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Boys and gas

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Not the intestinal kind. :D The kind that goes in vehicles. At what age do you let your boys (or girls for that matter) start pumping gas for you?


My son is 9 1/2. I'd like to start teaching him how to do it. Opinions wanted.


No opinion here, but I was SURE you were gonna talk about the intestinal kind. :D

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I have started to work with my son on this - but he's young. I want him to be in the habit of serving others and finding ways to be helpful. I would check the pump though - there are notes there about how old the pumper can be - legalities and all. Even if he can't pump - he can be in the habit of gathering trash and washing the windshield.

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The point? Ummmmm....the point would be ME longer having to do it. But I agree he is probably still too young at 9 1/2.


LOL - this is so funny - I just came home from pumping gas and went through this entire thought process at the gas station - why can't 14yo dd pump for me? Oh, that's right, must be a licensed driver to pump. What about with parental supervision? That's something that would be useful to teach before they *need* to know how, isn't it? Man, the government really has to save us from ourselves in some cases... (you get the idea).


Anyway, for some reason, the latch stuck on the pump, and when the tank was full started gushing gas out all over my car and onto the ground! I know there are warnings on the pump to stay close for that reason, but that has never happened to me before! So I guess there's my answer for why it may not be a good idea for younger kids to pump?

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My DS is 12 and he has been pumping the gas since he was 11. It never occurred to me that there might be a law about it. He doesn't do it all by himself, though; I'm out there with him incase he needs help. He just wanted to be able to help out and I thought it would be a good thing for him to learn.


OTOH, he has been mowing the lawn by himself for a few years now, and he puts gas in the lawn mower by himself whenever it is needed.

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LOL - this is so funny - I just came home from pumping gas and went through this entire thought process at the gas station - why can't 14yo dd pump for me? Oh, that's right, must be a licensed driver to pump. What about with parental supervision? That's something that would be useful to teach before they *need* to know how, isn't it? Man, the government really has to save us from ourselves in some cases... (you get the idea).


Anyway, for some reason, the latch stuck on the pump, and when the tank was full started gushing gas out all over my car and onto the ground! I know there are warnings on the pump to stay close for that reason, but that has never happened to me before! So I guess there's my answer for why it may not be a good idea for younger kids to pump?


Thanks for this. I talked to mom just now and she pointed out that 9 year olds don't generally have quick reflexes and good decision making skills in crisis....so for now I will wait.

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My DS is 12 and he has been pumping the gas since he was 11. It never occurred to me that there might be a law about it. He doesn't do it all by himself, though; I'm out there with him incase he needs help. He just wanted to be able to help out and I thought it would be a good thing for him to learn.


OTOH, he has been mowing the lawn by himself for a few years now, and he puts gas in the lawn mower by himself whenever it is needed.


My 9 year old mows the lawn too, but just started this summer. I only let him put the gas in once with my supervision.


As for the car gas, I think I will let him start getting out with me like another poster suggested....let him run the debit car through, clean my windshield, get trash out.....and watch me do the actual pumping. Like mom told me he is a little young to do it by himself but the time has come for him to understand this is a job men should do for women if possible.

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I wouldn't allow it until they could drive. However, I have started teaching him how to do the windows while I pump the gas to help out. He also helps poppa out to change the oil and such. It will be a while(several years) before he can do any of that on his own in the meantime he is getting a chance to help out. He really enjoys doing these things.

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Not the intestinal kind. :D The kind that goes in vehicles.

I've just seen a hitherto unrealised positive of our using the word "petrol"


OK, as for the question. Well we do it. Our 15yo doesn't do it either, not that he has asked to. I actually find the pump hard to hold myself as I have little hands and I don't want the kids exposed to those fumes anytime before they need to. When they are driving will be soon enough.

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I had never heard of a law about it! My kids have been pumping gas for years! I never would have considered a 9yr old that mom thought capable of it as being too young either.


Well, I'm certainly not gonna stop them from doing it. Rule is that the front seat passenger does it. I'm not changing the rule!


(oh, okay, if someone linked the LAW saying my son couldn't, I guess he'd get out of it because I believe in following the law....I'm just hoping there is no such law and/or that no one decides to link it!)

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Not the intestinal kind. :D The kind that goes in vehicles. At what age do you let your boys (or girls for that matter) start pumping gas for you?


My son is 9 1/2. I'd like to start teaching him how to do it. Opinions wanted.

I also thought you were heading the other way. :) Make sure you read the little sticker on the pumps about the laws. I found out that it was illegal for people under a certain age (16) to pump gas in my state - amazing what I find when I start reading laws. In some states (Oregon) gas has to be pumped by a professional for some reason that I don't understand. And btw, girls need to know how to pump gas too.

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Every state I've lived in does not allow it, by law, until age 16. So we allowed it at age 16.


Not the intestinal kind. :D The kind that goes in vehicles. At what age do you let your boys (or girls for that matter) start pumping gas for you?


My son is 9 1/2. I'd like to start teaching him how to do it. Opinions wanted.

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We live in Oregon, and as a previous poster mentioned, there is a law against pumping your own gas. Station attendants do it for you. Not sure of the history of it, but we were surprised when we moved here a couple of years ago. It's a nice thing when it's blowing freezing rain or wind, but not so great when you're in a rush and your attendant isn't.


Regarding the comment about teaching your girls how to pump gas too... I could have used some lessons. When I took driver's ed and was doing my practice driving with the instructor, he stopped at a gas station and told me to pump the gas while he went into the convenience store. I don't think I ever had, and wasn't aware that when the pump "clicks" it means it's sensed the tank is full. I kept trying to pump more in, until I noticed the gas spilling onto the ground. :tongue_smilie: As an adult, if you've been doing it forever, it may seem to be obvious, but it's not necessarily!


Erica in OR

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