them. I dig the fact that he looks a little grayed and weathered. :-) And, as I said, I may be totally fooling myself, and I may look a lot older than I think I do, LOL!)

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. I'm 37. Do I look older, younger or about my age?




My guess would have been 32-35. I think you have very beautiful skin & eyes too. I'd say younger but you have a look of athority about you in that picture and your (cute but shorter styled) hair, gives you a few years over the longer pony tail-able style would do.


Great way to get others inputs. I'd do it if I could figure out how to add a picture!

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You definitely look younger to me than what you say your age is. ;) You have especially beautiful eyes that turn up a bit and look thoughtful (mine turn down so I'm jealous). I can't believe that you cut your own hair.


So to summarize: you are a gorgeous young thing. :) I need some Photoshoppin'. :D

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I couldn't answer the other post because I really have no idea. And I'm terrible about guessing ages of other people as well.


So, how old does this woman look to you? :)

Except for the fact that I usually wear solid colored t-shirts around the house, this is what I look like every day. I'm 37. Do I look older, younger or about my age?



I think you are very beautiful and youngish looking. I don't look that fresh and lovely and I am your age! :) I think you would look even younger and more lovely if you were smiling. :)

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