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Bio Dad wants flight number so he can show how much $$$ he's spent for a "Tax/Credit

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Hey There,


I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas about what my daughter's dad could be up to... I have a few... but...


He wants a record... that supposedly has nothing to do with lessening any money that I receive... about all the flights that he's paid for... out to his house.


I asked him, "Tax Credit?" I've never heard of anything like that for airplane tix. I said... you gotta admit... that sounds funny/weird.


He says that he doesn't see how it's anything I'd want to get into with him... about his and his wife's business.


I have to think that anytime he says "Trust Me" I should get scared.



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If he's paying for the flights, why doesn't he have some sort of record of it? Shouldn't he at least have a credit card statement or whatever? If he wants the information tracked then he needs to track it. eta: I notice on the other thread you said "worldperks #" I would assume he wants to use the miles he paid for. I'm not sure how to handle that.

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I'd say something like, "Gee, I didn't keep any kind of records. I don't have that info. I guess now that you know about the tax stuff, you can start keeping records from now on, but I'm afraid I don't have any of the info you're looking for.)


If HE needs the info, HE can track it down himself. If you had it handy, there's no reason not to give it to him, but you don't. There's no reason for you to do the work for him. He and his wife will have to.



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If you had it handy, there's no reason not to give it to him, but you don't. There's no reason for you to do the work for him. He and his wife will have to.




Well, I might be able to access it, but I think that SOMEHOW he's planning to use it against me, and I'm not sure I wanna help with that. (OK, I don't want to help him do that!) If it was for taxes, then why would he have to have it by Wednesday, which is the timeframe he gave me?

I'm thinking that he's looking to reduce his child support, or somehow lower the money he's spending.



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having the flight numbers wouldn't be considered a tax receipt or give him the cost of the flight. The only thing I can think of that you could acquire from flight numbers is frequent flier miles. Or, as you said, something against you related to the travel? WEIRD and very suspicious!

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Well, I might be able to access it, but I think that SOMEHOW he's planning to use it against me, and I'm not sure I wanna help with that. (OK, I don't want to help him do that!) If it was for taxes, then why would he have to have it by Wednesday, which is the timeframe he gave me?

I'm thinking that he's looking to reduce his child support, or somehow lower the money he's spending.




Well, I have to admit, it does sound odd to be freaking out about tax-related info in October. Maybe you're right to be suspicious. Have you talked to your lawyer about it?



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It is simple - He wants to go to court with proof of outflow of money so he can reduce child support - I have seen this happen; child support was reduced to $6 a month to compensate for airfare.

Also, he may be wanting YOUR WRITTEN validation for some sneakier purpose. Lets face it - if he REALLY wanted that information he could call his CC company and ask for back-statements.

If it were me, I would be sweet but not give him anything and suggestions on how to contact his cc company - IOW, play dumb - be nice - put nothing in writing - beware of being taped.





Edited by 5KidzRUs
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It is simple - He wants to go to court with proof of outflow of money so he can reduce child support - I have seen this happen; child support was reduced to $6 a month to compensate for airfare.

Also, he may be wanting YOUR WRITTEN validation for some sneakier purpose. Lets face it - if he REALLY wanted that information he could call his CC company and ask for back-statements.

If it were me, I would be sweet but not give him anything and suggestions on how to contact his cc company - IOW, play dumb - be nice - put nothing in writing - beware of being taped.










Sounds like an attempt to reduce child support by including flights as part of his expenses. Let him or his lawyer do the work - not your job.

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If you paid for it I would tell him tough luck.


If he paid for it I would tell him to keep better records next time.


Basically, its his problem.

:iagree:Frankly, it doesn't matter if it is legit or not. As he stated, it is his business and therefore his problem.


Well, I have to admit, it does sound odd to be freaking out about tax-related info in October. Maybe you're right to be suspicious. Have you talked to your lawyer about it?


If he filed an extension, his taxes are due Oct.15.



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If he owns a business is he trying to use the receipts for those flights as some sort of "business expense"? That would be the only way I can see a tax credit coming out of an airline flight. Of course that would mean he's somehow saying that your daughter was an employee, or customer....which seems highly unlikely. So therefore one could conclude he's trying to use her flights for tax fraud. While your providing him the documentation would not make you liable in the government's eyes, as obviously you're only providing documents not telling him to lie to the IRS....I'd still dig my feet in and refuse. If in fact he paid for the flights then let him go back to his credit card company and get documentation....IRS accepts that as proof in lieu of the receipt from the airline. But it also means that you don't have to feel guilty about your small part in his fraud.


You also mentioned something about "lessening any money I receive".....in that case you should look over your support orders very carefully. Sometimes courts will order the parents to share in travel expenses when the parents live far apart.....but he won't be able to use that retroactively so if it's not in the order, he would first have to change the order and then travel after that would be shared.


The only other thing I can think of right now.....did you use to live closer to him, and YOU moved away? After the support order was created? In that case, he could be making preparations to try to change the support order, wherein he would be showing the court that YOUR moving away is costing him more money to see his daughter than was anticipated when the court order was made and therefore he's asking that the court reduce the support order because his expenses have gone up. Unfortunately, if that's his motivation, giving him the documentation or not isn't going to help, because the court will accept his credit card statements, and his attorney will do depositions or other means of getting your testimony about the child's travel arrangements. And unfortunately if the move was of your choice, then you'll need to prove that it was in the best interest of the child, or your ability to earn a living, etc etc, or he may be entitled to either a lower support, or the better for you would be to share the costs (either 50/50 or some other percentage).....it's usually better for you to share the costs because you can shop around for a deal and if travel doesn't take place as scheduled, you'd still have the lower support. Run the numbers based on how often she visits, etc.


I'm sorry that you have to go through this.....divorce is never quite a clean break when there are children involved.

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I don't believe the part about the taxes. My husband does taxes for a living and I have never heard of anyone needing this information. A deductible for child is a flat amount and one's taxes are not affected by expenses for a child, except perhaps medical costs. I took several expensive plane trips with some of our children this year and I wish they were tax deductible!


It all sounds fishy to me. I second the play dumb recommendation.

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I don't believe the part about the taxes. My husband does taxes for a living and I have never heard of anyone needing this information. A deductible for child is a flat amount and one's taxes are not affected by expenses for a child, except perhaps medical costs. I took several expensive plane trips with some of our children this year and I wish they were tax deductible!


It all sounds fishy to me. I second the play dumb recommendation.


Isn't there a "child support paid out" section? Perhaps he is including flight expenses in with what he paid out to you to as child support expenses.

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It's official - I asked my husband who is a CPA and does taxes. He said that the only reason he could think of that someone may need that information for tax purposes is if they were claiming them as a business expense. My husband travels very occasionally with one of the children to a business conference and employs them to help him at the conference, and then the flight is tax deductible. He couldn't think of any other reason your ex would need this info. for tax purposes.

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Hey There,


I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas about what my daughter's dad could be up to... I have a few... but...


He wants a record... that supposedly has nothing to do with lessening any money that I receive... about all the flights that he's paid for... out to his house.


I asked him, "Tax Credit?" I've never heard of anything like that for airplane tix. I said... you gotta admit... that sounds funny/weird.


He says that he doesn't see how it's anything I'd want to get into with him... about his and his wife's business.


I have to think that anytime he says "Trust Me" I should get scared.




He could be building a case with his wife on why he should move closer to you. He could be totalling how much it costs for transportation, and see if saving that would offset a loss of income if he moved.










And if you buy that, I've got a bridge to sell you. :lol:

He may have a reason that does not negatively affect you, but I'm with those who say he should keep track of what he pays for, he shouldn't be expecting you to tell him all the related details.

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He could be building a case with his wife on why he should move closer to you. He could be totalling how much it costs for transportation, and see if saving that would offset a loss of income if he moved.

And if you buy that, I've got a bridge to sell you. :lol:

He may have a reason that does not negatively affect you, but I'm with those who say he should keep track of what he pays for, he shouldn't be expecting you to tell him all the related details.


That is SOOO funny. When I first started reading it... I was thinking, "I don't think so...." and then I got to the bottom of your email:-)....


I moved while I was still pregnant.... 11 1/2 years ago. Shouldn't have been a problem for him, since he wanted me to have an abortion.. and he said that he wanted me to move.... and then, of course, now... he says... that he didn't want me to move... only not to be with me:-)


Bummer for him! I'm as far away as I could be without dropping into the water:-) (Him in MI.. me in OR:-)


Funny how he says that he doesn't see why I'd wanna be in their business... since he told me so much of it before... unsolicited.... I was so warped/wrapped that I listened... trying to understand why he wanted to be with her..... (BTW, supposedly it was because she offered to pay his way through his Masters... wonder if she knows this.)


I will be SO sad when my child is 18.. and our time at this stage is through.... but SO HAPPY when I no longer have to deal with him!!! (at least in this way....) Of course... weddings... graduations.. grandchildren... but not with this type of control...


6.5 years.....



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Well, I might be able to access it, but I think that SOMEHOW he's planning to use it against me, and I'm not sure I wanna help with that. (OK, I don't want to help him do that!) If it was for taxes, then why would he have to have it by Wednesday, which is the timeframe he gave me?

I'm thinking that he's looking to reduce his child support, or somehow lower the money he's spending.




But in my experience, I would say that he is attempting to reduce child support in the amount of airfare that he spends to transport dc to him. I have no idea if he can do this.....and when has that seemed to make any difference.....but when I was in that situation, I only had to look as far as the connection between whatever he was asking for and how it could be used to decrease his monthly obligation -- b/c he was so original, you know.:glare:

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